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      "Look who's here!" I brightly said, opening the front door to Scott and Allison. I grinned at the girl, "Can I borrow you for two seconds?" I pulled Allison from Scott and had her back facing him.

      "Something wrong?" Allison gave me a confused look.

      "Absolutely not." I unbuttoned Allison's shirt two pegs. I winked at her, "Have fun."

      Allison rolled her eyes with a smile, going back to Scott and heading towards the patio.

      "Be safe, children!"

      "Addison, get your ass out here!" Danny grabbed me from the kitchen, putting a cup in my hand.

      I laughed a little, waving to Stiles on my way out. "How's the boyfriend?" I asked Danny, my music blaring throughout the house.

      "Good." Danny spun me, "Couldn't make it thought."

      "Lydia has plenty of parties. He'll have to come hang out with us high schoolers at some point." I looked over my shoulder, a figure standing by the fire pit alone.


      His eyes met mine, his face holding the same expression as the station.

      Dancing with Danny, I realized he was here for Scott.

      "Are you okay?" Danny pulled my attention, his eyebrows lifting curiously. 

      "I'm fine." I smiled for reassurance, glancing back to see Derek had vanshied.

      Danny pointed to my ear, "I could've sworn you had that pierced." 

      I touched my cartelidge, "Oh, uh," I could see Allison and Scott dancing closely. "I took it out over Christmas and it grew back." Or a monster ripped it out. "I've been meaning to get it redone."

      Scott left Allison, going into the house in pain. He was shifting for the first time.

      "I hate to do this, but I have to go check on something." I apologetically went after Allison when she headed after Scott.

      I told Chris I would protect Allison.

      Allison stopped at the end of the driveway, watching a car zoom away.

      Moving past some of the lacrosse team, I saw Derek come out from around the house.

      "Allison." Derek had his hands pocketed in his leather jacket. "I'm a friend of Scott's. My name's Derek."

      "Allison." I said, walking up to her and Derek. "What happened?"

      "Scott just took off." Allison looked a little defeated.

      "I'm betting he was your ride." Derek nodded to the camaro. "I can take you back to your house."

      "That would be great, thanks." She's too easy to trust.

      "Al, are you sure?" I asked, questioning Derek's motives. "That party just started."

      "Yeah." Allison absently toyed with her bracelets. "I'm not really feeling up to it anymore."

      I looked to Derek, "Make sure she gets home safe."

      "Nice to see you too, Addison." Derek said, pulling out his keys and unlocking the slick camaro.

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