Twenty-Sixth String (NSFW)

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"Hm! I'm coming...I'm-! Shuntarou...yeah, just like that..."

As soon as they stepped foot in the apartment, Chishiya pulled Kurenai into his room and for the last hour or so, they had been having sex.

With her head on the bed, her bottom up, and Chishiya behind her, Kurenai could feel her orgasm building up. Just as she was feeling close to release, however, Chishiya suddenly stopped and changed the rhythm. He was thrusting painstakingly slow into her, and it was getting frustrating.

"That's the third time, Shuntarou...Why won't you let me come?"

"Hm? I'm doing no such thing. If you want to come, then come."


Perhaps the first time, she would believe that he did not do it on purpose. However, three times in a row, he had denied her an orgasm. Kurenai was getting frustrated, yet at the same time, she wanted more. She wanted that release.

Chishiya pulled out of her, helping Kurenai up from her position before sitting on the bed, beckoning for her. She straddled him, grinding her hips against his and let out soft moans just from the sensation of him rubbing against her.

"I am an asshole, what are you going to do about it? Maybe run off to that supermodel ex-boyfriend of yours? He seems like a nice person."

Was this what her entire ordeal was about?

He had been denying her an orgasm because he was...jealous?

"Chishiya Shuntarou, are you jealous?"


Yes, he was.

It was unreasonable of him to be jealous of someone who was no longer a part of Kurenai's life, Chishiya knew that. But he could not help himself. He never experienced anything like this before, but he wanted to be the only one for her. Past, present, and future, he wanted to be her one and only.

Impossible, he knew, since they could not turn back time. And if she never went through that period of time, who knew if they would even meet when they did.

"Why didn't you tell me he's your ex?"

That was the part that bothered him the most. If Kurenai told him from the beginning, he would not feel even a slither of jealousy. Was she hiding it purposely? Or did it slip her mind because Kyou did not matter? Or was it because Chishiya did not matter, and therefore, she found no need in telling him?

"Because he doesn't matter to me anymore. Actually, he never mattered to begin with," she said, holding Chishiya's face in her hands. She kissed him several times on the lips, and with each kiss, she was reassuring him. "You're the only one I want."

"Wouldn't you prefer someone nicer?" he asked, tracing his finger on her arm. "Someone who would treat you like a princess, who would let you come whenever. Someone who wouldn't get jealous."

"Well, let me tell you something." She raised her hips a little, reaching down with one hand to hold his erection in place as she lowered her hips. She bit on her lower lip, enjoying the sensation of him entering her. "I have a very specific type. I like someone who's smart, specifically a doctor."

She laid her head on his shoulder, and Chishiya could feel her warm breath on his neck. She was breathing a little heavily as she was moving her hips, riding him.

"I like someone who is a little cynical, a little mean, and sometimes a little twisted." Kurenai then pressed her lips to his neck, sucking on a small patch until a purple bruise was left on his skin. "I like someone who gets adorably jealous. But most importantly..."

Trailing off mid-sentence, Kurenai's mind blanked momentarily. She pushed her hips further down on his, clinging onto the back of his neck. The fact that Chishiya was breathing heavily too, and the occasional moan or two he would let out, was fuelling her.

"Most importantly...I like you, Shuntarou. And only you. And I only want you to make me come."

How could he hold back now?

Holding Kurenai by the waist, Chishiya was moving with her. Just like her confession, the only one Chishiya wanted was her. The only person he wanted to move love to, was Kurenai.

After that, they went for another handful of rounds before calling it a night. Chishiya did not deny her a single orgasm either. And for the first time in their relationship, they were not having sex but making love to each other. They felt closer to each other, both emotionally and physically.


Chishiya woke before Kurenai did the next morning, and for about ten minutes, he laid with her in his arms. For someone who never experienced love, not even from his parents, he was starting to understand what it was.

Whenever Kurenai was in his arms like so, he wanted time to stop. He wanted so that neither of them would have to leave. And when he was not with her, he could not wait to see her and she would occupy his thoughts constantly. If this was what love was, it was not too bad.


"Good morning," he smiled, kissing her on the nose.

Her eyes were still closed, but just a simple kiss on the nose was enough to bring a smile to her face first thing in the morning.

Kyou was most definitely a stupid man. How could he ever let her go? Then again, Chishiya should probably thank him one day. If they never broke up, he would not be with Kurenai now.

"My hips feel sore," Kurenai mumbled, her voice a little croaky. "You were so rough with me last night, Shuntarou."

"If I recall, you were asking for me to go harder, and be rougher."


This time, he kissed her on the lips. Kurenai shifted her body so she was right up against him, leaning into the kiss. Though, before he got himself riled up again, Chishiya pulled away. As tempting as morning sex sounded, Kurenai's hips most likely could not take anymore.

He grabbed his pyjama bottoms off the floor, putting them on before walking over to his wardrobe. He picked a white zip up hoodie for Kurenai, and a pair of shorts that would most likely be too big for her. Although he loved seeing her in his shirt, he did not want Niragi ogling her like he did last time.

"Come out for breakfast whenever you're ready," he said, putting the clothes on the bed and kissed her on the forehead.

Walking out to the kitchen, Chishiya could see that Niragi was already up. And he caught him red-handed this time, opening and closing cupboards until he found something in Chishiya's side of the kitchen. He slammed the cupboard door shut before Niragi could grab the loaf of bread, startling his roommate.

"Oh...morning," Niragi said, slowly backing away. "What's up?"

"If you didn't buy it, then it's not yours."

"It's just bread," Niragi grumbled.

"Then you should go and buy your own."

Chishiya put the coffee machine on, making Kurenai her usual morning cup. He did not have fancy coffee beans, but she seemed to like the coffee he would make for her.

"I should get food as compensation," Niragi said.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Isn't your girl like hella rich? Tell her to get me a new pair of headphones. Those noise cancelling ones were not noise cancelling at all last night."

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