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-As a holiday present (whether it be christmas for you or not) I'm giving you the prologue to Addison's story. I wasn't sure what I could do as a thank you for an incredible year on wattpad because 2014 was really something, so giving you a sneak peek a couple weeks early is the least I can do. I love all of you so much Xxx -Melissa

      Addison Stilinski sat with a stiff expression, her clothes as black as the eyes of the man who murdered Rosalie Ward.

      There was a procession going on around her, speaking of someone no one seemed to focus on until one week ago. 

      She barely cared. 

      Her green eyes were distant, her hand in Isaac's and her face flat. She looked at the dark coffin covered in flowers  that she knew Rose didn't like and only felt guilt.

      She could feel the fear as she hid from the intruders and she felt the blood of her friend running over her fingers. All of it was still so vivid.

     "Someone tell me what the hell just happened." Her panicked eyes flickered from one to the other, "WHAT JUST HAPPENED? THEY KILLED MY FRIEND."

     "Easy. We'll explain it all. Let's just start slow. What's your name?" Sam asked, a piece of his long brown hair hanging in his face.

     "...Addison." A tear slipped down her face as she tried to pretend her fingers weren't dripping in Rosalie's blood. "Addison Stilinski."

     The two men looked at each other briefly before returning to the fifteen year old.

     "Stilinski as in Claudia Stilinski?"

      Addison could hear the words of Sam and Dean Winchester, the men who told her that the two who broke into the Ward summer home weren't just psychos.

      They said they were demons.

      Demons, vampires, werewolves, angels, ghosts. All of it was true.

      And the only thing that made it worse was that her mother, even if only in a letter left to her, said things that made it impossible for her to just call the Winchesters crazy and walk away.

      Addison had been left three letters by her mom and she never understood what the titles written on them meant. She'd honestly forgotten about them until she was nearly murdered by someone with pitch black eyes.

      It wasn't a coincidence the first letter said to open it when she'd come across someone with black eyes.

      Sam and Dean had made her promise to tell a lie to the police when they arrived to the house. She would've been locked away if she raved on about being attacked by demons. 

      So she did what they told her, delivering a lie crafted by the monster hunters. Her perfection of lying seemed to start here.

      When the funeral ended, very few people spoke. Isaac's hand never left Addison's and she was starting to feel like she was going to drown in all of the waves of sympathetic looks they were receiving.

      "Addison?" Mrs. Ward, a beautiful blonde woman dressed in black, walked up to Isaac and Addison with a few less tears than a mother should have. "Can talk to you and Isaac for a minute?"

      Sheriff Stilinski took Stiles under his arm and towards the parking lot, giving Addi a soft nod.

      Mr. and Mrs. Ward moved the teenagers away from the others attending the service.

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