Twenty-Seventh String

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A/N: Guys, what am I going to do after this fic ends? Any suggestions? Also, do you guys want to read about Kurenai in school?


Chuya Kurenai.

She was the bane of Hina's existence.

Up until high school, Hina had always been the centre of attention and the one everyone else revolved around. She was always the prettiest, the smartest, and the most loved. The Sasaki family was not the highest standing in their society, but they were well respected. And Hina always stood out among the children of the high class society.

So when someone came along to steal the spotlight from her, she was not happy about it.

The first day of high school, even before she was physically there, the entire school was talking about Chuya Kurenai. The Chuya child was attending their school, and everyone was curious to see what she was like.

Was she pretty?

Was she snobby?

How would she wear her hair?

Was her uniform different to theirs?

Rumours were already spreading like wildfire around the campus. Some claimed to have known her since middle school. Some heard that she was a bully. Others said she was really an illegitimate child who somehow managed to get Chuya Atsushi to recognise her. There was one rumour stating that she was born in England. And from there, spawned the fact that her mother was actually a part of the British Royal Family, making her mixed.

When they found out that Kurenai was nothing like the rumours, it somehow made her more popular. And that irked Hina because the spotlight was not on her. She tried to buy friendships with gifts and lunches, but the next day, they would still come to school wearing a bow in their hair because Kurenai did.

Since then, Hina made it her personal mission to beat Kurenai in every single way she could think of.

Years later, it had been proven that Hina was never defeating Kurenai.

Not only was she unbothered by Hina, she was living her best life with an apartment of her own, a close relationship with her brother and housekeeper, and a loving relationship with a man who genuinely liked her for her.

Hina was not even sure if Kyou was going out with her for her money, looks or personality.

Having been in a sour mood for the past few days, Hina reluctantly attended a corporate event with her father. She was left alone while her father stepped off to the side with a potential business partner. That was when she saw someone just a few feet away from her.

Suddenly, she loved the fact that she decided to attend.

"Good evening, Uncle Atsushi," Hina smiled, approaching the man and offered him a glass of wine though Atsushi declined. "Do you remember me? I'm Sasaki Hina, I attended the same high school as Kurenai."

"Nice to meet you, Miss Sasaki."

His tone and behaviour were rather dismissive but Hina was not one to give up.

"I thought for sure Kurenai would be attending this event with you. I was so looking forward to seeing her again."

"I brought my son with me instead."

"How is Kurenai?"

"She is doing well."

The conversation was going nowhere with Atsushi building a wall between them. It was obvious he had no interest in talking to a young woman who would bring him no benefit whatsoever. Her own father had fought his entire career to get one contract with the Chuya Group, and they barely got half of one. Clearly Atsushi had no interest whatsoever.

But Hina had a topic in mind that Atsushi would have an interest in.

"Must have been so traumatic for her too, to be held hostage at the hospital," she sighed. "And what a shame that it was Morita Ichiro who pushed her toward the assailant. It was a missed opportunity for the Morita Corporations. But...I honestly wouldn't put it past Kurenai to fabricate the entire thing."

Atsushi glanced her way.

She got his attention.

"I heard from some old friend of ours that Kurenai did not want to marry Morita Ichiro. And she was always the smartest in our class. I wouldn't be surprised to know that she lied about him pushing her to get out of the marriage. Actually, she might have staged the entire thing. Didn't she hire a lawyer to help the man who held her hostage get out of jail? Why would you do that unless there's something more we don't know about?"

Still, Atsushi did not say a word. His expression, however, had changed. It was obvious that he was considering Hina's words.

Although there was no evidence that this was what happened, Atsushi would not put it past his own daughter to be that manipulative either. She had always been the smarter one of his two children, and although he turned a blind eye to it, he knew she was the brain behind most of Aoi's proposals.

"Then again, I'd do the same if I were her. I'd try to get out of an arranged marriage too if I have a boyfriend. They are so cute together, her and that doctor, Chishiya Shuntarou."


Spotting his daughter talking to Chuya Atsushi, Mr. Sasaki freaked out a little.

While he loved his daughter very much, he also knew what a mouth she had on her. He prayed that for however long they were talking for, Hina did not say anything disrespectful. While there was little to no chance for business between their two companies, he did not want to sever the chance entirely.

"I do apologise if my daughter said anything rude, Mr. Chuya. I will be taking her away right now."

She was dragged away by her father and while he was reprimanding her for talking to someone she should not have, Hina was only paying attention to Atsushi. She had already planted the seed in his mind, all she had to do was wait for it to grow.

Say goodbye to your happiness, Kurenai.


Unaware of what was happening across the city, Kurenai was enjoying her evening with Chishiya.

He was on the night shift, but she really wanted to see him so she ordered for McDonald's to be delivered to the hospital where she waited for him in the break room. She received quite a few side eyes, mostly from patients who had been told by the doctors they were not allowed any fast food.

How were they going to survive the night when the smell of fries was invading their nostrils?

"The entire floor hates you right now," Chishiya said, taking his white coat off and closed the door to the break room. He walked up to Kurenai, kissing her once before sitting down. It looked like she had ordered from the entire menu. There was more than enough to feed everyone on the floor. Twice.

"Well, I was planning on sharing my food but not anymore," Kurenai grinned. "I shall be the devil."

"You've really fallen in love with fast food, huh?"

"Not in love, just...fascinated."

Ever since her introduction to fast food by Kuina, Kurenai had been curious about other things that 'commoners' do. Recently, Kuina introduced her to convenience stores, and she had been visiting them like they were shopping malls, buying trinkets that she did not need just for the fun of it.

"Next time, I'm going to get you cup noodles."

Red Strings ¦¦ Chishiya Shuntarou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now