Forty-Sixth String (NSFW)

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A/N: Not a long nsfw, just a short one. But also, practice safe sex, y'all. Don't be Kurenai and Chishiya.


After dinner that night, everyone went back to their own rooms. Some decided to enjoy the hot springs, while some just wanted to call it a night. Kurenai and Chishiya returned to their bungalow and were enjoying their open air private hot spring.

Kurenai let out a sigh, putting her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed. It had been a long while since she last felt so relaxed. So much so that she could fall asleep right there.

"Are you falling asleep?" Chishiya's voice pulled her out of sleep, and Kurenai opened her eyes, looking up at her boyfriend.


"You know when you lie, your pitch is a little higher."

"No." This time, she lowered her voice purposely.

Chishiya laughed, putting his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. There were many times when he wished time would stop, so they could be with each other forever. This was one of those times. Sitting in the hot spring under a starry night, with the one person he loved in his arms.

"It's nice that Arisu and Usagi found each other," Kurenai suddenly said. "They're getting married too, how cute."


He was not particularly interested in them, to be honest. If anything, there was something about the Arisu guy that irked Chishiya a little. Almost like they were similar in some ways, yet he could not put a finger on how.

"Do you think we'll get married one day?"

Pulling away from him, Kurenai moved so she was straddling and facing him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her forehead against his. There was something about this trip and the anniversary of the disaster that got her asking him all these questions:

Would they have met if this significant event in their lives did not happen?

What if they both fell in love with someone else instead?

Would they get married?

Not that he minded the questions, but it was a little out of character for Kurenai.

Though, to be honest, these were all questions that Chishiya had thought about before. He would like to believe that whether or not a significant event happened did not affect their eventual meeting. He did not quite believe in fate, but there was no denying that their paths would have crossed somehow. He could not see himself falling in love with someone else either. Heck, he never even thought he would fall in love with her.

As for the last question, Chishiya was unsure.

It was not because he did not see himself spending the rest of his life with Kurenai, he definitely did. But rather, the concept of marriage eluded him. The only marriage he had real contact with was his own parents', but as far as he knew, they only married each other for mutual benefits and not love.

If you truly loved someone, even without a piece of paper stating that you were legally bound to each other, you would still love and belong to each other.

"Do you want to?" he asked.

"Right now, all I want is you."

Kurenai's lips were upon his, and she pushed her hips down on his. His fingers traced down the side of her body, holding her by the waist and gently helped her grind against him. Despite just foreplaying, both of their breathing were becoming shallow and they were letting out moans.

Unable to hold himself back, Chishiya entered her.

Pleasure shot through her body, and Kurenai was holding onto his shoulders to steady herself as he was thrusting into her. Perhaps it was the fact that this was their first trip together. Or perhaps, it was because they were in a hot spring. Whatever it was, it got her a lot more excited than usual.

"If you are too loud, someone might hear you," Chishiya whispered into her ear. "We have a private hot spring, but it's still open air."

"What a tease..."

Still, Kurenai had her face buried into his neck, and her moans became muffled. When she felt unable to stop from being loud, she would bite down onto his shoulder and tried to scream as quietly as she could.

"'re being so rough," she whined. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? You want people to hear us."

"It turns me on to see you struggle like this."


"Only for you."

They continued for a good while, and Kurenai was made to come several times before Chishiya finished. She leaned against him, breathing heavily with her eyes closed. Only when he was pulling out did they finally notice that they did it without a condom.

Although he knew Kurenai had been on the pill for a while, Chishiya was reprimanding himself for being reckless. He was too caught up in the moment, and so was Kurenai.

"How naughty of you, Chishiya Shuntarou. Doing it in the hot spring without protection."

"It takes two to tango, Chuya Kurenai."


The next morning, Kurenai woke up before Chishiya and she was at the rooftop restaurant, sitting by a chess table with a cup of morning coffee. As much as she would like to stay in bed with her boyfriend, it was a rare occasion for her to be able to enjoy such a beautiful view of Okinawa.

"Good morning."

An unfamiliar voice greeted her, and Kurenai looked over her shoulder to see a woman with short hair and sunglasses joining her.

"You're an early bird too, huh?" the woman asked.

"Somewhat. Sorry, I don't think I caught your name last night. I'm Chuya Kurenai, nice to meet you."

"Rizuna An. Do you play?"

Looking at the chess table between them, Kurenai did not answer her question but instead, moved a pawn. An took that as a yes and made her own move. As the two women were enjoying their morning coffee, they were exercising their brain early in the morning too.

"What was it like for you, when your heart stopped?" An suddenly asked.

Kurenai was focused on the board in front of her, but she looked up when the question was dropped. Everyone seemed to be quite interested as to how each individual experienced death, and everyone seemed to have different theories as to what happened during that minute or two when their hearts stopped.

She was quiet for a while, making her move before she answered.

"It felt like I was in another place. Somewhere far away."

"You too, huh?"

"I think a lot of people felt that way," Kurenai said. "I heard a rather interesting theory last night, and I might just start believing it."

"What theory might that be?"

"That we entered a different place, perhaps another dimension. And while our hearts stopped in this world, we were fighting in the other world to get back to this one. In doing so, we survived. The theory even suggests that we all met in that other world but somehow, coming back here wiped our memories."

"Very interesting."

After An made her move, Kurenai moved her Queen.


"Are you an expert?"

"I've never played chess before. I know the basic rules, but this is my first game."

Red Strings ¦¦ Chishiya Shuntarou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now