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       As Kate Argent stood in my driveway, I knew I had a problem.

       Hanging up my phone, I swore under my breath as I managed to not open the window and shoot her from here.

       I would rather third wheel Jydia dates than spend an afternoon with Kate.

        I left my room, going outside with an internal scowl. "Why are you outside of my house?"

       "With all the good things my big brother has said about you, I wanted to get to know you." Kate was leaning on her car, a window missing on the driver's side. "Sixteen and Savage, hosted by me, starring you." 

       "And there it is. I can't say I'm surprised." I stood with my hands in my pockets, the house behind me locked.

       "You're all so touchy about it," she observed, halfly smirking. "Why? It's what you are."

       "No, it's a label that narcissistic, prejudice bloodliners gave those who had to suffer before picking up a gun." I said flatly, "Society never changes in its love for separation. Truth is Kate, one day you might get that stick pulled out of your ass and you'll see great hunters come from experience, not title."

       "You're playing a dangerous game, Stilinski." Kate nearly growled, getting aggravated with me.

      "I'm sorry, do you hear yourself? Are you telling a hunter with a .45 in her jeans and a knife in her shoe that she's playing a dangerous game?"

      "Rule one, kid, never tell where your weapons are."

      "Actual rule one, never tell where all your weapons are." I winked, snapping a finger at her. "You must've only glanced at the hunter's codex before you thought lighting fires was a better way to spend your time."

      "Are you saying you've got more concealed weapons?"

      "I'm saying I have the art of subtlety, unlike you with the .54 in your jacket, the silver knife in your other pocket and the bronze tipped dagger in your boot." I pointed them out on her body. "Not to mention your face giving away the fact I was guessing but actually right."

      If we weren't our in public, she probably would've already pulled a gun on me.

      I laughed cheerily, "How is your test of my competence going, Kate?"

      Kate's eyes bored into mine, making me think of a jaguar about to pounce on its pray.

      "Or is it my physical abilities you want to test? Observation, like the fact you've got a guy manning that," I pointed to the street light, "hidden security camera? Weaponry?" I wasn't scared of her. I wasn't really scared of anything anymore. "Here's the bottom line, Kate. I don't give a damn what you think of me, nor will I ever."

       "That's a benefit. You wouldn't like what I have to say."

      I only smiled, having to hold back a soft laugh. It was making her mad, and a part of me liked it.

       Kate narrowed her eyes, "What do you find so funny?"

       "Nothing, don't worry about it." I shrugged it off. "So, are we done?"

       "Hardly." She motioned to the passenger's side of the car. "Get in."

       I obliged, going around while she got into the driver's seat. "You know, you remind me of my aunt." I knew in her silence, she thought I was complimenting her. I buckled my seat belt, "It's not a good thing."

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