~ Chapter 9 ~

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A month or so passes, I was enjoying my peace and quiet with Adrien but even more enjoyed wedding planning. We were going to have a small wedding since we didn't know a large group of people. I made invitations for ciel and Sebastian, grell, William, and Ron. I didn't want to invite Alois, Claude, or Hannah but Adrien insisted I did so we could keep an eye on them. I had just finished sending out the invites and was now making my last finishing touches on the dress. Our wedding was going to be in a field, a yard or so away from a cemetery. We decided not to use a church because I didn't think Sebastian, Claude, and Hannah would feel comfortable in that situation. Finally I finished the dress, staring at my beautiful masterpiece. I smiled slightly and made my way downstairs. Adrien was with Sebastian, Ciel, Grell, Ron, Alois, and Claude working on the decorations and design for the wedding tomorrow. He insisted I stay behind so I could work on my dress and let it be a surprise.

I slid on my trench coat, a quiet sigh leaving my lips as I locked up the shop and went for a walk around town. The smells of different foods, animals, humans, flowers, and other things hit my nose. Tomorrow was going to be a perfect day and the day I would finally marry the man I loved. As I walked down the street I made a left but something made me stop. A loud gunshot followed by a sharp pain in my chest, just barely near my heart. My eyes widened as the people around me began to panic, I could smell the iron scent I had always known to be blood. I fell forward, landing on the sidewalk. People began surrounding me and I ended up blacking out.

I woke in an unfamiliar bedroom, an ache in my chest. I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the bright sunlight seeping in. I couldn't sit up because of how much I was hurting. I felt the familiar bindings of bandages on my chest, soon the pain got sharper and I groaned slightly. I sensed Sebastian as he walked into the room "good, you're awake, we were terribly worried that you wouldn't" he says, setting a tray down on the bedside table. I turned my head "Sebastian?...what happened? Where am I?" I asked groggily with confusion, he sighs "you were shot yesterday, I was actually watching you in my crow form, undertaker had a feeling something was going to happen so to ease his concern I stayed behind to follow and watch you. Luckily I was able to bring you to the manor before you bled too much. The others have been quite worried" he explains, helping me to sit up against some pillows that leaned on the head board. He blind folded himself, picking up some bandages and sliding my nightgown down to below my chest. Bloodied bandages were wrapped around my chest just as I suspected.

He began changing them with the blind fold on and replaced them with new ones. Once he was finished he fixed my gown and untied the blind fold, resting the bandages on the tray once more "your healing kicked in last night hours after you were shot, because of that it's still healing. All you need is some rest and to let the process continue on its own" he tells me, handing me a cup of Rose tea "luckily it didn't pierce your heart or any vital nerves" he chuckles lightly, trying to relax me. I nodded "thank you, Sebastian...is adr- Undertaker here?" I ask, remembering not to say his name, he nods "I'll send him in" he says, leaving the room. I sigh and set the tea on the bedside table as my fiancé rushes in, quickly sitting on my beside and enveloping me in a gentle hug. I hug him back, a small smile on my lips as tears fill my eyes "I-I guess the wedding will have to be postponed" I mutter with a small giggle, he chuckles sadly "you almost died and you're thinking about the wedding?...How so very like you" he says, pressing his forehead to mine "I should have been with you...I knew something was off and I still wasn't by your side...Luna, luv...I'm so-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Don't you dare apologize, don't you dare" I growl, staring at the bangs hiding his eyes, tears slid down my face as he looked surprised. "You did nothing wrong...I love you and you should never have to apologize to me for anything because no matter what I will forgive you" I say, a small sad smile forming on his face as he wiped my tears away "as long as we are together I never want to hear you apologize, ok?" I ask him, my hands in fists on his chest as I speak. He brings his lips to mine, a silent action of promise. He wraps his arms around me once more.

"I love you so much, Luna" he whispers.

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