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      "I'm sorry but we're closed." A voice called, "We open in the morning at eight."

      "Are you sure you don't have a minute?" I asked, pocketing my hands into my fitted leather jacket typically worn for hunts.

      Doctor Deaton came around to corner, "I was wondering when you would come to see me." He motioned back, "Come in."

      "I know you're retired but," I went through the Mountain Ash gate with ease, "I just needed to talk."

      "I assume you weren't planning on hell breaking loose in Beacon Hills so soon." Deaton said, crossing his arms over his chest absently.

      "No, not exactly." I hopped up onto the cleared silver work table, letting my legs clad in dark skinny jeans dangle. I'd grown accustomed to the weight my hidden knife put on my boots and was completely unbothered. "How much do you know?"

      Deaton leaned on the table next to me so we faced each other. "I've kept my ears open, so some. Derek Hale is back, but without his sister Laura. There's an alpha running around and he bit our dear Scott."

      "And the Argents are here. Some of them, at least. Chris' daughter doesn't know about what her family does."

      "Or what you do." Deaton said, "No matter way of training, hunters are hunters."

      I shook my head a little, "No one knows what I do. Not really, at least."

      "What did you want to talk about, Addison?"

      "My position at the station." I held the porsche keys on my finger, it posing as my car for the third night. I have to take it back tonight in about an hour. "I hate watching them struggle while I know what happened."

      "You're a peculiar one, Addi." Deaton assessed, "You, at sixteen, are one of the best hunters yet you want to protect the beasts here. It's like you're two different people at the same time."

      "It's the situation, Doc. When I hunt outside of Beacon Hills, it's not personal. I save the people to any extent it takes and kill the monsters. That's how it works." I threw a hand into the air a little, "Then, here, in a place so small that everyone knows everyone's uncle..." I dropped out, my eyes flickering to the side. I shook my head, "I just don't know anymore."

      "You're in a tough place." Deaton said as fact. "You're a hunter, but a friend too."

      "I'm lying to everyone. I'm the only one with the full story." I pushed at my hair, "The Winchesters don't know any of it, Scott and Stiles think I don't know anything and the Argents don't know that I know exactly who the're looking and everyone at the station have no clue about anything."

      "I'll tell you something, Addison, and I want you to never forget it." Deaton said, unfolding his arms to use his hands for emphasis. "They. Are. Not. Ready. The world will never be ready to know or even welcome to the idea. People believe what they want and that means monsters are out of the question."

      "And along with monsters are their hunters." I said, "So don't tell them."

      "If you want to do things right by yourself, don't merge the lines. When it comes to Scott, be there for him to protect him, but don't be seen in truth. When it's the Argents, help them but help your friends as well. As for the station, let them squabble. They have to do it their way. And the hunters who trained you-"

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