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       A knock hit my door, Stiles poking his head through. "Wakey-" He looked at my bed with furrowed eyebrows before turning his head. 

      I drummed on my desk to catch his attention. "Yes?"

     Stiles pointed to my bed, "Why aren't you sleeping? I wake you up every morning for school."

      "Sorry?" I turned on my printer, my essay finally finished. "Oh, and next time you do exactly what I tell you not to, don't get caught. It's so simple even a bone head like you could understand it."

      "Yeah, thanks for that genius." Stiles sarcastically said, "Did Scott get caught?"

      "Only by me. He walked home and no one knows he was there." I pulled the fresh papers out and stuck them into my English folder.

      "He said he got bit by something on the phone last night." Stiles toyed with the string of the gray hoodie under his blazer.

      "By what?" I asked, feigning a face that Stiles would believe.

      Peter bit him. Peter bit Scott.

      I turned to pick up the birthday present Parda bag that Lydia had gotten me in the fall and slipped my folder inside.

      Scott isn't dead. Scott's a werewolf.

      "Dunno. Didn't say much." Stiles rubbed the back of his head. "So, anything new on the-"

      "Stiles." I said in a warning tone, puting my phone in my bag. "I can't talk about cases with you."

      "But you always do." Stiles replied in a sing song voice as I sat on my bed.

      I rolled my eyes and adjusted the toe of my tan tights. Strapping on my mary jane heels, I shook my head. "I don't know very much. The rain made us clear out not too long after you walked straight in front of Michael." I look up to him, "He almost shot you."

      "And if I remember correctly," Stiles watched me stand up, "Dad had to be the one to intervein."

     I smoothed down my black skirt that flared out. "Michael would've recognized you eventually."

      "That's all you have to say?" His eye twitched as he looked at me. "Seriously?"

      I smiled, "I love you too."

      Stiles groaned, "You suck, little sister." He pulled his keys from his pocket. "If you want to walk to school, that's fine by me."

      "Shut up." I grabbed my maroon peacoat that was fitted at the waist and pulled it on as Stiles went downstairs. Fixing my hair so it wasn't caught in the coat, the curled lengths of brown stayed on one side of my shoulder. Checking the hidden side section of my bag as I headed downstairs, my .45 sat comfortably.

      The quiet times of Beacon Hills were over and I was the only one prepared for it.

      "How do you not fall in those?" Stiles asked as soon as I got into the jeep. "And you even walk like a normal person."

      "Practice, I guess?" I shrugged a little, poing at the radio. Finally I stopped when I came across the alternative station that fed in from Monroe, three towns over. "So, lacrosse finally begins. Survival of the fittest."

      "More like Jackson and whoever doesn't get plowed over by him." Stiles said, bringing the volume up two pegs.

      Thankfully, as twins, we shared a good music taste.

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