~ Chapter 2 ~

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After work I caught up with Ronald, making sure he was ok and in fact he was. Afterwards I decided to go visit an old friend. One I had not seen in awhile. I made my way down a sidewalk of the human world, stopping in front of a shop with a sign saying undertaker. I stepped inside, looking around the shady room "undertaker?" I questioned, my green eyes glowing slightly in the darkness. Familiar arms snakes around my waist from behind and I heard the all too familiar giggle "hello, dearie. Been awhile, hehe" undertaker's smooth voice making me blush slightly "stop it, Adrian" I tell him and he laughs, pulling away "what brings you by, luv? Don't you have work?" He asks me, walking over to the front desk as his long silky silver hair flows behind him "I finished for today, though tomorrow I'm taking some time off to catch up with grell." I explain, he chuckles "you mean the red reaper?" He asks as if to say he couldn't remember who it was. I nod "but what have you been doing? I know I haven't been by much but with work and all it's hard to find the time" I frown and sit on one of the coffins. He leans his elbows on the desk and smiles slightly "just preparing guests, nothing out of the ordinary. Though I have been helping out the earl phantomhive recently, hehe" he giggles, I glance away from him and I nervously fidget slightly. Every time I see Adrian I'm reminded of the promise he made me make.

"You haven't forgotten have you?" He asks me, a sly grin plastered on his face. I blush slightly and glare at him "I'm not ready for that sort of thing yet! Just because you helped train me doesn't make me yours!" I yell. He bursts into laughter and falls over as I huff in annoyance "haha! So you haven't forgotten our little arrangement! That's great to hear, luv" he says, still laughing "go die a second time but in a pit you pervy reaper" I growl. He continues to laugh before finally regaining his composure "fine, fine. I have all of eternity to wait, I can be patient...for a little while, hehe" he chuckles and I roll my eyes. Sebastian's red gaze flashes in my mind and I huff "Adrian...do demons live as long as reapers?" I asked him. He raises his head slightly, tilting it "it depends. Unlike grim reapers, who committed suicide, a demon died from something else, not from their own hands. So technically yes, they can live as long as the earth remains unless they're killed by a demon weapon" he explains. Reapers did live for a very long time, we grew up but we're also immortal and couldn't die from natural causes. I nod "that makes sense...do you know a demon by the name of Sebastian michealis?" I ask finally, Adrian laughs "why of course! He's the earl's butler after all" He says.

Those eyes. His name. That face. His voice. It was all too familiar but I couldn't remember from where. Adrian appears in front of me, his breath hot on my face and I blush lightly "hm. The earl is hosting a ball soon, do you mind joining me? We haven't danced together in awhile, haha" he says, a teasing and bright edge to his voice. I hesitate "sure, why not" I say, the truth is when adrien was still in the division he was a mentor to me. We later fell in love but after what happened our relationship was hampered. Adrian frowned slightly, he raised his hand and lightly touched the scar around my left eye with his long black nails. I could see just through his bangs to his emerald eyes, full of sadness "I know I keep apologizing but..." he trailed off, I already knew what he was saying and I shook my head "it's alright...you know I forgave you a long time ago" I muttered, he smiled slightly and I stared at him with a gentle expression "I know you'd never hurt me again, and never on purpose" I finish.

After awhile I finally left, we had exchanged jokes to lighten the mood and talked about the 'guests' that he had been working on. Finally I jumped onto the church roof once more, staring out over the dimly lit city. My body tensed when I was thrown into the bell tower's wall, I hit it with a grunt and was pinned there. I glared at my attacker and knew exactly who it was. Those golden eyes never ceased to leave me alone. "Claude" I growl, his grip tightens on my wrists "what a surprise. You should honestly be more careful Mrs. Keystone" he says leaning closer to me, I could feel his breath on my lips and I growled "what do you want Faustus?" I asked, venom lacing my voice "or rather, what does that brat want" I hiss through gritted teeth. Claude chuckled lightly, almost seeming amused but he was only doing this to intimidate me, I knew he felt nothing. "My master believes you may have some information on a certain event happening at the phantomhive's manor in a few days, care to tell me?" He asks which wasn't the thing he really wanted, I try pushing forward but his grip was rock hard on my arms and I glare at him with hatred "why would I ever help a brat and his demon scum!?" I hiss. His grip moves to my neck and tightens as he lifts me up, I cough, I didn't need to breathe but it hurt nonetheless. Growling I kick him in the chest with force, this causes him to let go and stumble backwards. I land on the ground with my feet, coughing out as I rub my neck and glare at him.

He glared back, racing at me. I didn't have my death scythe since I returned it earlier, this wasn't good. He grabbed my arm, twisting it behind me and using his other hand to hold my other arm out. I yelped as he applied pressure to the arm twisted behind my back, he stared down at me "a defenseless reaper like yourself shouldn't be fighting, what you did was reckless" he says, I growl "you sound like my first mentor...rude and critical, and might I add vile" I hiss, he pulls my arm with a force that causes it to break, I cry out in pain but it's muffled when Claude puts his hand over my mouth. My mind raced as I glanced down at my now broken arm, I trembled. "Luna...I don't like unnecessary bloodshed but if you don't tell me what I want to know...I can make it so much worse" he says and he kneels down, resting me on the roof's surface, his voice little more than a whisper. It's not that he wanted information on the ball, he wanted information on his rival, Sebastian. I sat there, limp as he pulled me into his lap. I still continued to tremble as I glared at him "I don't know..." I mutter, my other hand balling into a fist on his chest "I don't know anything about him...my only problem is that he seems familiar..." my voice quivered. He narrowed his golden eyes and tilts my chin up "Luna, I expect you to have more information the next time I come looking for you. You're a reaper but that doesn't mean I can't hurt you" he says sternly.

I hated pain. Any kind, mental or physical so whenever someone threatened me it scared me down to my core. I wasn't worried about my friends because I knew they could handle themselves, so threatening them had no effect on me. I had always thought this fear was real when I was alive and stayed after I became a reaper. The cool night air finally felt cold as our eyes remained locked "fine..." I whispered, my fist uncurling and falling to my side, limp. I could tell that he enjoyed when I was scared even if he didn't show it physically, I had only known him for more than a century and I could already read him like a book. He nodded and released my chin "good girl" he said, lifting my broken arm and running his hand over it, healing it instantly. My healing process was slower than most reaper's for some reason so I made up for that by doing my best to not get hit, but it's situations like these that really mess me up. He picked me up and stood before placing me on my feet and racing off back to his own home. I hugged my chest as I glanced down at the tiled roof, my mind isn't clear right now so I couldn't exactly think about what to do...

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