Twelve String

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The anniversary of Midori's death was hitting especially hard this year, and Kurenai had no idea why. Every year since she was seven, she attended at her father's orders, and every year was the same. She would stand next to her father, emotionless, and return home for ice cream. When she was a little older, she would take Aoi with her to go out for ice cream instead.

Today, however, as her ice cream was melting in the cup, Kurenai just did not feel like herself. She felt...empty.

"Are you not going to eat your ice cream?" Aoi asked, the spoon still in his mouth.

Looking at her brother, Kurenai could remember the first time she brought him to this place. He was only twelve, but he was so small back then. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, and even as he told her what ice cream he wanted, he was still sniffing.

Years later, he had grown much taller than she was, and looking dashing in his suit; he turned several heads when they entered the ice cream parlour. He no longer cried on Midori's death anniversary. He was still very much a crybaby, just not on this day. Somewhere along the way, he learnt the truth of her passing and he never shed a tear for her since.

"Don't feel like it," she said, pushing the cup toward him but Aoi stopped her.

"That's vanilla. I hate vanilla."

"Please, you're the most vanilla person I know," Kurenai rolled her eyes, pulling the cup back and took a bite. "When are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?"

At the mention of his boyfriend, Aoi suddenly went bright red. He lowered his head, shoving ice cream into his mouth. Two years ago when Kurenai woke up in the hospital, they spent the next few days talking. He never thought his sister would remember him talking about meeting someone.

"Well...he's not really my boyfriend."

"It's been two years, and you're telling me now that he's not your boyfriend?"

"It's complicated. We went on like two dates back then but we never really did anything after. And now it seems like he's trying to ask me out again."

"What's his name? He works in the company, right?"

Her tone of voice was especially spine chilling, almost like she was threatening. His relationship with Kurenai was truly confusing. They were not close like most siblings were; he did not know what her favourite colour was, nor what is her favourite genre of music. Yet, if anything were to happen to Aoi, Kurenai was always the first to appear by his side. Her words would be mean, but he could tell the care she had for him.

"He's really not a bad person," Aoi said. "I already said yes to another date, so we'll see how that goes. If it goes well, then I'll let you guys meet. But! You have to promise that you wouldn't scare him away."

"Scare him away? Please. I'm the nicest person I know."


After the ice cream, Aoi had to get back to work and Kurenai was once again left alone. She used to enjoy these moments when she was by herself. No one to irritate her, no one to tell her what to do. Lately, however, she was feeling a little different.

She wondered what it was like to have someone by her side. To have someone who would make her blush the way Aoi did when his guy was mentioned.

And one person popped in mind.

Was he that person? He was just someone she met randomly, and honestly, she would not even classify their relationship as friends. She enjoyed his presence for no other reason than it felt comfortable. She did not even know why it felt comfortable.

Yet, there she was, standing in front of the hospital.

Having worked there for a week now, she knew her way around the building, and she knew where to go exactly at this time to find the one person. And so, she did. She went up to the floor she had been working on, and headed down the hallway.

As if on cue, Chishiya was coming out of a ward when he saw the woman in a black dress. What was she doing here? She had taken the day off, and specified not to be contacted no matter what.

Something was a little different about her today, however.

Something was telling Chishiya that she was not happy.

Kurenai walked up to him, not saying a word. She stood just inches from him and placed her head on his chest, closing her eyes. She took in a deep breath, smelling the strong chemicals in the hospital but at the same time, smelling him. Instantly, she felt better. Comforting and relaxing, like this was where she belonged.

"Are you alright?"

"Just charging myself."

"Here? In a hospital corridor?" Chishiya asked. "Using me?"

Instead of answering, Kurenai wrapped her arms around Chishiya. She had her ear pressed on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was calming. Although, for some reason, it was beating faster by the second.

Although unconventional, and probably breaking multiple protocols, Chishiya had his arms around her too. There was nothing particular about his day, and he did not feel particularly negative. But there was something about having her in his arms that better his mood.

Tightening her arms around Chishiya, Kurenai wished for this moment to freeze. If only she could stay like this forever.


God, who was this man, and why was he making her feel this way?


"When are you getting off your shift?" Kurenai asked.

"I'm working the night shift."

"Have you had dinner?"

"I don't really feel like having McDonald's."

"We'll have something else."

Chishiya did not know what she had in mind, and before he could find out, he was called away on duty.

Kurenai found herself sitting in the break room where she normally worked and gave a call to Ayako who nearly had a heart attack when she heard that she was in a hospital. After barely explaining to a hysterical Ayako that she was not in the hospital for medical reasons, Kurenai asked for her to make two traditional Japanese bentos, and have her driver Hanzo deliver it.

In about an hour and a half, two three-tiered bentos were delivered to Kurenai along with a thermos of homemade miso soup, and some dessert. Just in time as Chishiya took his break.

"You're still here?" he frowned, holding a sandwich in his hand. He thought Kurenai would have left when he did not have time to entertain her. He certainly was not expecting a full meal waiting for him. "What's this?"

"I had Ayako-san make us a bento," Kurenai smiled. "I don't know what you like to eat so I had Ayako-san make a little of everything."

Sitting down at the table, Chishiya smiled as she took apart the bentos. It had been a long while since he last ate a home cooked meal. He could barely remember what his own mother's cooking was like, but the food this Ayako made smelt heavenly.

"Were you on a date with Morita?" Chishiya asked.

"Hm?" Kurenai looked down at her black dress before shaking her head. "No. It was my mother's memorial."

"My condolences."

"It's alright."

She had a smile on her face but Chishiya could tell it was forced. Almost like she did not want him to worry about her. But he did worry. So, he did the only thing he could think to do. He reached across the table with one hand and tapped her nose with his index finger.

"Everything will be alright."

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