Chapter 4

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Jimin POV

I was halfway down the second block when I felt a hand grab my arm from behind.

I whirled around prepared to fight someone, but was shocked to see my doe eyed informant looking back at me with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Jeon?! You know it's dangerous for us to be seen together out in the open," I scolded with a frown as I hurriedly released myself from his hold, putting away my list.

"I know that," he muttered, scanning the area quickly before pulling me into a nearby alleyway by my wrist. I gasped as he dragged me behind him, nearly falling over my own feet as he ushered us over to the side of a nearby building. My heart raced as he forced me against the wall, but he was careful not to hurt me as he stood in front.

"Well what is it, Jungkook?" I asked worriedly. "Is something wrong?" Even in the alleyway, he was continuously checking to see if we were being watched.

"Huh? No. I-I um...I just- uh..." I frowned in confusion as he stuttered over his words. Normally he was composed and cocky, so seeing him like this was completely new to me.

"Jeon?" I pushed, trying to figure out why he was so flustered and acting so weird all of a sudden. He still had a firm grasp on my wrist and he gave it a squeeze before answering.

"I just wanted to s-say careful." My head jerked back slightly at his words, genuinely surprised that he had followed me across the street just to say that. I watched as he cleared his throat before speaking again. "You know, since h-have a leak. Just- promise me that you'll watch yourself, okay?"

My heart threatened to combust at the cute sight in front of me. I could see a glimpse of a blush on his cheeks as he stood there refusing to look at me properly. I couldn't help but stare at his handsome features as I forced myself not to laugh. Instead I leaned forward slightly, which caused him to finally make eye contact.

"Are you getting soft on me, Jeon?" I teased with a smirk.

"Of course not!" my informant exclaimed as he immediately retracted his hand from me with a huff. "You know what? J- just forget I said anything!" Jungkook replied as he ran his fingers through his hair roughly.

"I was only teasing," I replied in between laughs as I put my hands up innocently. "And don't worry, if something were to happen to me, I'll see to it that someone from my squad gives you your check."

"What?! No! That's not what I meant. I just..." he sighed as he took a step closer so that we were only a few inches apart. "...I don't want anything happening to you, alright?"

His gorgeous eyes met mine as I felt my ears heating up. I never knew what Jungkook was thinking, so it was a shock to hear him be so candid about his feelings. Most of the time he made jokes, but this was the first time I heard him...seemingly be genuine about expressing his thoughts.

The butterflies in my stomach that are always present when I'm around him were fluttering inside like crazy. It was nice to hear that he was concerned about me like I'm always concerned about him. I licked my lips nervously before speaking, trying my best not to let my guard down so easily.

"That's rich coming from you..." I stated softly. "Usually I'm the one saying that to you."

"Look I know I brush you off most of the time when you tell me that, but-" Jungkook cut himself off abruptly when he heard me scoff. "Okay fine, all the time," he mumbled in an irritated tone. I simply crossed my arms smugly as I waited for him to continue. "Regardless. I'm asking you to please be careful, okay?"

The worried look in his eyes made me want to melt against him, but my pride refused to show him any weaknesses. Jungkook has always made fun of my size and has even commented in the past that he was surprised the precinct would hire someone like me. It's safe to say that those words hurt and are part of the reason I keep my walls up around him. For all I knew this little act could be just for show or his way of saying once again that I couldn't handle myself.

"Fine... I will," I replied nonchalantly as I pushed myself off the wall and started to walk away. All of a sudden, Jungkook yanked me back by my forearm and cornered me between him and the wall again.

"I'm being serious here!" he exclaimed with a frown. "Now promise me that you'll be careful..." my informant retorted sharply, his index finger pointing at my chest accusingly.

The anger in his voice and the flash of hurt in his eyes was enough to make me think: Maybe he really is just concerned about my safety... With that thought in mind, I turned my focus back to the hot tempered man who was glaring at me.

"Alright, I promise I'll be careful," I sighed. Jungkook gave me a suspicious look, one eyebrow raised as he placed his hand beside my head on the brick wall. "I promise..." I stated firmly as my eyes darted back and forth between his. My informant stared at me earnestly for a long moment and I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my ears. And it could've been my mind messing with me, but I thought I saw his gaze drop to my lips for a split second.

Finally Jungkook nodded, seemingly satisfied with my answer. I quickly released the breath I didn't even know I was holding as he left the alley, walking off in the direction of the tattoo parlor. I stood there frozen for a moment before I rushed back to the sidewalk, my eyes following his retreating figure through the crowd of people.

Just as I was about to head the opposite way, he stopped and looked back at me. I blushed as I realized he had caught me staring, my left hand sweeping my hair back absentmindedly. He just smirked at me before continuing on his way with both hands in his jean pockets. I shook my head as I walked back to the station with a tiny smile on my face.

A/N: Hope you're liking the plot so far! I plan to publish another chapter soon and there's going to be some drama and action... Thank you for reading and supporting me. 😊💜

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