~ Chapter 7 ~

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So I started to finish the book and got really excited so I'm just posting all the chapters I have so far! Also get ready for the emotions

I had just finished changing into a subtle black dress without straps. I wasn't a fan of ball gowns so whenever I went to a party I kept with a more natural and relaxed dress. I walked out of the back room and into the shop parlor where Adrien stood in his normal outfit, he turned around and stared at me quietly "does it look ok? I-is something the matter with it?" I asked, worriedly looking over the dress before I was pulled into his chest, I stared up at him and noticed he had his bangs pulled out of the way so he could look at me clearly "you look perfect" he said, I blushed "d-don't say it like that!" I said. He laughed and covered his eyes again.

We took a carriage instead of walking like we usually did and when we arrived, Adrien helped me out. Ciel and Sebastian were greeting people as they walked in, we walked over to them "alright, I can take it from here Sebastian" ciel says as Sebastian bows and leads us inside. "Such an interesting party, Mr. Butler. So many noblemen and women" Adrien said, a hint of laughter in his voice, I sighed "don't ruin it, undertaker" I tell him and he chuckles. Sebastian smiles slightly "I'm sure you two would like privacy so I'll just be keeping an eye on you, if something is too go wrong I'll inform as quickly as I can" he explains. I nod "thank you" I say, he nods and walks off, leaving me and Adrien alone. Before I could do anything, Adrien takes my hand, examining the scars on my skin before leading me onto the dance floor. I blush and he smirks, wrapping a hand around my waist and holding my arm out as I rest my left hand in his shoulder. He takes the lead and we step to the Rhythm of the music "it's been so long, I feel old" Adrien jokes, I roll my eyes and giggle "you haven't lost your touch" I tell him. He chuckles "I'm glad, I don't know what I would have done if I had forgotten. Do you remember our first dance, luv?" He asks, I nod as memories flash in my mind "of course, I could never forget, especially since grell crashed it to yell at me for stealing her man" I laugh, Adrien smirks "I remember that very vividly" he says.

After a little while the dance changed up and it made us switch partners. As I did fear filled my body, my new dance partner was Claude. I stared up at him, my green eyes showing my fear as he stares down at me "how are you enjoying the party, Luna?" He asks me. When will I ever be rid of those golden eyes? I wanted so badly to move away from him but that would cause a scene and his grip was too tight anyways "why can't you just leave me alone, Faustus?" I ask, noticing Adrien watching us with a glare as he danced with his new partner, Sebastian was also watching, anger more visible in his eyes than ever before. Claude leans over me, close to my ear "because I simply cannot get away from you. You're like a drug, and the only way to stop the addiction is to get rid of the cause, though doing that may be more difficult than I think" he whispers, my reaction makes him smirk slightly. My body had tensed and the fear radiating off of me was probably like a thick fog, cloaking us from the feeling of safety.

"Claude, this has to stop, I can't be your puppet. You're a demon and I'm a reaper, your vile and cold, the two things I most certainly hate about you" I say, trying to sound confident and assertive. He stares at me, his golden eyes holding a dominance I could never be able to overcome "but you're so fun to toy with, luv" he says, mocking Adrien as I glare at him "never call me that and leave undertaker out of this" I growl. His grip tightens and his nails dig into my back, the only thing keeping him from piercing my skin is my dress "but I have already claimed you as my puppet, why do you think I leave the scars" he says, a dark and evil edge to his voice. My eyes widen but soon we switch again and I'm back in Adrien's safe hold "Luna, luv, what happened" he asks, I'm almost paralyzed with fear as he leads me off the dancefloor "he...I..." I couldn't form any words. Aiden sighs and kisses my forehead as Sebastian walks up to us "go with Sebastian to the garden to take a rest, I'll keep Claude away for a bit, return to me once you've relaxed" he tells me, handing me off to Sebastian who quietly leads me out of the mansion and into the gardens.

I saw Claude try to make his way towards us but Adrien stopped him. I assumed alois was with ciel somewhere but I was too distraught to say anything. Once we sit down at a bench Sebastian looks at me "Luna, I have a question...do I look familiar to you?" He asks, breaking the silence. I stare at him and nod slightly before looking down at my hands in my lap. He hesitates "Rose tea...it was your favorite. I remember making it for you after I treated your wounds...you said it was calming and had wished you could spend a day with me in a field covered in roses under a beautiful sky, away from the evil that had been done to you..." he says, my heart stops and I look up once more "Sebastian...your..." tears filled my eyes as the memory came rushing back.

I sat in my room at the edge of my bed, tears sliding down my cheeks as Sebastian treated my wounds "please don't cry Luna...it hurts me to see you this way" he whispers, standing after bandaging my leg and kissing my forehead. I frowned "I-I'm sorry Sebastian..." I muttered and he shook his head. He handed me a cup of tea, the tea was warm and smelled of herbs and roses "you know....I wish we could escape and spend a day together in a field of roses. Safe from this cruel life under a beautiful sky..." I trailed off as I sipped the tea. He smiled slightly "I may be the master's butler but I will never do anything that might put you in danger, even if I was ordered too.....

The memory faded "You left me...you left me all alone...Sebastian I..." I trailed off, my sadness preventing me from speaking. He takes my hands "a mistake I regret to this very day...but I can see you're happy with undertaker. A demon and reaper can't be together anyways...but I am truly sorry" he tells me, kissing my hand. I pull my hands away and wipe my eyes "and I forgive you...I just wish we had more time together" I say as he helps me to stand "promise me one thing though...promise me to let go, I don't want you regretting your decision or getting jealous of undertaker...I don't want you to suffer more" I say. He nods "Alright, thank you Luna" he says. I felt less in the dark and a bit more relieved, that was one mystery solved. We went back inside and Adrien seemed to be taunting an annoyed and angry. Sebastian stayed back to watch as I walked up to them, taking Adrien's hand "hello, luv. Apologies, I just needed to confirm and claim what's mine" he says smoothly, glaring at the demon who huffs "try me" he growls.

It was funny because Claude didn't know Adrien was a grim reaper. He laughs and leans forward into Claude's face "come near her again and you'll be sorry" he growls, his voice deeper. He leans back and curls his fingers around my own "we'll see about that" Claude says, turning and walking off. Sebastian walks off as well, most likely looking for Ciel just as Claude seemed to search for Alois. I glanced at Adrien "was that really necessary?". He laughs and pulls me close by sliding his arm around my torso "just asserting my dominance and making it clear that you're engaged, even if you still haven't said yes or no" he says, I blush lightly and glance away from him "I can sense the ring on you.." I say, he nods and takes my hand once more, leading me back out into the garden.

He kneels down on the path and in the moonlight he pulls out a ring box and opens it "Luna Keystone, i know I Have asked this before but will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He asks, pulling his bangs back so that he could be serious about it. I smile softly and nod "yes" I say, pulling him up and kissing him, an action we hadn't done in awhile. He smiles into the kiss and wraps his arms around me before we both pull away slightly "I love you" he says "and I love you" I say in return, he slides the ring on my finger and kisses me once more. The moon and beautifully lit garden are the perfect backdrop for this occasion. I stare up into those green eyes I had come to love so dearly, though they were always hidden they showed the emotions I always loved to see in Adrien. "Promise me something Luna. Promise me that you'll never leave my side" he says, pressing his forehead to mine.

"I promise"

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