Chapter 20

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Jungkook POV

"How much longer?!" I asked as I frantically checked our surroundings, looking out the passenger seat window.

"Like five minutes tops. And will you chill out?! I can't concentrate with you flopping around over there!" Tae exclaimed with a frown as he weaved the car in and out of lanes like a pro trying to catch up with the rest of the squad.

"How am I supposed to chill out?!?! Jimin hyung is on his own, defenseless! He has NO GUN, NO BULLET PROOF VEST, NO PHONE, and...a gang is trying to KILL HIM!" I shrieked, counting off all the items with my fingers dramatically. "And YOU EXPECT ME TO BE CALM?!?!"

"YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?!?! I've known him much longer than you, so I know that he is more than capable of defending himself. But am I worried? OF COURSE I AM! But worrying is NOT going to do us any good. Especially when I'm driving 100 MPH DOWN THE F*CKING HIGHWAY!! So don't act like I don't know or don't give a sh*t!!"

My eyes widened as I took in the rage and pain in Tae's voice. Even when I pestered him or criticized police officers, he had never yelled at me like this. So I could tell right away that he was freaking out on the inside just as much as I was on the outside. I closed my mouth instantly as I tried to calm my nerves and recover from his verbal slap to the face. After a long minute of silence, I hesitantly spoke up.

"I-I didn't mean to imply that you didn't care about him. I just- well, you have a lot more experience with these types of high pressure situations..." I muttered, my head still facing my window out of shame.

"I know..." he replied quietly with a sigh. "At least I know you are serious about him. I doubt you'd be this concerned over a one night stand or a fling." I was taken aback by his statement, my mind immediately trying to evaluate everything.

Maybe he's right. I've never freaked out this much over someone in my entire life. Outside of my family, there wasn't really anyone else that I cared about.

My long hours at the tattoo parlor made it hard for me to maintain any long relationships (including friendships), so the only person I really spent time with was Jimin. Even though that was only for our informant meetings, he always checked in on me and showed concern for my safety (which I usually complained about).

Somehow though, he had become a very important person in my life and I was only just now realizing how much I cared about him. It was a scary thought, because I don't really like cops or authority in general. And yet Jimin was someone I could confide in... someone I was comfortable being around. He genuinely understood my passions and didn't criticize me like everyone else.

In the beginning I had tried to push him away and only communicated when I had information, but I found myself wanting to be around him more and more. I actually looked forward to our meetings and often didn't want to go back to work. My eyes widened when it dawned on me that I had been blind to all this for a year. Without knowing it, I had developed serious feelings for him.

I had fallen in love with Jimin...

Taehyung's voice interrupted my thoughts and I shook my head to focus on the road again.

"Don't worry, he'll be okay. He has to be..."

I smiled bitterly at his words as I nodded my head silently. My eyes squeezed shut as I prayed for him to be okay. So I could tell him how I felt. So I could be there for him. So I could kiss him again. So I could hold him in my arms and never let him go.

Jimin POV (10 minutes earlier)

After wandering around in the laundry room for the past few minutes, I found a map of the hospice center over by one of the washing machines along the right side of the room. It was only a matter of time before they checked in here, so I needed to find a way to get out of this room without being detected. Just as I thought that, I heard the sound of the people rummaging around in the hallway.

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