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      "Look who it is." Tevin said as I got into his patrol car. "Hero of the day."

      I laughed a little, "I'm not."

      "But you are, Stilinski." Tevin countered, pulling out of the vet clinic. "That guy that you found, the driver, they said he would've died if you didn't get to him when you did."

      I shrugged a little, starting the speeding monitor on the dashboard. "It's our job."

      Tevin laughed, putting the car into park on the side of the road in an alley so we could get reads on the cars passing. "You are just like your dad. He hates those 'thank you random citizen' campaigns. He says we're just doing our job."

      "That's exactly what it is." I replied, watching the road.

      "Yeah, well in a place like Beacon Hills, you take what you can get."

      That won't be the case much longer.

      An annoyed noise came from Tevin, his focus on our blurring windshield.

      "Surprise, surprise." I sarcastically, putting my arm behind me to pet Anabelle.

      "Dispatch to Unit 16. We need you to go clear the Old Hale House."

      My nose scrunched a little, able to spot out Adam's voice.

      "Copy that." Tevin answered, shifting gears into drive.

      I leaned forward, turning off the speed radar. "Why does the Hale House need to be cleared?" I asked, the light rain pettering down on the car.

      "No clue, but I'll take anything over sitting on my ass here where no one ever speeds." And to follow his statement, he flicked on the siren and swerved on to the road exactly like Jackson drove. 

      "We're clearing an empty house." I turned off the siren, "Not arresting a killer."

      "No, you already did that, didn't you?" Tevin laughed, "Adam kept whining because you made an arrest without have an official officer's badge."

      "Adam whines about everything I do." I went back over his latter statement. "And, Derek Hale was cleared."

      "Yeah, but he was a presumed killer when you arrested him." With Tevin also being a local, he knew everyone's business. "It must've been weird arresting your old babysitter. He did help his uncle with you sometimes, right?"

      "He found it funny." I mumbled, the patrol car entering the clearing in the woods where the Hale family house sat.

      "Man," Tevin looked at the vast, charred house. "This place gives me the creeps."

      "It used to be really beautiful." I said, thinking of the white and blue house from when I was little.

      I came here once with my mom, being told to go play with Cora and Mara while she talked with Talia, Derek's mom. I only ever heard the name Deucalion before Peter distracted me and took Cora, Mara and I outside. 

      A lot had happened since then.

      "Stay here." Tevin told me, climbing out of the car and going around the front.

      "Seriously?" I rolled down my window, looking over the house.

      Tevin grabbed the radio on his shoulder, standing in front of the house. "It looks pretty deserted, dispatch. Uh, did you want me to go inside

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