~ Chapter 6 ~

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When I opened the door to the shop I was tackled in a hug. I looked down to see red hair and sighed "hello grell..." I say as she keeps ahold of me before pulling away, her hands on my shoulder with a look of worry plastered on her face "where were you!? You didn't come back last night and we started worrying, and when Will said you hadn't shown up for work I got scared!" She says, dragging me inside "it's fine, grell...I'm fine" I say. William was standing stoic in front of the shop counter, a monotone look in his eyes "whatever happened we can talk about later, but expect a lot of overtime tomorrow" he says, adjusting his spectacles with his weapon. I set my death scythe down on one of the coffins before I was pulled around to meet a frowning Adrian "please don't do that ever again, Luv. You had me worried" he says quietly, and I nod "I'm sorry" I say.

After a few minutes William drags grell away saying they had work to do leaving me and Adrian alone. He was now standing behind me as I leaned on his chest "Luna, Luv...you smell of demons and blood" he says. Tears filled my eyes as he lifts one of my arms and pulls the sleeve up revealing the bandages, he turned me around and pulled me into his chest as I cried into his robe. He says nothing as he holds me and allows me to let it out. "I'm sorry...I'm so, so sorry...h-he hurt me a-and I was scared...I-I didn't mean to T-tell him" I mutter, sobbing lightly. He strokes my hair, I knew he already understood what I meant "don't blame yourself, luv. We'll work this out, alright?" He asks, pulling away slightly and cupping my cheeks, causing me to look up at him. His thumbs wipe away my tears as he smiles slightly "you should have told me a demon was haunting you" he said, causing me to giggle a bit through a sob.

I mutter an apology once more but he shushes me and pulls me close again. After awhile We're sitting in an empty cushioned coffin, I'm sitting in his lap as he braids my hair and we talk about the situation "you don't have to worry about me, dearie. I still have quite a bit of fight in me, though before tonight we should pay a visit to the Phantomhive manor" he tells me. I nod slightly "alright..." I say "you might have to report to William that there is going to be a feud over souls so that the reapers aren't confused if one of the earl's souls is taken" he finishes his instructions as I agree. He finishes braiding my hair and I turn to unbraid his normal one then braid it again. We tell jokes to lighten the mood and it works, this reminded me of when he was still my mentor but we had been dating. He giggles "so, do I get an answer yet, luv?" He asks, I laugh "maybe I'll have an answer by the end of all this" I say and he pouts slightly.

After an hour or two we finally make our way to the phantomhive manor. It's around 2:00 now and the ball should be starting at 6. I frown as I stand beside Adrien and knock on the door. It was opened by Sebastian and he stared at us in surprise "why hello, I wasn't expecting you to come by before the ball" he says, slight surprise on his face. Adrian chuckles "well, my Luna here has an issue that involves both you and the young lord. I'm only here as emotional support, hehe" he says, I roll my eyes at him while Sebastian nods and leads us inside, the Manor was just as I expected, nothing unusual about it. We're led to a door and Sebastian knocks, Ciel's voice allowing entry. We all walk in and the earl looks up from his work "undertaker? Mrs. Luna? Why are you here at this time?" He asks, genuinely surprised. I sigh as Sebastian offers me a chair and I sit down while undertaker just leans on a wall chuckling to himself "well, I have some information that might be useful to you" I say, ciel's interest seemed to perk up. I go on to explain about the events of last night and how I was forced to tell Claude about the ball, undertaker, and the young earl phantomhive. I explained that they might be crashing the ball tonight, I also apologized for what I did. The entire time Adrian seemed to be deep in thought as he listened carefully. When I was finished Ciel sighed "Alois is such a bother..." he mutters "Sebastian, tonight at the ball I want you with Luna and Undertaker, it's most likely Claude will be looking for her and while I deal with alois I expect you to take care of him" he orders. Sebastian bows "as you wish my lord" he says. Adrian laughs "this will be quite a thrilling game, young lord" he says.

I sigh with a small frown. This will be an eventful night.

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