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      "Stiles?" Dad poked his head into my room, fixing his uniform tie.

      "Yeah, Dad?" I shut the lid f my laptop, turning around in my chair.

      He narrowed his eyes for a moment, "New chair?" He shrugged it off, "Uh, I got called in to run exonerations but I need you to go pick up your sister."

      "Sure. When does she get in?" I asked, pulling one of my feet underneath me.

      Dad checked his watch, "Like ten minutes." He was rushed, "I owe you one, kid."

      I nodded, "No problem." Already gone, I was left alone in the house. Sighing lightly, I opened my laptop lid back up. Rubbing my hand over my hair in frustration, I printed out the article on various kinds of aconite. "Now we bring her back into the crossfire."

      I grabbed my red hoodie on the way down to the Jeep, tugging my keys out of my pocket. Unlocking Roscoe and climbing in, I started up the engine.

      I hated how quiet it was. I knew the moment things went south again I would find this the ideal time and situation. But I was just uncomfortable that this other werewolf Derek told Scott about hadn't made a move in weeks.

      Maybe they were using the suspense to put all of us on edge.

      I pulled into the parking lot of the bus station, no one else here on the Sunday morning. I put Roscoe into park and turned the stereo up two notches. 

      A small figure came out the door of the bus station, brown hair fluttering behind her as she smiled towards me.

      From how happy she looked I couldn't help but smile back. I pushed open the passenger's side door from inside for her. "Hey little sister. How was Stanford?"

      "It was great." Addi put her bag at her feet as she shut her door. "And I got you something." She pulled a plastic bag out of her backpack and held it out to me. "Go on."

      I took the bag from her and raised an eyebrow at her, "Why?"

      "Because I'm a good sister. Open it, jerk," she said with a smile, proud of what she'd gotten. 

      I sighed, giving in. "Okay, okay." Tugging out a square, my eyes widened. "Holy shit." I turned to her, "How the hell did you find this?"

      Addi smiled as I looked over the limited edition Infinity on High vinyl. "I have my ways."

      "This is like the holy grail of albums." I felt like I was about to cry and I pulled the record from its folder. "And it's blue, oh my god this is beautiful." I put it down and kissed her forehead. "I love you so much. You are forever the best sister on the friggin' planet."

      She tossed her hair to the side, "I know, I know."

      "You should go on more trips and bring me things." I put the vinyl back and set the bag at her feet. "Man, I don't think anyone could top that."

      "I do set the bar quite high," Addison cheerfully said as I pulled out of the parking space and drove off towards the house.

      "So, tell me. How's Stanford looking for college? Has it lured your geniusness in?"

      Addi shrugged, "Not sure yet."

      "I can't believe you just shrugged to an ivy league university." I laughed as we got back into town. "I feel dirty just seeing you do that."

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