Forty-Second String

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A/N: What else would you guys like to see Kurenai and Chishiya do? Besides getting married, cos I already have plans for that. Like what else in between this period until then would you like to see?

Also, do you guys mind doing a quick poll for me? It's related to the high school AU. Link is in the comment.


As much as Kurenai did not want to attend the party, there was no way she would show up looking shabby. She was determined to walk in with her head held high, dressed like royalty. If the press were to go crazy, at least she would look good in the pictures.

Chishiya knocked on the door to her walk-in closet, opening the door but stopped for a moment. Kurenai was always immaculately dressed for all occasions, and each time he would be blown away at how beautiful she looked in every outfit.

He walked up to her, holding her by the waist and kissed her temple. Kurenai only managed to squeeze out a small smile, however.

"Help me with my tie?"

"Don't you know how to do it yourself?" she asked, taking the tie from him.

Of course Chishiya knew how to do a simple tie knot. He liked it better when Kurenai would do it for him though. The way she would always try to sneak in a kiss here and there by pulling him close with the tie. How her fingers would work so quickly yet the knot would come out perfect.

"Perfect," she mumbled, smoothing out the material and straightened his collar.

"The tie, or me?"

"You, of course," she smiled, tapping his nose with her finger. "Let's get this over with."


Arriving at the hotel, the reporters instantly recognised Kurenai's car and they were swarmed within seconds even before they got out. Chishiya stepped out first, holding his hand out for Kurenai and helped her out of the car as cameras were flashing in their eyes.

They were bombarded with questions but neither of them said a word. They simply smiled and walked into the hotel, albeit with difficulty. It took them about ten minutes to get through the crowd and finally arriving at the banquet hall.

It was a lot calmer in the hall, as all focus was on the newly engaged couple up on the stage platform. Not long ago, Kurenai stood up there too, announcing her own engagement that never happened in the end. Although chaotic, it was a day that Kurenai would never forget because it was the day Chishiya told her he loved her.

With Chishiya's hand on her waist, they found a spot at the back of the crowd.

Kurenai looked up to the stage and made eye contact with Hina, who smirked the moment she saw Kurenai in the crowd. To be honest, she was really not interested in whatever Hina had to say about their engagement. It was a marriage bound for failure in Kurenai's opinion, since it was rather clear what Hina's motivations were.

"Can you tell us about the proposal, Miss Sasaki?"

"Oh, it was absolutely perfect. So romantic," Hina grinned, hooking her arm onto Kyou's. "He made reservations at the restaurant where we had our first date, and he was so nervous. He did the whole shebang though. Flowers, down on one knee in front of everyone, all that jazz."

"How did you know he's the one, Miss Sasaki?"

"That is a great question. You see, sometimes to find the one for us, we have to go through some rough relationships. Only then we will know what we want in our future partner. That's how we know we are for each other, because we went through people who did not suit us."

"Are you talking about Chuya Kurenai in the case of Mr. Miyamoto? How do you feel about the fact that he dated your friend before you?"

"We all have our past," Hina said. "I think it's a shame that they could not make it as a couple, but at the same time, I feel blessed because I wouldn't have met Kyou otherwise. You have to dig through dirt in order to find the treasure after all."

It was a clear dig at Kurenai.

That bitch was calling her dirt.

And Kurenai could not help but let out a laugh.

"Miss Chuya!"

Instantly, she had the attention of every single reporter in the room as they crowded around her and Chishiya, each and every one of them shoving a microphone or a camera in their faces. Normally an irritating feat, today however, Kurenai found it to be rather satisfying that she could steal the attention away from Hina so easily.

"What do you have to say about Miss Sasaki's and Mr. Miyamoto's engagement, Miss Chuya?"

"Are you here to give them your blessings? Or are you here to try and get Mr. Miyamoto back?"

"Did you bring your boyfriend along as a petty act?"

While they asked their questions, Chishiya held Kurenai a little closer and used his own body and arm to create a small barrier between her and the reporters. Kurenai looked up at her boyfriend with a smile, holding his hand tightly in hers.

"I'm here because I was invited," Kurenai answered. "And of course I'm here to give my blessing to them. I'm happy that they found each other. Just as I've found my Shuntarou," she said, kissing Chishiya on the cheek.

More cameras flashed at the display of affection.

"So you're not jealous that your friend is marrying your ex-boyfriend?"

"Why would I be jealous? I have Shuntarou. Besides, like Miss Sasaki said, you have to dig through dirt in order to find the treasure. I found my treasure. I wonder if they're still digging though."

"Mr. Chishiya, how do you feel attending this party knowing that Mr. Miyamoto dated Miss Chuya?"

"I'll be honest, this party means nothing to me. I don't know either of them enough to be giving my blessing. I'm simply here for my treasure."

Just as Kurenai kissed his cheek before, Chishiya brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it, looking deep into her eyes. Even though they were putting on an over-the-top act for the press, it was clear that they were both head over heels for each other. And everyone was eating right out of their palms.

"That's enough questions," Hina said, barging through the crowd and stood by Kurenai. "It's time for dinner," she smiled, taking Kurenai by the elbow. "Come with me, Kurenai. I've got you a special seat at the head table. I didn't know you were bringing your boyfriend though. I'll have him seated at another table."

"But I want to be with Shuntarou." Kurenai pulled away from Hina, holding onto Chishiya. "I don't mind if I'm not at the head table, or wherever you put us, as long as I'm with Shuntarou."

In Hina's eyes, it was a pathetic act. To the press, however, it was a great love story to tell. Young director of a multi-billion corporation, willing to shed her status just so she could be seated with the love of her life. That was a headline that would sell.

They were led to a table far away from the main event, near the entrance to the banquet hall. In any event, this would usually be the table where unexpected and unimportant guests would be seated. Today, however, it was the busiest table as it was surrounded by every single reporter Hina invited to the party.

"Miss Chuya, what made you choose Mr. Chishiya over Mr. Miyamoto?"

"Well, Shuntarou is smarter, better looking, and just in general better in every way. He makes me smile and laugh. He challenges me mentally but most importantly, he understands me. And he loves me for who I am."

"What about you, Mr. Chishiya? There are speculations that you are only after the Chuya fortune. Is that true?"

"How ridiculous. I love Kurenai for who she is. She's intelligent, bold, and honest. She's the first person to ever show me what love and affection is. She is the one who taught me that I could love and be loved."

Watching on, Hina was biting down on her lip so hard that she was drawing a little blood. This was her party. Tonight was supposed to be about her. The cameras should be pointing her way. It should be her love story that they were gobbling up, not Kurenai's. 

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