Fifty-Third String

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Feeling awkward, Aoi was fiddling with his fingers.

The night before, he received a text from Kurenai to meet the next day at a café. She did not provide any other details besides the time of their meeting, but she also failed to mention that he was not the only person she had invited.

When he arrived at the café, he was brought to a small booth that Kurenai booked, and already sat in that booth were two other women: one with dreads and the other with short hair. He knew Kuina, and had spoken to her once or twice, but they were not exactly best friends. The other woman, he had no idea who she was. He had never seen her before either.

Kuina greeted Aoi with a nod and a smile, so did Usagi.

They were spread out evenly in the booth, looking from one to the other, not knowing what to say or do as they were all waiting for Kurenai awkwardly.

"So...are you a friend of Kurenai's?" Aoi asked, looking at Usagi.

"I'm not sure if I could be considered her friend, but I do know her," Usagi said. "I'm Usagi Yuzuha, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Chuya Aoi." He was used to the reaction Usagi gave, the little eye widening. "Yeah, I'm Kurenai's brother."

" guys don't look alike."

They were always told they did not look alike for siblings, but it was not something that Aoi took notice of, to be honest. Kurenai was Kurenai, and he was himself.

"So where's the one who asked us here?" Kuina asked, looking over to the entrance.

"No idea. I texted her but she hasn't even seen the message yet."

It would be another twenty minutes before Kurenai finally showed up. By that time, Aoi had finished a cup of coffee along with a piece of cake. Kuina and Usagi were chatting, and he was sitting awkwardly just listening to them.

As he watched them, however, he could not help but wonder how Kurenai came to know them. She did not have many friends, that was just the way it had been since she was young. Even in school, Kurenai kept to herself. She had plenty of followers, but none she would call her friends. Not that Kurenai minded either. She actually preferred to be alone.

"Finally," Kuina sighed. "How are you late when you're the one who asked to meet?"

"Because I have to run a multi-billion company."

Kurenai plopped down on the booth, flipping through the menu before signalling for the waitress, ordering a cup of coffee. As she did, however, Kuina caught sight of something.

Something that was gleaming in her eyes.

"Is this what I think it is?" Kuina asked, grabbing Kurenai's hand. "Is this an engagement ring?"

Now, Aoi was grabbing her hand too, trying to get a better look at the ring.

Wiggling her hand free, Kurenai took the ring off to show them. Kuina took the ring, examining it. She moved it under the light, then held it up to the window to see it under natural light. When she was done, Aoi would take the ring and started examining it himself. Usagi was the only one who kept calm the whole time.

"Tell me everything!" Kuina said, hitting Kurenai on the arm. "When did he propose? Where did he propose? Was it romantic? When are you guys getting married? When are you dress shopping? Spill!"

Before she answered any question, Kurenai snatched the ring back from Aoi. She was not afraid that he would lose it or damage it in any way, but she felt much better to have it on her finger than with someone else.

"He proposed two nights ago at home. It was super romantic, but no I will not provide details. That's a story for just me and Shuntarou," Kurenai grinned. "We don't have a date set yet, it's still all new to us. I'll probably have my dress custom designed."

"So you called us out just to tell us you're engaged?" Aoi asked.

"Actually, I call you out because you guys will be my bridal party."

All three of them were staring at her, all with different expressions, but all gave off the same 'I cannot believe this' energy. After what felt like forever of silence, Usagi slowly raised her hand. Kurenai nodded at her, waiting for her to speak.

"Um...why am I here? I didn't think we were at that level of friendship."

"I am hurt," Kurenai gasped, dramatically. She then returned to her usual self in the next second. "I guess we're not exactly the bestest of friends, but I don't have a lot of friends. This is all my friends here, actually. Well, there's An too but she's busy at work."

Usagi looked at Kuina, then to Aoi. She was not sure if she should feel honoured to be considered Kurenai's friend, or feel sorry for the woman that only three people (plus another not present) were her friends. One of them was her brother too.

"I want you to be my bridesmaid, if you don't mind. Kuina will be my maid of honour."

"Hell yeah, I am!"

"What about me?" Aoi frowned. "I'm your brother."

"Yeah, and you're my bridesmaid along with Usagi and An."


She was exhausted by the time she got home. More so than when she had a full day of work.

Kicking her shoes off, Kurenai walked over to the sofa and threw herself on it, laying on the cushion before letting out a deep sigh.

When she called them out, she only intended it to be a quick coffee date so she could let them know that she was now engaged, and that they were in her bridal party. That was it. That was all she planned to do. Somehow, Kuina and Aoi got a little too excited. Even Usagi seemed happy to be participating as the other two were already planning the wedding for her.

They were throwing ideas here and there, suggesting themes that Kurenai might like, locations that they could hold the wedding at.

It was energy draining but it brought a smile to her face.

Years ago, she never dreamed of marrying someone. She knew eventually she would be forced into a marriage, but she also knew that she would not be planning her wedding like it was the biggest event of her life. She was all prepared for planning it as if it were her funeral.

Now, not only was she set to marry the love of her life, she had friends to be excited with. Friends who were genuinely happy to see her marrying someone she loved. Friends who were more than happy to be helping out.

"Hey, you're home."

Without moving her body, Kurenai lifted her head a little and smiled at Chishiya. He was already in his home clothes, which meant he was home before she was.

He leaned down, kissing her on the forehead. "Is something wrong?" he asked.

Her arms went up in the air, asking for a hug. Chishiya moved to sit on the sofa instead, pulling her onto his lap. Kurenai closed her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder and buried her face in his neck. And just for five minutes, they sat like that.

"Did they not take the news well?"

"Hm? Oh no, they took it very well. They were very excited about it, even Usagi. I'm just tired from being out all day. It's an excuse to have you hold me like this."

"When we're married, I can hold you like this everyday."

"Why can't you do it now?"

"Some perks are for wife only."

Kurenai frowned a little, biting down on his shoulder as punishment.

To be honest, to hear Chishiya say the word 'wife' felt off.

Soon, they would be legally bound to each other. On paper and in the eyes of society, they would be husband and wife. But would their life be any different from what it was now? If so, would it be a bad different or a good different?

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