Seventh String

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It was now almost ten at night, but Kurenai did not go home.

After meeting with her father, she found herself wandering the streets. Her cheek was stinging where he hit her, and she was pretty sure it would bruise. If she headed home now, she would only worry Ayako.


"Isn't that why she killed herself?"

"What did you just say?"

"Mother killed herself because that was her only escape from you."

Without warning, Atsushi slapped her again. And again, and again. He hit her so hard that he busted her lips, and she was bleeding. It was not much, but she was bleeding. Kurenai was numb to this, however. She had experienced worse from her father, this would be considered her lucky day.

"Get out of here, I don't want to see your face. Make sure you ask Morita Ichiro out and apologise to him."


That was about six hours ago.

And for six hours, Kurenai was walking around the streets of Tokyo with no particular destination in mind. When she finally tired, she sat on a planter to the side of the street. Where was a meteorite strike when you needed it?

There were questions she always asked herself when she was younger, and occasionally on days like this.

Why was she born? Why was her father blindly awarded by society when he was the most abusive man she knew? Why did her mother leave her and Aoi behind? Why was she still alive to endure this?

"Hey, you're her, aren't you? Chuya Kurenai."

She looked up, seeing a woman with dreads standing in front of her. Kurenai remembered her from the anniversary party, though she could not quite remember her name. Hikaru? Hikari.

"Yo, that looks fucked up," Kuina frowned, lifting Kurenai's chin and took a closer look at her busted lips. "Who did that to you?"

"I tripped and fell."

"Oldest lie in the book. You really think I'd believe you? Come on."

Grabbing her by the elbow, Kuina pulled her onto her feet and dragged her along, heading off to somewhere. They did not walk far, coming to a convenience store where Kuina told Kurenai to sit outside and wait for her. She went into the store, coming out minutes later with some things in her hand.

Pulling the chair right next to Kurenai, Kuina got to work. She used the disinfectant first, wiping the wound clean, chuckling when Kurenai winced from the stinging sensation. Once the wound was clean, she applied some cream on it.

"So what really happened to your lips?" Kuina asked.

"The result of disobeying your abusive father."

Kuina paused, as if something triggered in her. She looked at Kurenai, glancing her up and down. From head to toe, this woman was dressed in branded clothing. Though Kuina did not know what brands, she could tell they were made high quality and probably cost more than her life. It was ironic that someone with a status like hers would be envied by most people when behind the scenes, this was the reality.

"Hm, I understand," Kuina said, looking down at her hands. How long had it been since she last saw her father? She had no idea how he was doing, not that it bothered her much. He did not accept her for who she was, why should she accept his views? "Ever thought of just...leaving?"

"It's not that easy."

Of course Kurenai thought of leaving.

She had a plan for the day she turned eighteen. She was going to buy a plane ticket to another country, and leave Japan for good. She even had her bags packed, searching for a place that she liked.

But what about Aoi?

He was still a minor then, he could not leave with her. And with Kurenai gone, no one would be there for him. No one would take the beating for him. Nor would they sit with him and let him cry on their shoulder.

Not to mention, with the power the Chuya Group held, it would not be hard for her father to find her and bring her back to Japan. Or simply, cut her off entirely. Kurenai never worked a single day in her life. And if her father was to pass the word, no one would dare to hire her.

That was also the day she changed her plan.

Kurenai was not going to be a coward. Why run away when she could be taking revenge? And how sweet would it be when she would serve that revenge to her father one day?

"Come on then," Kuina said, suddenly getting up.

"Excuse me?"

Indicating for them to go, Kuina did not move until Kurenai got up. Although skeptical and confused, Kurenai still followed her. They did not walk for long, as Kuina turned into a fast food restaurant. Standing outside the entrance, Kurenai frowned at the scene.

The existence of fast food restaurants did not elude her; she knew about them ever since she was a child. When she was much younger, she always wanted to try it because every other child did, but she was never allowed. As she grew older, however, it never occurred to her to try a burger from one of these places. If she wanted a burger, she would ask Ayako to make her one.

"What? Never had a burger before?" Kuina asked, coming out when Kurenai did not go in. "It's not going to kill you. Come on."

A little hesitant, Kurenai eventually took that step.

Kuina did the ordering for them while Kurenai was looking around the entire time. She was fascinated yet on guard. Everyone else seemed to be going about their own business though a handful looked at Kurenai like she was crazy in her bright red A-line dress.

Once they got their order, Kuina found them a table and gestured for Kurenai to sit down.

"Alright, try this," she said, opening the small box to reveal nuggets inside.

"With what?"

"Your hand."

Now Kurenai was looking at Kuina like she was crazy. How unhygienic was it to use her hands? Kuina did not seem to care, however, taking a nugget from the box and started eating. Picking one from the box, Kurenai took a small bite.

Her eyes instantly brightened and widened.

This was...delicious?

Chuckling, Kuina pushed the burger box toward her and turned the fries to face her too. Kurenai tried each of everything, even taking a sip of the drink. She let out a satisfied sigh before eating more. Before she tried the burger, Kuina stopped her and poured some sauce on the patty then indicated for her to try.

If Ayako knew what she was eating right now, she would burst a vein.

"So? How was it, princess?" Kuina asked, wiping her mouth.

"It was good," Kurenai smiled.

"Hey, you're smiling now. I know you rich people have therapists and whatnots, but for us folks who cannot afford, food is our therapy. Imagine the food as all your worries and burdens. When you eat them all, they are all gone. Now you have a full stomach, and a happy mind."

"If I were to eat my worries and burdens, I would be overweight overnight."

Staring at Kurenai, Kuina suddenly felt sorry for her.

Handing her phone over suddenly, Kuina asked for her number. "I know I'm not fancy or anything. And I don't have the financial resources that you do but I have pretty strong shoulders. If you need someone to share your burden, give me a call."

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