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      "Maybe we should just stick you with all the paper work, Stilinski." Adam leaned back in his desk chair, exchanging a laugh with Marshall. "You're the noobie."

     "And I'll accidentally mess it up on purpose." I sarcastically smiled, pouring a cup of coffee for myself. "Then it'll be on your heads because it was assigned to you."

      "Hey Stilinski." Tevin poked his head into the back from the front desk. He'd come in late because of a traffic jam leaving the campus of his college. "You drive the porsche?"

      "Yeah. Borrowed it from a friend." I capped the coffee cup, going back towards my desk that was close to the front section of the station.

      Tevin looked impressed, nodding before going back into his area.

      "Any theories on our killer?" Marshall always liked talking about cases whenever they happened.

      "Who's the suspect in custody?" Charlie asked, the file on his desk with the answer unopened or even noticed.

      "Some tweaker who was in the woods the night before on a camping permit." Max said, putting his hands behind his head as he relaxed backwards in his desk chair. "They let him go though. Didn't have anything on him." 

      "Addi, you're lucky you have school." Marshall said, "We had to freeze our asses off this morning searching the woods."

       "Nothing about high school is lucky." I retorted, sipping on the coffee. I hated it up until Mrs. Ward had me drink some every time I was over. "It sucks. And it smells."

      "Hey guys." Tevin's voice drifted to us as he spoke when the front door opened. "Go ahead and take him back. Sheriff Stilinski is waiting."

      Escourting but not hand cuffed, a familiar face in a leather jacket appeared. A pair of hazel green eyes met mine for a split second, his expression unreadable.

      My lips parted as he walked away, "Derek?"

      Derek's head turned just barely as he went down the hall and out of sight. 

      Six years and it's becoming a Hale reunion in Beacon Hills. A werewolf reunion.

      Tevin whistled, having to snap to get my attention. "Visitor, Stilinski."

      I grabbed the keys to the porsche, seeing Jackson with his hands in his pockets by the door.

      "Glad to see you didn't wreck her." Jackson caught the keys as soon as I threw them.

      "Only two dead bodies in the trunk." I said, shrugging a little and not noticing Tevin's disappearance straight away.

      "Only two this time?" Jackson asked, "Better than last time."

      "I'm cutting down on that." I said with a slight laugh, "How was lacrosse?"

      "Uh, good, I guess." Jackson looked at me strangely. "Hey, so, you're friends with that McCall guy, right?"

      "He's a friend of mine, yeah." Scott got caught, didn't he? Killed someone? "Why?"

      "Is he on anything?"

      I laughed, "Who, Scott?" He was a baby when it came to stuff like that. "No way." I stopped, "Why would you think that?"

      "He was actually not bad on the field." Jackson grimaced a little, hating competition.

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