Third String

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Sometimes, Kurenai wished she died in the meteorite strike.

In the last two years, there were times when she asked herself, just like those reporters, why was she alive? And honestly, she could not think of a single reason.

So that Ayako would have a job? She could easily find someone else to work for. So that she could help Aoi at work? If anything, she wished she did not have to help him. He would have to learn eventually. So what was her purpose? She had none. None besides being her father's marionette, and fulfilling his wishes.

The ballet was something she enjoyed. There was a certain sense of peace she found, sitting in a dark auditorium where only the orchestra could be heard, and the spotlight was on the dancers on stage.

And he had to ruin that too.

To Atsushi, Kurenai had at least one use.

She was born a girl, and he had many business partners with whom he would like stronger ties. In their world, nothing strengthened ties like a marriage. As a Chuya, Kurenai had suitors lining up left and right, eager to take her hand in marriage and get a taste of that Chuya fame for themselves.

Even so, they would have to be approved by Atsushi.

As this Morita Ichiro was apparently an approved match for her.

He was of average height, perhaps a little taller his actual height with the sneaky sole in his shoes. He would be considered conventionally attractive, though not a single ounce of Kurenai found him attractive in any way, especially when he opened his mouth to speak. Every word that came from him reminded her how much she wished that meteorite killed her. And they had only met just ten minutes ago.

Her choice of a black dress seemed appropriate.

This night was going to end either in her funeral, or his.

Sitting in their seats, waiting for the ballet to begin, Ichiro was running his mouth once again. Kurenai closed her eyes, letting out a silent frustrated groan. She honestly did not care for the fact that he used to play tennis, and was close to going pro. Nor did she care that he used to have a horse. Or the fact that he was so good at swimming that he was on par with an Olympic swimmer.

When would he ever shut up about himself?

What irked her the most, however, was the fact that he kept touching her. First, it was putting his hand on top of hers. Then, it was his hand on her thigh. Each time, she would brush his hand off but a minute later, he would do it again.

"Excuse me, I think you're in my seat."

A voice interrupted Ichiro, and a blonde man was standing in front of them, pointing to Kurenai's seat. She did not know who he was but the look in his eyes was telling her to trust him. And she did.

With a grin, she got up from her seat. "Of course, I'm so sorry," she said, sitting in the next seat, letting this man between her and Ichiro.

"Excuse me, I bought our tickets," Ichiro said, showing the stubs. "And I'm pretty sure I got us seats together."

"Well, that's an issue you'd have to talk about with the staff," the man smiled. "There could be a problem with the machine, but this is my seat."

He blatantly showed his ticket stub to Ichiro, and very clearly printed on it was the seat number that Kurenai was now sitting in, not the one next to Ichiro. Before Ichiro could point it out, however, someone rushed over and interrupted their conversation.

"Miss Chuya, I apologise for not realising that you are here." The manager of the venue approached her, bowing in apology.

"That's alright, this was an unplanned appearance."

"If you would like to come with me, I have arranged a private viewing balcony for you and your friend," he smiled, gesturing with his arm.

As Kurenai got up, so did Ichiro. Kurenai, however, had taken the hand of the blonde man instead. "He said me and my friend," she stated, looking at Ichiro. "Since you bought these seats, you should sit here and watch the ballet yourself. Come on...what's your name?"

"Chishiya Shuntarou."

"Come on, Shuntarou."

Pulling the stranger with her, Kurenai followed the manager as he led the way to the private balcony. She was just glad to get away from Ichiro, and if her taking another man with her would piss him off, that was just a nice bonus.

"Please enjoy the show, Miss Chuya. We have prepared your favourite wine. If there's anything else you'd like, please do not hesitate to ask one of our staff. One would be stationed just outside the door."

"If you could, I'd like a tub of popcorn please. Salty."

"Yes, right away."

Sitting in the chair, Kurenai let out a sigh of relief while the staff member was opening the bottle of wine and pouring it out for them. She gestured for him to continue filling one of the glasses before offering that glass to Chishiya, taking the bottle for herself.

Chishiya sat down in the chair next to hers, pushing the glass of wine away. He was not much of a drinker though she seemed like she needed more than one. He never thought he would end up in one of the best seats in the house just because he stood up for a woman who was harassed.

Nor did he think he would ever stand up for someone.

"Is it okay for you to ditch your date like that?" he asked.

"First of all, he's not my date," Kurenai said, taking a gulp straight from the bottle. "Secondly, I was told to accompany him to the ballet. I did. I'm not obligated to stay and watch the ballet with him."

What an intriguing person.

From what he could infer, she was on a date that she did not seem willing to be on. Perhaps it was a blind date? Or, judging from her clothes and her demeanour, perhaps it was an arranged marriage meeting gone wrong.

As he looked in her direction once more, Chishiya found himself face to face with the woman, with just inches between them. Her cheeks were slightly red from the alcohol, and she had a flirty smile on her face.

"If anything, you're more of a date than him," she whispered. "I didn't get to take a look properly just now, but you are...completely my type."

"I am flattered."

"Thank you," she smiled. He could not tell if she was already tipsy, or even drunk. Though the way she smiled at him was genuine, unlike how she was looking at the man she was with. "Chishiya Shuntarou...sounds like Cheshire," she giggled. Definitely tipsy. "Alice in Wonderland is one of my favourite books. And the Cheshire Cat is my favourite character. Maybe it's fate we met."

"Or's just a coincidence."

"You're not fun, gorgeous."

The staff member came back with the popcorn she asked for previously, and the show started not too long after. Kurenai's focus was completely shifted as she watched the performance. Somehow, Chishiya found himself watching her instead.

There was something familiar about her, like they had met somewhere before. Though, he was quick to dismiss the thought. Where would he have met a woman like her? Snapping out of the thought, he too focused on the performance.

After all, this was just a chance encounter. What were the odds of them meeting again?

Red Strings ¦¦ Chishiya Shuntarou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now