Past Blast (bonus chapter)

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I sat quietly in the reaper realm's gardens, a book in my lap as I stared up at the realm's night sky. Stars twinkled in the darkness and the moon shone brightly, turning everything around me silver or white. My spectacles held a certain shine as my eyes glowed lightly. Before I realized it someone stood beside me, staring down at me. I looked up as he spoke "hello, do you mind if I join you?" He asked, I shook my head "not at all!" I said, sliding over. His hair was long and a beautiful silver and he wore spectacles as well, his outfit was a black trench coat and black dress pants.

I stared back up at the sky "couldn't sleep?" He asks, I nod "sleep doesn't seem appealing anymore these days...what about you?" I ask, turning my head to look at him, he smiles slightly "I guess it's the same for me as well...based on your spectacles you're a new recruit, correct?" He asks, his green eyes glancing at me. I nod "and from what I have been told, you're the famous Adrien Crevan" he chuckles "yes, though I have heard a lot about you in return. Your healing process is much slower if I'm not mistaken?" He asks. I giggle sadly "yeah, I guess information spreads quickly here..." my eyes shone with sadness as I looked down at the book I had.

He seemed to panic for the moment and sweat dropped "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to come off that way" he says. I laughed, he watched me quietly "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't your fault" I say, a bright smile on my face. His features returned to their original soft glow "your's quite beautiful" he said, glancing away. I blush slightly "th-thank you..." I say, looking away from him. After a little while of talking I stand "it was nice to chat with you, Mister Crevan. I hope we meet again soon" I say, he nods "it was a pleasure to meet you as well, Luna" he says. I turn and walk off, a sweet smile on my lips as I made my way back to my dorm.

The next day I made my way to training, Ron ran up to me just before I entered the training room "thank goodness! I made it" he pants. I giggle "hello Ron" I say. He smiles at me "hey Luna! I heard we're getting a special lesson from the Adrien Crevan!" He says brightly. I look at him curiously "is that so?...well then, let's not keep him waiting" I say, allowing Ron to go in first. I follow quietly, putting my hair into a ponytail. There he was, the man from last night, I got a better look at his features in the light. I walked over with Ron, both of us standing at attention as usual. Once everyone is accounted for he begins "today we'll work on self defense. During your missions you may run into trouble such as demons or other creatures, so it's up to you to know how to defend yourself. We'll start with the warm up course I have set up" he says. His voice was as clear as it was last night. Simultaneously we all said yes sir and made our way over to the course.

From what I could tell there were pull up bars, a rock wall, and a few other things like hurdles and rope. We all got in a ready position "alright...GO" he yells, we spring forward. Everyone jumped up onto the bars and swung forward. I giggle, pulling myself up and into the bars above, jumping from bar to bar until I'm the first one to make it to the rock wall which I scale easily. I jumped down on the other side, jumping hurdles and making it to the ropes, surprisingly Ron was right behind me. I climbed the rope as fast as I could, ringing the bell and sliding down, followed by Ron. Both of us ended the course when we crossed the finish line. We high fived as we watched the others following a bit behind us.

I glanced over at Adrien, he had been watching me the whole time and he seemed impressed. Ron smiled brightly "we're on our way to being the next die hard reapers!" He says confidently, I laugh "relax, Ron, we haven't even done the test yet" I tell him. Adrien walks over to us as the others finish "well done everyone! Now onto sparring, I'll be watching you and giving out tips while you spar with a partner, you can do hand to hand or with your training scythes" he tells us. Of course Ron and I pair up, we go with hand to hand combat "don't hold back, Luna" Ron says, readying himself. I giggle darkly "if that's what you want" I say, standing in a fighting position. He races at me, hoping to punch me in the face and catch me off guard with his speed but I sidestep, holding out my palm which is hit by his fist, I curl my fingers around his fist and use my left leg to swipe his right from under him which works. This move causes him to fall and I keep a hold of his fist as he lays there, stunned "geez, has Mister Downy been coaching you in the background? You didn't know that move last week!" He says, raising a leg and kicking my wrist which causes me to let his fist go. He jumps onto his feet as I shake out my hand, loosening my wrist after he kicked it.

He jumps at me but I duck under him and turn to face his back, I send a leg out to kick him but he jumps, flipping midair and landing behind me to which I back flip, twisting mid air and landing to face him. We throw a few normal punches, blocking each other with our arms or hands "Ronald, keep your arms closer together when you block" Adrien calls out, I take this moment of his distraction and crouch, punching him in the gut and sending him flying back. He lands on the floor with a groan "thanks Mister Crevan" he mumbles, completely out of it. I smirked before realizing what I did and rushed over to his side "Ron! Are...are you alright?" I ask. He let out a strained laugh and sat up "I'm fine Luna..." he chuckles nervously, rubbing his gut where I punched him.

Three years passed, Adrien had offered to mentor me in hand to hand combat and defensive moves since I needed a way to make sure I wouldn't get hit during a battle because of my trashy healing. I sit in the lunch room quietly, eating and staring out the window. Grell sits in front of me "Luna, darling! How is training going?" She asks, I turn and smile at her "oh! Hello Miss Sutcliff! It's going well, Mister Crevan and Mister Downey have been helping me lately" I say. Grell had become a full reaper only a year ago so I had to call her Miss sutcliff. "That's great! William has been more of a drag lately, have you seen him?" She asks me, I shake my head "I haven't seen him in forever, sorry" I tell her. She nods and smirks, her sharp teeth glinting in the light "oooOooOh, here comes Mister Crevan, look good!" She says brightly. I blush nervously "W-wait-" I'm cut off as Adrien walks up to us from behind me.

"Hello Grell, Luna" he says, a gentle smile on his lips as he looks down at both of us "hello, Mister Crevan~! How are the retrievals going?" Grell asks "well! thank you for asking Grell" he says, Grell smirks a teasing smile "I expected nothing less from the lead grim reaper" she says. Adrien glances at me and a slight blush returns, I glance away quickly "how about you Luna? How is training with Downy?" He asks, I shrug "demanding as usual..." I say, he seemed to hesitate before speaking again "I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch together sometime?" He asks, I stared at him, a bit shocked and glanced at Grell who had a glare but was nodding vigorously, I glanced back at Adrien "s-sure, I don't mind that" I say. He says his goodbyes and walks off, I watch him go as Grell starts freaking out "he asked you to lunch! Don't screw this up, Luna, that man is some hot stuff and I might end up stealing him from you" she says. I wasn't paying attention to her as she fangirled " do you know if you're in love?..." I ask, my voice quiet. She smiles "oh, dear! You'll be able to tell soon, sweetie" she says encouragingly.


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