Fiftieth String

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A/N: @Crybaby_MsPotatoHead requested quite a few scenes (because I asked). Here's the first one, Kurenai trying street food! I'm also open to more suggestions for 'common' things for Kurenai to try, guys. Think Suoh Tamaki from OHSHC. 


As the weather was becoming warmer, there was always something Kurenai had wanted to try but never got the chance to. Going to a festival and wearing a kimono.

Festivals were always advertised everywhere, and they looked like so much fun with all the stall games and street foods. And to Kurenai's knowledge (from all the drama she had been binging), people would go to these festivals wearing kimonos or yukatas.

Usually, in the dramas she had seen, the main guy would ask the girl he was interested in out to the festival and they would both be adorably nervous the entire night until the fireworks where either one of them would confess their love for the other.

While she did not need the cheesy firework confession, Kurenai wanted to experience that high school puppy love with Chishiya.

Much to his dismay.

Lately, Kurenai had been on a mission to try out 'common' things. She started with food, and was now moving on to activities. So far, they had tried ice skating, taking the bullet train to Kyoto, and visiting a superstore,

Chishiya entertained her, experiencing all these new things with her. He did not particularly enjoy the activities because they were nothing new to him, but he did enjoy seeing the sparkle in her eyes when she bought her first train ticket. How jittery she was standing on the platform waiting for the train. She did make him panic a little when he lost her in the aisles of the superstore. He found her in the end, in the pet supplies aisle.

"Are you ready?" Chishiya asked, knocking on the door to her walk-in closet.

"Just a second!"

For the past thirty minutes, Kurenai had been locked up inside with Ayako. She was always very good with time, and he never once waited for her to get ready. In fact, she was always ready before him and it baffled Chishiya how, since she was always in full makeup with her hair done perfectly. So when she took much longer than he anticipated, Chishiya was checking on her periodically, knocking on the door only to be told that she would be another second.

When she finally came out, he was waiting for her downstairs on the sofa.

"Guess who~" She covered his eyes from behind, and Chishiya smiled.

"Chishiya Kurenai."

"It's Niragi Kurenai."

"I told you not to joke about that."

He pulled her hands off his eyes and turned to look at her. She had on light makeup, going for a subtle pink lipstick instead of her usual red one. Her hair was up too, done and pinned perfectly. Chishiya knew she bought several yukatas just for tonight, but she chose the pink one in the end.

Kurenai always looked perfect. Or at least, that was how Chishiya saw her.

There was something, however, about seeing her in traditional clothing that had his heart melting for her.

"What? Is something out of place?" Kurenai asked, trying to fix her clothes but Chishiya grabbed her hand.

"You're perfect."

"So are you," she smiled, tapping his nose with her other hand.


By the time they arrived at the festival, it was already in full swing.

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