¥ Chapter 13 ¥

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Not gonna lie this chapter made me so happy I almost started to cry which I don't do very often-

I stared at myself in the mirror, my wedding dress fit me perfecting. Today was the day. Hannah brushed my hair, a small smile on her face as Mey-rin smoothed out the bottom of the dress "you look lovely, Miss Luna" Hannah says, stepping back, followed by Mey-rin who was in awe "she's right, yes she is!" She says. I giggle "thank you, to both of you" I say, I felt like crying but I tried my best not to. I took a breath, I had asked Sebastian to walk me down since we had a history together and my father was long gone. He was the perfect person to hand me off to Adrien. Adrien...would he like the dress? He hasn't seen it yet...what if he doesn't? Why wouldn't he, that's nonsense Luna!

I smile as mey-rin rests a rose crown on my head, the flowers were Ciel's favorite type of Rose. Just like the ones in his gardens. I took a deep breath as Sebastian knocked on the door, Hannah opened it and led mey-rin out of the room. Sebastian stared at me in awe "Luna...you look...amazing" he says, I blush slightly and shake my head "it's my wedding day, Sebastian. Don't make it weird" I giggle. He chuckles and extends his arm, I take it and he leads me to the carriage meant to take us to the wedding location. We had switched it up and decided to get married under the large willow tree where we first confessed to each other. Once we arrived he helped me out of the carriage and down a path that led to the tree. I remembered it's beautiful strands of leaves that hid its trunk. He pulled the curtain of leaves back to reveal everyone sitting in chairs in front of the trunk where Adrien stood in a suit.

I could tell he was in awe even though his eyes were covered. Hannah and Mey-rin sat down as Sebastian led me down the aisle of people. I could see Ciel, Alois, a jealous Claude, Finny, baldroy, Tanaka, Grell, Ron, William, and the triplets. I turned my head to face Adrien as Sebastian handed me off to him. I thanked Sebastian and he took his seat beside Ciel. Adrien smiled slightly "you look beautiful, luv" he says, a smile "and you look rather dashing" I say in return. We laugh at the memory before Adrien begins his vows "Luna, I promise to be with you until the very end, I promise to love and cherish you and to always protect you. Ever since that night, when I met you in that garden, I have waited for this moment and now I finally get to marry the woman I love. Your laugh, your personality, everything about you brightened my life the moment we met and I have never been happier" he says sweetly, I fight the urge to tear up at his words "Adrien..." I whisper his name but continue in a normal voice "I promise to be with you forever and always, I promise to love you and keep you happy since you have always made me happy. The moment you told me I had a beautiful laugh my heart lit up, and ever since our confession I have never wanted to be with you more, your jokes, your confidence, everything about you I love" I say in return. We slide our rings onto each other's fingers and he kisses me and I kiss back. Everyone around us claps, I could feel the happiness around us though just a hint of jealousy and annoyance lingered around alois and Claude, but of course Grell was over the moon.

For a while we enjoyed the small party, Sebastian and Claude having a food war which was quite entertaining. As everyone was having fun Adrien took my hand in his, leading me through the thin barrier of willow leaves. We sit in the grass, the sun warm as I lay my head on his shoulder "so...which are you hoping for...girl or boy?" I asked him. He looked down at me, his eyes wide under his bangs "w-what?" He asks, confusion in his voice. I giggle and stand up, pulling him to his feet "it's quite early but I can already tell, darling" I tell him, his face lights up and he picks me up, spinning on his heels "I'm going to be a father! Luna you'll be a mother!" He yells happily. I laugh, Grell, Ron, and alois peek out from behind the leafy vines "I'm going to be an aunt!!" She shrieks, slipping back inside and yelling to Sebastian about him possibly being an uncle or godfather, Ron smiles brightly "hell yeah! A naturally born reaper! Imagine the power!" He says. The other servants seemed excited as I blushed "well, it appears it spread faster than I thought it would" I say. Adrien laughs, alois smirks "so how many times did it take!?" He yells, we burst into laughter as ciel drags him back inside the barrier of leaves and branches.

Adrien places his hand on my cheek "you've given me a gift, Luv. One I will love until the end of time, and one I will protect with my life" he whispers to me, I smile and place my forehead to his.

Claude's POV

I stare, dumbfounded at the new revelation though I don't show it. A child!? This makes killing her much harder...unless I just killed the undertaker? My young master was giggling brightly "a child! How wonderful! What do you think Claude?" He asks, leaning closer to me "do you think you can still kill her after you've found out she will be having a child? And will you do it infront of the poor creature?" He asks, taunting me. I frown slightly and kneel down, bowing "I will take care of it when the time comes, your highness" I say.

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