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      "I have to go, but," Isaac kissed my forehead, the crowd still cheering and hugging the players for our win. "I'll see you tomorrow."

      I went over towards Stiles a moment later, Dad on the phone.

      "Uh, huh." Dad had a finger in his other ear, trying to keep out the noise.

      Stiles sighed a little, only nodding at me when I came over. He looked up to Dad, "Dad, what's wrong?"

      Dad held out a finger to Stiles, still listening to his caller.

      Stiles and I exchanged a look, "What do you think it's about?"

      "The case, I'm guessing." I replied, seeing Dad's shoulders drop a little. "Definitely the case."

      Dad hung up his cell, letting out a small sigh as he rubbed his temple.

      "Dad?" I asked, knowing that if it was work, he'd have to tell me.

      Dad came down off the bleachers, "That was the medical examiner. He looked at Laura-"

      "What? You i.d.'d the dead girl?" Stiles asked, the only one not aware of Derek's sister.

      "Yeah, Laura Hale. But, uh, the medical examiner said she was killed by an animal. Tara is releasing Derek right now." He gave me an unconvincing smile. "It looks like you were right."

      Stiles looked like he was about to faint, "I, uh, I'm gonna go find Scott." He rubbed his head a little, "I'll catch you guys back at the house." A moment later, he ran for the school.

      "You know, a good cop always has a good intuition." Dad said, smiling before nodding towards the parking lot. "You ready? I'll make some hot cocoa at the house."

      "Sure." I agreed, Dad wrapping an arm around me. "Hey, Jackson. Good game." I said, passing number 37.

      Jackson had to look twice, recognizing me. "Thanks, Addi." He said, a sulky undertone in his voice.

      "Do they know what hairs were on the girl?" I questioned, trying to ignore Derek's camaro across the lot. "I saw them find some on the body this morning."

      "The L.A. lab hasn't gotten back to us yet, but I'll tell you once they call us with the results."

      But I knew they would find wolf hairs.


      Time took it's turn, recovering Beacon Hills to a moderately normal pace. But it was a temporary thing. The supernatural world had trouble with being calm.

      Sunday was fine and so was monday, but it was tuesday that brought a change of tide.

      I'd woken up with an uneasy feeling around five and wasn't able to fall asleep again.

      Dad came downstairs not too long after, already in uniform. He gave me a strange look, seeing me sitting on the counter with my legs crossed.

      I smiled, pointing to the coffee pot. "I made coffee."

      Dad eyed it, giving in a moment later. "What are you doing up so early? It's barely six." He said, pulling a mug from the cupboard above the toaster.

      "Couldn't sleep." I replied, drinking the last sip of coffee of my second cup.

      Dad nodded a little, pouring a decent amount of caffine for himself before filling mine back up. "I know you're only a sophomore, but I was wondering if you had thought about college yet."

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