Chapter 16 (M)

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Jimin POV

As soon as we entered my bedroom, I helped him lay down on the sheets before I grabbed lube and a condom from the box under my bed. My cheeks reddened as I saw him staring at me intently. Even when I looked away, I could still feel his eyes on me as I climbed onto the mattress and kneeled between his legs. I bit my lower lip as I leaned over to unbutton his jeans and pulled down the zipper slowly. Jungkook groaned as I palmed his half hard c*ck through the fabric of his boxers.

"No teasing," he protested as I continued to stroke him.

"Sorry..." I said with a smirk. "Just doing a routine frisk, sir." He chuckled at my playfulness as he licked his lips.

"Oh, have I done something wrong officer?" he asked cheekily.

"No, I'm pretty sure you're not a criminal. I just really wanted an excuse to feel you up," I teased, biting back a grin as my gaze flicked up to his eyes.

"Are you flirting with me?" he asked with an amused grin. I just shrugged as Jungkook gripped my hips, pulling me onto his crotch. I stifled a moan as I felt his hard length underneath me, my stomach a bundle of knots. It was as though his very presence made me want to be submissive, which infuriated and excited me at the same time.

"Maybe..." I said with a coy smile as I removed his shirt carefully. I wasted little time in leaning down to kiss his neck, careful not to apply too much pressure to his ribs.

Jungkook moaned softly as I peppered kisses all along the crook of his neck and I couldn't resist smoothing my hand on his bare chest. My lips traveled further down to his collarbones, my fingers tingling everywhere our skin touched. Then, without warning, Jungkook sat up as he held me in place on his lap and I detached my lips from his skin to give him a questioning look. He smirked as he began to tug on the hem of my shirt.

"I want to see you too, baby."

My breath hitched at the unexpected nickname, but I lifted my arms slightly to help him strip me more easily. I felt myself blush as he slowly removed my shirt, revealing my upper body to him. I looked at him as he tossed my shirt across the room, refusing to stop staring at my bare chest and torso for even a second.

"Gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous," he mumbled as he gently dragged his right hand down my body and I shivered at the sensation of his fingertips grazing my chest. He left a sequence of goosebumps along my skin as he went. "I've been dying to see this again since this morning," Jungkook explained as his hand traveled further down my body.

"Mmm~" I whined as he traced along my abdominal muscles, my stomach tensing.

"You're really hot when you're dominant..." he stated as his gaze shifted back and forth between my eyes and lips. "...but I think you're even sexier when you're submissive." Before I could fully process his words, Jungkook rolled us over so that he was now on top of me. My back arched off the bed as our clothed c*cks rubbed against each other causing me to let out a breathy moan.

"J-Jung-kook..." I gasped as he quickly pulled down my shorts. Now I was only wearing my black boxers and my erection was very evident. Jungkook growled at the sight, making me stain the front of my boxers with more pre-cum.

"I want to remind you, have the right to remain silent," he smirked before he bent down to mouth at my clothed erection. Another high-pitched moan escaped my lips as I tightly gripped the sheets with my fists. "...but I doubt you'll be able to once I'm inside you."

I mewled at the thought of him making me scream his name as he pounded into me. I hissed as he removed my boxers, my length twitching as the cool air hit it abruptly. My cheeks turned bright red with embarrassment at being completely exposed to him. I saw Jungkook eyeing my length silently and I moved to cover myself up shyly, but he pinned my arms down to the mattress in one quick movement.

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