Forty-Fifth String

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A/N: I refuse to believe that Aguni is only 26 years old in the manga.


Chishiya could not remember the last time he took a vacation. The closest he ever came to a holiday was probably when he was bedridden in the hospital from the meteorite disaster.

Growing up, his parents were always too busy to take him on a trip, coupled with the fact that they could not be bothered. His only experiences were school trips to museums, and that one time they went camping in the mountains. Since he got into medical school, Chishiya never even thought of going on a trip because he knew he would never have the time to.

With the third anniversary of the disaster coming up, Kurenai decided she would host a celebration for the survivors. Being Kurenai, just having a banquet in a five-star hotel was not good enough; she had to go all out.

She planned this about a month ago. She booked an entire hot spring resort, and sent out invitations to survivors for an all-expense paid trip to Okinawa for three days and two nights.

"Welcome! May I have your name for check in?"

"Chuya Kurenai."

"You've booked our bungalow, right?" Kurenai nodded. The receptionist typed away at her computer before handing over two keys. "These are the keys to your bungalow. You have a private hot spring, but you are more than welcomed to use the communal ones. Breakfast is from seven to nine in the morning. You can have breakfast brought to you if you just give us a call the night before. Check out on your last day will be any time before noon. If you need a later check out time, just let the front desk know."

After they were checked in, they were led away by a bellboy.

On the way to the bungalow, the bellboy made sure to tell them about the resort. That they could book a spa appointment and have the most relaxing massage. And if they would like, they could book a table at the restaurant for a romantic candlelit dinner. He even informed them that the communal hot springs were available twenty-four hours, but it was better not to go during the day because it would be too crowded.

"Here we are," he smiled, letting the couple into the bungalow and put their luggage down by the entrance. "Enjoy your stay with us, Mr. and Mrs. Chuya."

Kurenai could not help but giggle at the bellboy's honest mistake. Chishiya, on the other hand, was just a little less than amused.

"Did he just say Mr. and Mrs. Chuya?"

"We're a couple, it's not uncommon for us to be mistaken as married."

"Yes, I know. But he said Mr. Chuya."

Not that Chishiya had any issues with taking Kurenai's name. In this modern world, it did not matter whose family name the couple would adopt after marriage. He knew couples who would choose the name to take up simply on whose sounded better. It felt odd, however, to be referred to as Chuya since he was not used to it.

"Chuya Shuntarou, sounds nice," Kurenai teased.

"Chishiya Kurenai sounds better."

"Oh? You're one of those men whose wife has to take on your name, huh?"

"Doesn't matter whose name you take on, Chishiya or Chuya. But those are your only options."

"What if I like the sound of say...Niragi? Niragi Kurenai. Not bad."

"Don't even joke about it."


That night, Kurenai had organised for all those coming on this trip to have dinner together at the hotel restaurant.

Red Strings ¦¦ Chishiya Shuntarou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now