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      "Lahey." I whistled, winking as I came over to the lacrosse field full of sweaty boys.

      Isaac caught the bag of doritos, a smile breaking out on his face. "I love you for many reasons. This is one of them."

      "Good to know I'm appreciated." I set my bag down and climbed over the bench to sit next to him. "Why are you sitting out at practice?"

      "Can't raise my arm and Coach only risks further injuries on game days." Isaac used his good arm to reach in to his bag. "Here, you look like you're about to freeze to death."

      I took the BHHS lacrosse hoodie with his number from him, slipping it on and replacing my coat over it. "Thanks."

      "No problem." Isaac watched Stiles slip and fall, not laughing in right of me being here. "Hey, so what was that red stuff you gave me those weeks ago?"

      "Can you find it in your heart to trust me?" I asked with a cheesy smile, not wanting to tell him I'd fed him Kol's vampire blood to heal him.

      "Can I trust that you have more?" He shot me back the same grin. "Whatever it was, it made the bruises go away."

      "No problem." I rifled through my bag, pulling a small vial from an inside pocket. "And it's biology, not drugs or anything." Holding it out to him, he took it from my fingers.

      "So, plans this week?" Isaac took down Kol's blood, trusting me blindly.

      "Work. School. Work." I followed Scott with my eyes, his catches and passes beyond simple humans. "The usual."

      "We should do something. Go see a movie or hit up Stella's."

      "That sounds fantastic." I ruffled his hair, "How do you feel? Body wise."

      Isaac wiggled his arms, "You're kidding." He grinned, "This stuff must be magic." He kissed my forehead before jumping up. "You're amazing, Addi I love you."

      "Yeah, yeah." I swatted him off with a smile. "Now get your ass on the field."

      Isaac saluted to me before darting to Coach and getting partnered with Matt.

      I winced a little, knowing Matt wouldn't be the happiest soul about that. Sure, we were friends - the three of us - but after Matt's incident, he wasn't the same. Not that we were allowed to even speak of what happened at the Lahey's in 2006.

      I remember that night well and I don't blame him for never fully recovering.

      I watched the practice but couldn't focus on it. I just had a bad feeling all over.

      It was only a feeling. I could sense something coming. It was uncanny that Kate was on her way at the same time.

      I'd felt like this before. Heavy hunting days came with a dismal overhead. Anytime I thought of the future it felt dark.

      Kate being here was only going to make everything worse.


      I stirred in my bed, my feet abnormally cold. With my eyebrows furrowed, I sat up hazily.

      But when I heard gun fire, I untangled myself from the sheets. My bare feet felt like ice, yet my legs clad in black soffee shorts felt completely fine.

      Going across the room, I found a pair of wool socks before checking out my bedroom window. My eyes flickered to the moon overhead, sending me to my side table to pick up my phone. 

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