Thirty-Fourth String

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A/N: You guys might have noticed that I haven't been doing two updates per day. That's because I've started work so I can only update once per day now...


Bursting through the doors of his office, Atsushi was chased after by his secretary. He grabbed the glass pen holder and smashed it on the floor, startling his secretary. Nothing seemed to be going his way lately, and it all started because Kurenai decided to defy him. And now the company was in a crisis.

"Get me Aoi. And Hideki. Now!"

"Y-yes sir!"

Within twenty-minutes, both Aoi and their CFO, Hideki, were in Atsushi's office. The man was still fuming, pacing up and down the room without saying a word. It was times like this that Aoi wished he had Kurenai's courage. Whenever he was silent, that was when Atsushi was the most volatile.

"How did you let this happen?"

Finally speaking, Atsushi stood behind his desk, both hands on his hips.

Just under an hour ago, Atsushi was given news that someone had been secretly and slowly buying out the company. However, despite being one of the top corporations in Japan and having an entire army of staff, this activity was not detected until now. How was this possible?

"It seems like whoever is trying to buy us out did it gradually. They have been so insignificant that we haven't been able to detect any anomaly," Hideki said.

"I pay you so much for you to tell me now that you're so incompetent that you never discovered another goddamn company trying to buy us out? Then I should hire them to work for me!"

Grabbing a folder off the desk, Atsushi hurled it at Hideki. The man managed to duck and paper flew everywhere, scattering all over the office.

"Tell me you know who it is."

"Apparently, it's a company called KC Corps. Our people looked into it's a shell company. We don't know who owns it."

"What do you know then?!" Atsushi yelled, grabbing Aoi by the collar and slammed him against the bookshelf. Several books fell, but Atsushi slammed him once more. "How could I have such a useless son?"

"We've only just got information when you did, sir," Hideki said. He placed a hand on top of Atsushi's, gently pulling his hand off Aoi, standing between the father and son. "We are all working to find out more, and countering the attack. They have been working for at least two years now, you need to give us time to figure out a solution."

"I want you to solve this as soon as possible. By the end of the week, if you can't do it, hand in your resignation."


Lately, Chishiya found himself going back to Kurenai's apartment after work instead of his own. And it felt more natural to be at her place than his own. He did not even care about Niragi stealing his food anymore. If he was not living there, his food would go to waste anyway.


"Mr. Chishiya," Ayako smiled. "Miss Kurenai is up in her study. Would you please let her know that dinner will be ready soon? She's been up there all day, for the past few days."

With a nod, he headed up the stairs.

The second floor was completely dark, save for the light coming from one particular room. According to Ayako, that was where Kurenai had nested for the past few days. On nights when Chishiya was working the night shift, she would be sleeping at her desk. He had carried her to bed twice now, after coming home to find her knocked out in the study.

He knocked gently on the door, walking in to see Kurenai typing away on her computer. Every time Chishiya asked what she was working on, she would simply reply with: 'Our future'.

Walking up behind her, Chishiya tugged gently on her hair, getting her to tilt her head back and look up at him. As soon as his face came into view, a big smile spread on her face. She reached up with both hands, pulling his face down and kissed him on the lips.

"When did you get home?"

"Just now."

Chishiya spun her chair around so she was facing him, and he was squatting in front of her, putting his head on her lap like a cat. It had become their thing to just hold onto the other whenever one of them felt exhausted or stressed out to 'recharge' themselves.

So for the next five minutes or so, neither of them said a word. Chishiya closed his eyes and enjoyed her warmth, while Kurenai was playing with his hair, tangling her fingers in it.

"Ayako-san told me you've been working through the nights," Chishiya said, propping his chin up on her thigh and looked up at Kurenai. She continued playing with his hair, brushing the two strands he always had framing his face behind his ears.

"Are you going to doctor me?"

"Yes, I'm going to doctor you."

"Doctors are only sexy in hospitals and in bed," she whispered, leaning close.

Their lips met and before Chishiya could continue with his lecture about adequate rest, they were making out. Tilting her head to the side, Kurenai pressed her lips harder on Chishiya's.

Kurenai was becoming a real expert at distracting him whenever he tried to tell her to take a break. Though, if this was the distraction every time, he would not mind.

"It's been a while since you gave me an inspector, Doctor Chishiya," she whispered, breathing a little heavily from the kiss. She then planted several kisses on his lips before kissing along his jawline, pressing her lips to his neck.

He stopped her before she could go any further, however.

As much as he wanted it too, Ayako said dinner would be ready soon. They did not need another incident whereby someone walked in on them; Aoi had yet to forgive them for last time.

"Later," he said, putting his finger to her lips.

"What a tease..."

Letting out a laugh, Chishiya kissed her on the forehead. Who was being the tease here? He craved for her too, there was no denying that. Like she said, it had been a while since they last did it. They had been so busy with their individual work that whenever they got to see each other, they would just end up falling asleep in each other's arms instead.

"I promise, tonight I'll make you feel real good." At the bottom of the stairs, Chishiya whispered into her ear. "You like blindfolds, don't you?"

Chishiya Shuntarou was definitely a tease.


After their amorous activity involving a blindfold and tying someone's hands together, the couple was now laying in bed cuddled up to each other.

Despite the nagging thought at the back of her mind telling her to go back to work, Kurenai refused to move from her position. She wrapped her arms tighter around Chishiya and pressed her ear against his chest. His heart was still beating fast from what they were just doing.



"Have you...ever thought about our future?"

"Of course. Like I'm thinking right now, your walk-in closet should be fun to have sex in with that mirror wall." Although he got a giggle out of her, Kurenai still bit into his shoulder as punishment. "Of course I've thought about it. Why do you ask?"

"Do you think...we'll get married in the future?"

"To other people? No. To each other? Yes."

Kurenai smiled, burying her face in his neck. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of his scent. "You'll never leave me, right?"


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