Sixteenth String

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With the project proposal approved, all there was left to do was actually organise the fundraiser.

Kurenai was pretty much on her own now. Since the incident with her being held hostage, she had not heard from Ichiro, nor did she want to hear from him. After he learnt the truth of what happened, even Atsushi agreed that she should not be contacting him. It was a great opportunity to have the Morita Corporations wrapped around their fingers after all.

Still, Ichiro could have been useful to have around when actually organising. Though, now that Kurenai was thinking about it, she had someone better in mind.

"If you don't mind," Kurenai said, stopping everyone in the conference room from leaving. "I have but one request now that we're actually organising the fundraiser. I'd like for Honoka-chan to be my assistant."

"Miss Hara? But...she's a medical student."

"I know," Kurenai sighed, pouting a little. "I wouldn't be such a pain in the neck if I weren't in such a pinch. It's hard to do everything by myself, and I thought maybe Honoka-chan could help me out. I'll even pay her a salary. And I'll do my best not to interfere with her original duty."

And so Honoka's nightmare began.

She never thought she would hate the sound of her own name so much but there was just something about the way Kurenai would call her 'Honoka-chan'. Just imagining it would send chills down her spine and honestly, Honoka was wishing that she had been let go instead. Although being a doctor was a lifelong dream of hers, it just did not seem worth the trouble at this point.

"Honoka-chan, would you mind delivering this contract for me?"

"But that's halfway across the city."

"Oh really? Then you better hurry. Don't want to catch them on their lunch break."

"Having fun?" Chishiya asked.

Document in hand, Honoka was out of the break room as soon as Kurenai remotely threatened her, not sparing Chishiya even a glance. Honestly, he had been enjoying this period of time too. He was no longer bothered by Honoka every morning he came to work. She was so busy that she did not even have the time to ask if he would like to have lunch with her.

And as sadistic as it sounded, it put a smile on his face to see Kurenai having so much fun.

"Just teaching her not to mess with the wrong person," Kurenai smiled. "A friend of mine has someone everyone calls the Golden Secretary. I'm trying to see if I can train Honoka-chan to that level."

"Don't do anything too over the board."

"Why? Are you worried about her?"

"I'm worried about you." Chishiya turned her around in the chair so she was facing him, his hands on either side of her, essentially trapping her. "Sometimes when you corner a dog too much, it'll start to bite back."

Kurenai smiled and held his face, stroking his cheeks gently. How cute of him to worry for her. "Don't worry," she whispered. "I'm the only one you need to worry about biting someone. And I'd love to bite you some day."

"Some day."

Straightening himself, Chishiya was about to leave when Kurenai called out to him. "Are you working the night shift today?" He shook his head, no. "Would you like to come over to my place tonight?"


Her apartment was empty when they got back; Ayako was most likely still out grocery shopping or meeting with her friends.

Chishiya knew the building Kurenai lived in, it was famous for being the residence of many influential people including politicians and celebrities. Kurenai, however, lived right at the very top in the penthouse on the eightieth floor. Somehow, her place seemed familiar.

"Is that the pantry there?" he asked, pointing to an obscure door in the kitchen.

"Yes, how did you know?" Kurenai asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh no, are you stalking me, Shuntarou?"

"I just felt like I've been here before."

That was actually how he felt about everything in regards to Kurenai.

Ever since they met at the ballet, as cliché as it sounded, it was like they had met somewhere else before though he could not quite put a finger on it. It was not one of those 'passed by on the street' meetings either. It was one where they had gone through so much and built a relationship. Like they had been through life and death. Like they were lovers.

He did a little research online, though most articles and blogs said that was most likely his brain making everything up. He probably saw Kurenai's face somewhere and possibly had a dream about her that he mixed with his own memories. It would not explain, however, how he knew where her pantry was in an apartment he had never been to before.

"Odd...that's how I feel about you," Kurenai said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Like...maybe we were lovers in a previous life."

"And if we were?"

"Then perhaps we are tied together by the red string of fate. Perhaps something prevented us from having a proper relationship and we are now continuing that fate in this life."

"I don't believe in fate."

"Maybe you should."

She pressed her lips on his, closing her eyes as she pulled herself into his body. Even the kisses they shared, they felt familiar. Like they had done this before. Kurenai was not a strong believer in fate, but perhaps there was something pulling her and Chishiya together.



Seeing the familiar figure just a few streets away from Kurenai's apartment, Aoi stopped his car by the sidewalk and called out to her. He got out and helped her with the grocery bags before giving her a ride back to his sister's place.

"Gosh, I'm so lucky you came at this time, Mr. Aoi," Ayako sighed. "Miss Kurenai should be home by now and with everything I'm carrying, it's going to take me another half an hour just to walk home."

"Kurenai would not be as happy to see me as you are."

"Oh shush. Miss Kurenai is always happy to see you. She just doesn't show it. You know she talks about you all the time.

Having worked for Kurenai since she was eighteen, there was no one in the world who knew her like Ayako did. While the first year or so Kurenai was rather closed off, she eventually opened up to Ayako about her feelings and would talk to her about her worries too.

Turning the corner and entering the parking garage of the building, Aoi parked in his usual spot and got out to help Ayako with her bags. The pair made their way up to the penthouse, entering a seemingly empty apartment.

Aoi noticed Kurenai's heels by the front door, along with a pair of unfamiliar shoes. The apartment was dark, however, as if there was no one home.

"Kurenai?" he called out, pausing to listen for a reply. When he did not hear one, Aoi put the bags down and left Ayako to unpack the groceries as he headed up the stairs. "Kurenai?" he called out once more, but still no response.

She was not in her open study as he walked past. He checked her walk-in closet but she was not there either. Only her bedroom was left. He knocked a couple of times, walking in when there was still no response. What if something happened to her? Oh, how he regretted opening the door.

Sitting on the edge of her bed was a man Aoi had never seen before. His sister, however, was kneeling on the floor with her head between the man's legs.

"Oh God!"

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