Twenty-First String (NSFW)

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Home alone, Niragi was in the kitchen checking through the cupboards for any food that appealed to him. Chishiya had a strict policy of 'If you want food, buy it yourself'. However, he was also too busy to be there constantly to reinforce that particular rule.

Seeing a jar of peanut butter in one of the cupboards, Niragi grabbed it and popped the lid open, dipping his cracker straight into the jar and scooped the spread out then threw it in his mouth and chewed. That was when the door opened and he froze on the spot. It was too late for him to hide, and he was preparing himself for a lecture from Chishiya.

Except he was not alone.

Following behind was a woman.

"Hey," Niragi greeted. They kicked their shoes off and Chishiya pulled the woman with him into his room, slamming the door and Niragi could hear the door locking. "Huh...that nerd's gonna get laid."

As soon as they were in his room, Kurenai threw her arms over his shoulders and held the back of his head while her lips were upon his. She jumped onto him and Chishiya carried her over to his bed, laying her down.

"It hurts, Doctor Chishiya," Kurenai whispered, between kisses.

"Hm? Where does it hurt?"

"Everywhere. I've been aching for you."

"Let's see if you're telling the truth."

He had his hand under her dress between her legs, and he brushed against her already soaking wet underwear. Reaching inside, he pushed a finger in her and it easily slipped in. Kurenai arched her back, letting out a soft moan, gripping the bedsheets under her.

Using only his finger, Chishiya was enjoying the expressions on her face. The way she would let out a gasp then bite her bottom lip to stop herself from moaning. She held onto him, biting into his shoulder while grinding her hips, like she was asking for more. When it seemed like she was near the end, he pulled his finger out and licked it clean.

Kurenai sat up, pulling him in for a kiss while she worked on undoing the buttons on his shirt. She fumbled a little, getting frustrated that the top button was not coming undone. Chishiya laughed, holding her hand and guided her slowly through all the buttons. His shirt was eventually thrown onto the floor a minute later.

"You know..." she mumbled, planting several kisses on his neck until she found a spot she liked. "I really wanted to have sex with you last time. When we were interrupted." She nibbled on his skin, sucking and biting until a bruise was left behind.

"I really wanted it too," he said, lifting her chin. "No one's going to interrupt us tonight."

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Leaning back, Kurenai laid on his pillows. She held her dress in her hands and was slowly pulling it up, keeping eye contact with Chishiya the entire time. She knew he could never resist her, not that he wanted to anyway.

Chishiya placed his hand on her thigh, caressing as it traveled further up her leg until he found her underwear. He hooked his finger around it and pulled, watching as it was sliding down her legs. He flung it over his shoulder and tugged Kurenai by her legs, pulling her down. He did not bother taking her dress off, he had no time for that.

Reaching over to the nightstand by the bed, he pulled the drawer open and grabbed the box of condoms that Niragi got him as a joke. 'Not that I think you're gonna get laid, but better safe than sorry,' was his roommate's exact words. Well, the joke was on him since Chishiya was having sex before he did.

Once he was ready, he positioned himself between her legs and pushed into her. She let out a moan with her sweet voice and Chishiya could not stop his hips from moving. He wanted to hear her moans more. He wanted to hear her call out his name in pleasure.

Red Strings ¦¦ Chishiya Shuntarou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now