Thirty-Eighth String

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Valentine's Day had always been one day that Aoi dreaded.

In high school, he was constantly reminded just how single he was every year. He received chocolates but they were always pity chocolates. Or one of those which everyone in the class got. He never got one of those romantic confessions like his classmates. But he knew he would never get a confession because even back then, Aoi knew he liked guys.

He never gave out chocolates either, because he did one year for his entire class and he was pulled aside by his teacher. Apparently, it was inappropriate for him to be gifting such expensive Swiss chocolate.

This was the first time in his life he looked forward to Valentine's Day.

It was his first Valentine's with Toshiaki too.

Ever since Kurenai took over the company, Aoi could feel the pressure lifted off his shoulders. He kept his position as the CEO but he was working a lot more efficiently now and did not run to his sister for help every other day. More importantly, however, his relationship with Toshiaki was somewhat made public. They never officially announced their relationship, nor did Aoi publicly come out of the closet, but everyone just knew.

Kurenai made it known too, that she would not tolerate any hostility toward Aoi or anyone else in regards to their sexuality. It came as a surprise to him too, just how many people kept their sexuality a secret in order not to be discriminated against at work.

And because there was no need to hide their relationship, Toshiaki had been going all out with the romance. Every morning, there would be a cup of coffee on Aoi's desk waiting for him along with a handwritten note. Every afternoon, whenever possible, Toshiaki would take him out to lunch. He even made bento boxes once, and they ate together in Aoi's office.

When he woke that morning, the very first thing Aoi did was check his phone. There were several messages from several individuals but they were all work related. There was nothing from Toshiaki, not even a morning text.

Somehow, he felt a little disappointed.

Perhaps he had been too spoilt recently by his boyfriend, but he had been fully expecting a big surprise.

Or perhaps he had forgotten what day it was?

Sending Toshiaki a morning text, Aoi also wished him a happy Valentine's. Then, he sat staring at his phone for the next ten minutes, waiting for Toshiaki to reply but the grey tick never turned blue. Nor did he ever come online.

Was he still sleeping?

The more he stared at the phone, the more anxious Aoi was getting.

What if Toshiaki was just not the kind of person to celebrate Valentine's Day? What if today was the day Toshiaki decided that he no longer liked Aoi? What if Toshiaki decided that he did not want to be in a relationship with a man?

So many 'what ifs' were running through his mind, and Aoi had to call his sister immediately to get his mind all the questions. He was not about to send himself spiralling into a breakdown so early in the morning. On Valentine's Day nonetheless.


Kurenai answered his call, but as soon as he heard her voice, Aoi realised that he called her without knowing what he wanted to talk about.


"," he greeted. "And uh...Happy Valentine's Day."

"Morning to you too. Why are you calling?"

"Just uh...well...what are you doing today?"

What a stupid question.

His sister was in a relationship too, of course she would be spending the most romantic day of the year with her own boyfriend. They were no longer single Pringles who only had each other as company.

"Me? Nothing. Shuntarou's at work, I'll probably spend the day with Ayako-san."

Chishiya was working?

How ironic was it that despite being in relationships, they were both spending Valentine's day without their partner.

"Do you mind if I join you guys?"

There was silence on Kurenai's side for a split second before she said yes.


When Aoi met up with the two women, they went to a café near Kurenai's apartment for brunch, and already they were hit right in the face with the romantic aura all around. Why did it seem like every couple hid themselves throughout the year and only came out on Valentine's Day to mock them?

They had to wait thirty minutes for a table but they eventually got one and had their meal before going to the supermarket with Ayako.

At the supermarket, the Chuya siblings were having a field day. Aoi pushed the cart for Ayako while she was teaching them how to pick the best fruits, like slapping the watermelon to know how juicy it was. Kurenai was fascinated by how many products were made to be instant. Noodles, ready meals, coffee, and even things like hotpots.

Once they were done with the shopping, they were heading back to Kurenai's apartment. Standing by the entrance to the building with a small bouquet in his arms was Toshiaki. With his height, he was really sticking out and attracting attention. Aoi could feel his cheeks turning bright red just from seeing him.

"Hey," Toshiaki smiled. His entire face lit up as soon as he saw Aoi walking down the street. "Happy Valentine's Day! I went to bed really late last night so I didn't wake up this morning. I tried calling you but you didn't answer."

Aoi touched his pocket, not feeling his phone. He then remembered that after calling Kurenai, he put his phone down on his bed and had forgotten it there when he left. So how long had Toshiaki been standing in the cold waiting for him?

Without a word, Aoi went up to Toshiaki and wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend. Toshiaki did not forget that it was Valentine's Day. He did not have a revelation and decided to leave Aoi either.

"This is for you," Toshiaki said, handing over the bouquet of five flowers. He picked two out, leaving just three for Aoi and handed the other two to Kurenai and Ayako individually. "I know they don't look good, but I spent all night making them. I really tried my best."

The roses definitely were not the usual ones one would get from a florist because they were made of yarn. Toshiaki went to a class specifically to learn how to crochet roses for Aoi on Valentine's Day. Even though he stayed up all night making them, he only managed to squeeze out five before falling asleep at the table.

But they were the most beautiful roses Aoi had ever seen.

Imagining Toshiaki, almost two metres tall, hunched over a table with a tiny crochet hook in hand was bringing a smile to Aoi's face. Though, it was also making him cry. Toshiaki went above and beyond for him.

He grabbed Toshiaki by his shirt, pulling him down and kissed him.

"I love you, Toshiaki."

Staring at Aoi with big eyes, it took Toshiaki a second to react. This was the first time Aoi had said those three words to him. "I love you too," he smiled, pulling Aoi into his arms.

"Get a room," Kurenai called out, rolling her eyes.


Not only did Toshiaki handmade him roses, but he even made reservations at a very romantic restaurant. Aoi used to dread Valentine's Day but now, he was already in anticipation for next year.

The only thing that ruined the otherwise perfect day was his gift for Toshiaki.

" us matching pyjamas?" Toshiaki asked, holding up the pyjamas. They were home when Aoi gave Toshiaki his present, but he was regretting it a little. Aoi was about to snatch it back when Toshiaki held it out of reach. "I love it!" he grinned, taking his shirt off to try it on.

"Jesus! Have some decency!" Aoi frowned, covering his eyes with his hands though he peeked through his fingers.

The top fitted perfectly but he burst out laughing when Toshiaki tried on the bottoms. With his long legs, the pyjama's bottom reached just past his knees but was not quite three-quarters. It looked strange on him.

"I can never find trousers to fit me..." Toshiaki sighed.

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