Jeff the killer x male reader

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Y/n sat on Jeff's bed waiting for him to come back, after a few minuets he walked in "why my bed" he whined making y/n smile, Jeff sat cross legged inbetween y/n's legs "bored" he sighed looking up at his shy boyfriend "I'll run you a bath" he mumbled into jeffs black hair, Jeff smiled as y/n stood up and walked into the bathroom.

After a few minuets y/n walked out shirtless showing off his 6 pack and slightly wet skin, Jeff smirked and pulled y/n into the bathroom.

Jeff lay in the water as y/n traced patterns into the water, he had his head on his arm that was resting on the ledge of the bath, Jeff sat up making y/n look at him then he quickly kissed y/n, he smiled and kissed back, "baby can we take this to the bed?" Jeff moaned as y/n sucked on his neck, y/n rolled his e/c eyes then quickly picked jeff out of the bath and walked him over to the bed, Jeff moaned as he saw the hungry look in his boyfriends cold e/c eyes, he crawled over jeff and kissed down his body making him gasp and arch his back "y/n skip, I need the main event" Jeff breathed, y/n groaned and licked up Jeff's length "y/n~" Jeff moaned holding onto y/n's h/c hair as he wrapped his mouth around Jeff's member and sucked at a slow pace making him groan "bad y/n's, faster" he moaned tugging softly on y/n's s hair only for him to pull away and thrust 3 of his fingers into Jeff, he gasped and threw his head back "f-fuck~ uh~" he moaned turning his head to the side and closing his eyes in pleasure, after a few minuets y/n stopped and pulled his trousers off, Jeff groaned and flipped them over so he was on top and ripped y/n's boxers off "I said don't tease" he huffed before he slipped the tip into his entrance and groaned, y/n pulled Jeff's hips so he fell onto y/n's member and gasped as a few tears fell from his ocean blue eyes, y/n lifted his head and kissed him softly as he started thrusting into Jeff making him moan and roll his hips as him and y/n kissed, he wrapped his arms around y/n's neck so he could tangle his fingers into y/n's messy h/c hair.

Jeff lay on y/n's chest as they panted "I fucking love you, even if you are a teasing asshole" Jeff mumbled making y/n smile and hold him closer "I know you do love, and I also know how desperate you've been to use those toys under the bed" he smirked "how the fuck-" "I know these things Jeffy,  so how about I have some fun with them" he grinned making Jeff groan but let y/n do what he wanted.

creepypasta x cannibal male readerWhere stories live. Discover now