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      Waiting at Allison's locker, I could tell she was a little off. She had been all day, in fact. "So, how are you and Scott?" I asked, fixing the hem of my Paramore top.

      Allison scoffed, tucking a lock of curly hair behind her ear. "He hasn't said anything to me since he ditched me at the party."

      "Is he avoiding you?" Of course he would. This is Scott, zero experience with girls, McCall.

      "Basically, yeah." Allison shut her locker, facing me.

      I adjusted her scarf, "Do you want me to talk to him?"

      Allison shook her head, "Thanks, but I think that it's not worth it if he won't even have the guts to tell me what happened."

      I nodded, "I'm guessing you're not planning on coming to lacrosse today, then?"

      "I'm gonna go home instead." Allison lifted a denim covered shoulder a little. "Tell Lydia I'm sorry, though."

      "Sure thing." I smiled, hugging my textbook to my chest absently. "Have good rest of the day."

      "You too, Addison." Allison waved a little, walking away and going towards her last class of the day.

      Scott McCall. Bad at being a werewolf, bad with girls.

      I sighed a little, finding Scott about to go into class. "Oh, no you don't." I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him from the doorway. "What the hell, Scott?"

      "What the hell me?" Scott fixed his shirt with lifted eyebrows, "What the hell you, Ads?"

      "Why are you avoiding Allison?" I asked, annoyance in my voice. When he came up with no answer, I had to help. "She's getting picked up today, which means you need to go and apologize to her before she leaves school."

      "But I have lacrosse right after class." Scott said, messing with his hair in his frustration.

      "Then change quickly, go say sorry and then practice." When it came to female influence, Melissa McCall and I had it down to a t for him. "She's incredible, Scott. If you don't apologize, you're going to regret it."

      I didn't necessarily promote the wolf-hunter relationship, but I could tell by the way they looked at each other that they had something.

      "Maybe you should date her then, Addi." Scott said, glancing at the wall clock.

      I narrowed my eyes, daring him. "Maybe I will, Scott."

      He rolled his eyes at my response.

      I hit his chest with my palm, "Just apologize, okay, asshole? I know you like her, and she likes you too. Don't pass that up. You two can be amazing together if you just go talk to her."

      Scott nodded after a moment, "Okay, I will."

      "That's my boy." I ruffled his hair, "See you at practice after you have Allison back." Backing up, I pointed at him before turning and leaving for class.

      Did I just make a dog reference to him?


      "No, I'm pretty sure you're the only one who makes posters." I said to Lydia, heading towards the bleachers despite the fact I wanted to stay inside with the warmth.

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