Twentieth String

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'Congratulations' was the one word he had been hearing all day long.

His graduation was today and after years of studying, he was finally a doctor. While he went into the field with no particular interest other than to understand his own father, he was starting to have a new appreciation for the occupation and his own career. He was no closer to understanding his father than all those years ago, but it did not matter now.

Once the ceremony was over, his fellow classmates rushed to the courtyard to take pictures with their families and friends. Walking out with his diploma in hand, Chishiya could only watch in what could only be described as envy. His parents were too busy as usual, too busy to attend their own son's graduation.

And during his years of studying, Chishiya was not particularly sociable.

He would talk to his classmates if it were necessary, if they were to be grouped together for a project for example. Otherwise, Chishiya was pretty much a loner. His personality did not help either, and his classmates were more comfortable not talking to him.

Still, a few of them would ask for a picture together out of politeness, and Chishiya agreed though he was soon by himself again.

Someone tapped on his shoulder suddenly, but when he turned around to look, there was no one there. When he turned back around, Kurenai was standing in front of him with a big smile on her face.

"Congratulations, Doctor Chishiya."

Something he had been hearing all day long, but somehow meant the most coming from her.

"Thank you. What are you doing here?"

"Did you think I'd forget?" she hummed. "I don't think I'm allowed into the ceremony without an invitation, but I guess I miscalculated how long it would take. Sorry I'm a little late."

She held a bouquet of roses and a teddy bear in a graduation gown and cap out, but Chishiya pulled her close instead, holding her by the waist and leaned in to kiss her. The fact that she remembered the day of his graduation and made the effort to come was more than enough. It was more than what his own parents did.

Kurenai gripped onto his gown, smiling into the kiss then pulled away, adjusting his cap. "Let's take a picture," she smiled, pulling her phone out and turned the camera on. Holding Chishiya's face next to hers, Kurenai took a picture.

One after another, Kurenai kept taking more pictures and was having a little photoshoot with Chishiya. She would ask for him to do cute poses that she saw couples online doing, and he would oblige. He felt and looked awkward, but it was worth it to see the smile on Kurenai's face.

After taking what felt like a million pictures of them together, Kurenai then went on to photograph Chishiya alone. She adjusted his gown and cap, brushing his hair out of the way, holding his face as she studied it. He always looked good, though he looked especially good today. Unable to help herself, she leaned in and kissed him on the lips.

"Shall we get going?" she asked. "I booked a restaurant to celebrate with you."

"Hey Chishiya! We're going to celebrate at a bar, do you want to come?"

"No thanks," Chishiya said, dismissing his classmates.

He took Kurena's hand in hers, walking away and leaving campus together. He did not care that his parents could not make it to his graduation. He did not care that he was branded as a loner, and was alone for most of the ceremony. The only person he needed was finally here, and he only wanted to spend the day with her.



Raising her glass, Kurenai clinked it against Chishiya's and took a sip as she toasted him for the umpteenth time. It seemed like she was happier than he was about his own graduation. As she put her glass down, Kurenai looked like she suddenly remembered something, bringing her handbag onto her lap and started rustling about until she pulled a small gift box out.

"This is for you."

"A present?"

Chishiya took the box from her, opening it to reveal a black Paper Mate Inkjoy Gel Pen. To say he was a little disappointed was somewhat of an understatement. He was not a materialistic person, nor was he after Kurenai because of her wealth. Though, he really did not expect her to gift something he could get at any stationery store.

"Why a pen?"

"I looked online and they said the best gift for a doctor is a pen," Kurenai said. "You know, since you have to write the patients' medical history and sign a lot. I did a lot of research, and most people say that this pen is really good. It doesn't smudge, apparently. Your present is a lifetime supply."

He could not help but chuckle a little. Her thinking was so simple yet so thoughtful.

"Thank you," he said, putting the box to one side.

"Let's order."

Looking through the menu, they were trying to decide when a large group walked into the restaurant. Chishiya had a bad feeling in his guts and glanced up. As his luck would have it, the large group that just walked in was his classmates.

Silently cursing, Chishiya raised the menu he was holding a little higher, hoping that they would not see him. He wanted this day to just be with Kurenai, he definitely did not need a group of loud new doctors who already looked like they were drunk interrupting them.

"Hey, isn't that Chishiya over there? Chishiya!"

Damn it...

Lowering the menu, Chishiya gave them an acknowledgement nod but the entire group was migrating over to them.

"No wonder you didn't want to join us at the bar, you're on a date. You sneaky bastard, when did you get yourself a girlfriend?"

"Your friends?" Kurenai asked.


"Oh...that means you guys graduated today too, right?" she smiled. "Since we're all celebrating, let's celebrate together." She waved the waiter over, asking for them to set up a bigger table before Chishiya could protest. "Order away, everyone. My treat."

He glared at his classmates as they were sitting down and thanking Kurenai. How dense could they be?

Apparently, Chishiya was about to find out.

The entire meal, they were loudly chatting and the restaurant was filled with their voices. Kurenai seemed to be having fun too, entertaining them when they asked about Chishiya. She would ask them about him, like what he was like in classes, and if he had girlfriends.

"Chishiya? No way," the guys laughed. "He's the best looking guy around but he has no interest in the girls. Now we know why. You really kept your girlfriend a secret, Chishiya!"

"Really?" Kurenai hummed, looking back to Chishiya. "Could I be...your first girlfriend?"


"Thanks for the meal, Chishiya's girlfriend!"

"Chishiya, you live in the same area as me, right? Let's share a taxi."

"Hey, get a clue man. Chishiya's with his girlfriend."

"Oh yeah...sorry!"

Even just saying goodbye took about ten minutes for the group. When they were finally gone, Chishiya let out a sigh of frustration. He was really starting to think that they were not going to leave them alone.

"What else would you like to do?" Kurenai asked. "It's your graduation, so you can choose whatever."

"I can choose whatever? Can I choose a new present?"

"New present? Of course! What do you want?"


He pulled her so close that their lips were practically touching. Kurenai's face was already red from all the wine she drank, but now her face was redder than before. "When you say you want you mean as your girlfriend? Or do you bed?"


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