Thirty-First String

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" feet..."

Kurenai had no idea how long they had been running for, nor where they were running to, but they were far away from the hotel and they lost the reporters way back when. As much as she was proud to be able to run in heels, her feet were starting to hurt and she eventually stopped running.

Chishiya stopped too, still holding onto her hand. He looked down to see her wearing six inches heels. It was a miracle that she ran this far with him in those shoes.

A few feet ahead, there was a bus stop and they walked over. Chishiya sat her down and knelt in front of her, taking the heels off for her. He then took his own shoes off, fitting them over her feet and tied the shoelaces as tightly as he could.

Once he was done, however, Chishiya could not help the sigh.

"So I'm gone for a day and you're off getting engaged to another man?" His tone was a mixture of anger, disappointment, and sadness. "If Ayako-san didn't call me when she did, you would be another man's fiancé right now."

"You're the one who didn't reply to my messages and calls. And you said you'll be gone."

"I said, I'll be gone for the day! I had a ten hour surgery, and when I came out, there was a huge car accident involving a bus of tourists. I sent you a message, did I not? Or are you that desperate to find someone else? Then fine! Go!"

To say he was frustrated was an understatement. After his surgery, he was thrown right into a sea of patients. He did not sleep for God knew how long, and he did not have anything to eat either. And as soon as he was free, he was met with news of his girlfriend getting engaged to someone else.

Even though he knew it was most likely her father's idea, surely Kurenai could get herself out of the arranged marriage. She found an opportunity once before, she could do it again. So why did she not?

"Why are you yelling at me?"

In his frustration, he raised his voice at her. Kurenai looked up with tears rolling down her cheeks, and Chishiya's heart instantly softened. He knelt beside her again, wiping her tears for her. When he calmed down and thought it through, Kurenai would never leave him for someone else. Especially someone like Ichiro.

How despaired she must have felt.

"I'm sorry for yelling."

"I know my father spoke to you, and I know he offered you money to leave me. And then I got a message from you saying you'll be gone. I really thought you're leaving me! I thought you were like everyone else in my life...I thought you were a liar."

He sighed softly and placed his head on her lap, gripping her hand firmly in his. He could only imagine the roller coaster of emotions she went through. When he heard the news from Ayako, he too went through emotions he never felt before.

How could he ever leave her? She was the one who broke down his walls and showed him an array of feelings. The man who held no interest in life or death, and she was the one who taught him how to love.


Chishiya looked up at her, holding her face with both hands. Yes, love. He loved her. He did not know when, but she became the most important person in his life. And he did not want to live this life without her. He would never give her up to someone else.

"I love you, Kurenai."

Her eyes widened a little, keeping his hand on her face.

She never said those words to anyone before in her life. Not to Aoi, not to Ayako, and most definitely not to her father. But if there was one person she would ever say those three words to, it would be Chishiya.

"I love you too, Shuntarou."


Making their way home, Kurenai had a shower and changed into her pyjamas, sitting on the sofa while she waited for Chishiya to finish with his shower.

She felt ridiculous for ever doubting him. He spent his day saving lives and thinking about her, when she was going batshit crazy and stabbing her phone with a knife. She would never marry Ichiro, nor anyone else for that matter, but she could not help feeling as if she had betrayed Chishiya in one way or another.

Arms wrapped around her, and Chishiya slipped onto the sofa.

For the next hour or so, they just held onto each other in silence.

When they finally separated, it was just so Chishiya could change his position. He laid on the sofa, putting his head on Kurenai's lap and looked up at her. She brushed his hair out of the way, smiling softly. With a hand behind her neck, Chishiya pulled her down and kissed her on the lips.

"What are you doing, Shuntarou?"

"Charging myself."

Ten hours of surgery, plus an entire day of treating patients. By the time Chishiya got off work, he had indents on his face where his mask was. He was hungry and exhausted but laying here on Kurenai's lap, he could feel his tiredness melting off.

"Shuntarou...I'm sorry."

"What about?"

"You took me away before anything became official but...I still went to that engagement party. You must be so angry with me."

Stroking her cheek gently with one hand, Chishiya smiled. "I could never be angry with you. It was a huge misunderstanding, I know. I've been thinking lately how ever since I met you, I keep finding myself in cliché drama plots."

Pulling her legs up, Kurenai climbed over Chishiya and laid next to him, wrapping her arms around his waist with her head on his chest. She took in a deep breath, and although he smelt like the coconut body wash she had, there was still a hint of his scent that always comforted her. She could hear his heart beating too, and it was the most soothing sound in the world.

Chishiya had his hand on her head, pressing her against his chest and closed his eyes. He would hear some of his coworkers talking about their own partners, and how just seeing them smile or holding their hand was more than enough for them to forget about their own worries. He was finally understanding what they meant.

If only he could hold onto her like this forever.


After a while, Chishiya had gone quiet.

His breathing was slow but steady, and when she looked up, he was already fast asleep. His exhaustion finally caught up with him and he knocked out right there on the sofa. Kurenai smiled, staring while he slept.

He always looked so peaceful, and angelic. Compared to his usual smugness, this was a side only Kurenai got to see.

This was a moment she wanted to cherish forever.

But as long as her father was still around, this could only be a dream. He would continuously try to break them up.

She was still working on her revenge plan, and she still was not as confident in it as she could be but it seemed like she would have to go through with it. For Chishiya, and for her own happiness, she could not wait any longer.

Wrapping her arms even tighter around him, Kurenai closed her eyes.

"Wait for it, Shuntarou. I'll make sure no one stands in our way ever again."

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