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      "Can you come to the party after the scrimmage?" I walked towards the lacrosse field with Isaac, hoping I could finally bring him to one of Lydia's parties.

      "Work." Isaac replied, "Dad put me on a double shift." Digging and maintaining graves wasn't his dream, but it kept him from getting hit for a few hours.

      "Addison!" Stiles caught up to us, practically ignoring Isaac.

      "Good luck today." I told Isaac, earning a small smile before he went onto the field. "What, Stiles?" I asked, seeing Stiles twitching slightly.

      "I saw Dad pull you out earlier. What happened? Did they find the other half of the body?"

      "Hardly. The fiber analysis came back from the only half we have." I said, pocketing my hands from the cold in my jacket.

      "And? What happened with the hairs?" Stiles asked, never ending with his curiousity.

      "Animal hairs." I replied, "The lab in LA confirmed the animal hairs to be from a wolf."

      Stiles' eyes widened as I spoke. "A wolf?" He looked over his shoulder, seeing Scott. "I've gotta go." He ran off, "Scott! Scott, wait up."

      I followed, casually going to the bleachers closest to the two morons.

      "Stiles, I'm playing the first elimination, man, can it wait?" 

      Stiles held out his hands, "Just hold on, okay. I just talked to Addison." He slapped Scott's arm to keep his attention. "The fiber ananlysis came back from the lab in LA. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!"

      Scott was too worried with grabbing his gear. "Stiles, I gotta go."

      "Wait, no! Scott!" Stiles tried to stop him but it didn't work. "You're not gonna believe what the animal was!" He stood at the edge of the field, Scott already out of range. "It was a wolf."

      I sighed inwardly to myself before taking a spot on the bigger bleachers next to Lydia.

      Stiles was definitely on to something, and he wasn't going to like what he found.

      Allison walked through a small crowd, waving to Scott as Coach had them all in a pep talk. Grinning, she took a seat net to me. "Hey."

      This has to be some sort of joke.

      "Did you just wave to Scott McCall?" I asked, Coach yelling for the elimination round to start.

      Allison flushed a little, "Do you know him?"

      Oh, God. She likes him.

      "His spastic best friend is my brother."

      "He asked me to the party tonight." Allison said, "He seems really sweet."

      A hunter's daughter and a werewolf. This was going to be something interesting.

      Watching the field, Isaac slipped around two players with the ball before throwing it down the field.

      Scott caught it, but stared at it with a surprised look. Making a sudden move, he started to run.

      Jackson came out from behind another player, ramming Scott. He pulled up his helmet as Scott was on the ground, smirking before jogging off.

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