Ninth String

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If attending a ballet performance with Morita Ichiro was suffocating, then being in the same room alone with him was torturous.

Waiting for others to arrive, Kurenai was stuck in the conference room with Ichiro who was once again, running his mouth on none other than himself. This time, she had learnt that he mastered violin at the young age of eight. And that he was chosen to be the student council president when he was just a first year in high school. On Valentine's Day, he was so popular that they needed multiple carts in order to get the chocolates he received from his desk to the car.

In Kurenai's mind, however, she was thinking of several different scenarios. One of which involved her grabbing the pen in front of her and stabbing him on the throat in hopes that it would damage his vocal cords.

Fortunately, before she could do anything that would land her in prison, the door to the conference room opened and in walked the hospital director with a handful more people following behind. Chishiya being one of them.

Instantly, Kurenai's face lit up with a smile.

"Good morning, Miss Chuya," the director said, holding his hand for a shake but Kurenai leaned back in her chair, looking right past the director as if he was invisible.

"Morning handsome," she grinned, beckoning for Chishiya. She then pulled the chair next to her out and patted the cushion, motioning for him to take a seat.

"Good morning," Chishiya whispered by her ear, as he was walking past her. He took the seat she so kindly pulled out for him, and Kurenai nudged her own chair closer to him. A small gesture but two other people noticed. And they were both unhappy about the situation.

"Hey, you're that jerk who stole my seat at the ballet," Ichiro frowned, recognising Chishiya.

"Actually, I stole her seat," Chishiya corrected him.

"Is it stealing if I willingly gave it up?" Kurenai hummed.

The tension in the room was suddenly thick and growing.

Signaling for the others to take their seats, the director started the meeting. With no more seats left on the side Chishiya was sitting at, Honoka had no choice but to sit on the other side, forced to watch as Kurenai flirted with Chishiya.

When the director approached her and Chishiya this morning, she was delighted to hear that they had both been chosen to be on a charity project. Not only would it look good on her resume, she would be gaining experience too. Most importantly, however, she would be working closely with Chishiya.

Her hopes and dreams were dashed, however, the second she saw Kurenai.

"As you all know, the hospital has been working with the Smile Foundation for years now. They'd like for us to host a series of events to raise money and awareness. Those chosen to be here today, it's because you are our best and you know the operations of the hospital. Miss Chuya and Mr. Morita are here because as our benefactor, the Chuya Group would like to extend a helping hand. Miss Chuya will be heading the project, so anything and everything goes through her. If she needs any help, I trust that you will do your best to help her."

Kurenai had nothing against charity work. In fact, she had been doing a lot of those behind the scenes. Her father, however, thought it was a genius idea to paint her and Ichiro as the philanthropic couple. For him, it was all about the image.

"I have a few ideas but I'd like to get to know the hospital's operations before I write out a proposal and present to the foundation," Kurenai said. "So I'll be relying on you guys for that."

The meeting was brief, just an introduction to the project and both Kurenai and Ichiro. After it was over, Ichiro had to leave for work while Kurenai stayed behind to start working on the project.

It infuriated Honoka for some reason, just being in Kurenai's presence.

She rolled her eyes at how practically everyone was jumping at the chance to please her. They set up one of the break rooms to be her temporary office, asking if she would like a whole new set of office equipment. Apparently, Kurenai only asked for a more comfortable chair, stating that she only needed her laptop to work. She almost gagged at how everyone else was gushing about Kurenai being so down-to-earth and unlike other rich people.

Everything about Kurenai just seemed so...fake.

The way she would smile at every staff, going out of her way to introduce herself and get to know everyone. Somehow, it just did not seem genuine. It was just one of those shows the rich put on so others would like them and forget that they were hogging all the wealth while there were still citizens in a modern world living in poverty.

What infuriated her the most, was Kurenai's interactions with Chishiya.

How she would stare into his eyes whenever he spoke. The way she tossed her hair and giggled when Chishiya said something funny to her. But most of all, how she would only ask Chishiya to accompany her to places and cling onto his arm like she was a koala.

Such a whore.

"Chishiya-kun," Honoka called out. He was finally free of Kurenai's grasp. "I was wondering if you would like to have lunch together? We can eat at the cafeteria. Or, if you'd like, there's this sushi place nearby that everyone's talking about. My treat."

"No thank you."

"Oh, are we talking lunch?"

Like a ghost, Kurenai suddenly appeared. When did she get here?

"Since it's my first day here, how about I treat everyone to lunch?" Kurenai smiled, though her eyes were only on Chishiya. "Do you like sushi, Shuntarou?"

"I'll have anything since it's your treat."

"Isn't it a little rude to call someone by their given name?"

Before she realised it, Honoka blurted out what was on her mind. It irritated her that Kurenai was walking around as if she had known Chishiya for a long time. Honoka had been working with him for the past two years, and she still thought it was inappropriate to be calling him by his given name. Yet here Kurenai was, taking advantage of Chishiya's politeness.

Ever since her visit to the hospital last time, Kurenai knew of Honoka's feelings for Chishiya. He had the looks, and the brains. It would be shocking to know if no one was after him. And to be honest, Kurenai did not see Honoka as a rival. She was just having fun, but it seemed like Honoka was taking it personally.

"I don't mind," Chishiya stated. "And I don't think it's your business to care."

"Do we still have a problem?" Kurenai asked, tilting her head. "Just a word of advice, Honoka-chan. Green is not a good colour on you. And I'm sure if you'd like, Shuntarou wouldn't mind you calling him by his given name."

"I'd prefer it if she didn't."

That was a hard slap to the face for Honoka.

Chishiya might as well have said outright that he was not interested in her. She would have preferred that, actually. At least she would know that she did not have a chance. It felt like he was toying with her. Both of them, actually. It seemed like a game to them.

Turning on her heels, Honoka rushed out of there.

"Hm...what a pity," Kurenai sighed. "Must be so hard being so popular, Shuntarou."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't tell me you don't know."

"What should I know?"

Kurenai was not sure if Chishiya genuinely did not know about Honoka's little crush on him, or if he knew but simply refused to acknowledge it. Either way, it was amusing for her. She could not wait to see what else Honoka had up her sleeve to try and compete with her.

Perhaps this project was not so bad after all. 

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