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{Addison's P.O.V.}

Precious time passed, Stiles and Derek taking cover at Deaton's.

I, on the other hand, got a feed from Doc of the clinic's security cameras. Stiles was just getting the door open when Derek collapsed down onto an industrial stack of dog food bags.

I sat at my desk, thumbing the bullet that I knew could save Derek. I knew Scott was looking for one, but if it couldn't get there in time, I would have to.

Stiles opened the inside door to the clinic, Derek stumbling in with him.

I switched camera feeds, getting a black and white view of the operation room.

Derek pulled off his shirt, heaving as veins filled with poison traced up his arm. Even the low camera quality picked up the severity of the wound.

I watched his words terrify my brother, the wolf pulling out a hand saw. I swore to myself, going down through the empty house and taking off in a run.

That idiot was going to resort to cutting off his arm.

There was no way in hell Stiles could do it. He didn't mind blood, but he couldn't do a chopped off arm.

I ran through the woods, skidding to a stop behind the treeline as Scott raced in on his bike and tossed it aside in a rush.

Oh, thank God.

I let got of a relieved breath, it quiet enough to not catch Scott's attention. I waited, backing up out of sight. I waited, hoping I could get some sort of sign that Derek was going to survive.

But when a yell turned into a howl, I knew he would be okay.

I retreated back to the house, utterly relieved. Pocketing my hands, I wrapped my fingers around the cold metal.

So many things were wrong with the situation, and I knew it was only going to get worse.

I just hoped I wasn't the only one ready for it.

     x x

Only a day had passed and just when I thought we could be in the clear as I sat leisurely in the passengers seat of Adam's patrol car, dispatch came through the radio.

"Unit 9, do you copy?"

Adam picked up the receiver off of the dash, "Unit 9, go ahead."

"We've got a possible 187."

I closed my eyes, "Shit."

Adam glanced to me barely before getting the address from dispatch. "En route, over." Giving a sigh as he clipped the radio back in place, he took the car out of park. "How well do you know the book, Addison?"

"Really? Are you back on this again?" I asked, not even bothering to look at him as we drove towards the crime scene. "Why is it so hard for you to believe that I actually know what I'm doing?"

"Because," Adam was growing flustered, taking a right turn after changing lanes, "you're only sixteen."

"What a fantastic argument, really Adam, just wonderful," I retorted in sheer annoyance.

"It just doesn't make sense to me, all right? You're a sophomore in high school and you act like an actual officer would."

"I'm still not seeing a decent argument, Adam. Is that not what an officer in training is supposed to do?"

"It just doesn't make sense to me, okay? You know codes and procedures-"

"You do remember my dad is the sheriff, right? I've grown up with this stuff. Even my brother knows a lot of codes off the top of his nearly bald head." As we pulled into the parking lot, I spotted the VW bug that Lydia keeps at her dad's and immediately grew worried.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2016 ⏰

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