Chapter 1

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      It was in the morning when Natsu and Happy woke up. "Hey Lucy" he said gently as he nudged her. "Lucy" he nudged again but she wouldn't stir. Happy made what sounded like a whine through his lips as Natsu said " just let her sleep, come on buddy" he told him as he quietly got up from the bed. "Nashi" Natsu called out as he walked toward her room. 

"Daddy!" she said happily as she leapt from her bed into Natsu's arm. "haha, someone is full of energy this morning huh?" "Yup yup daddy, let's go practice! Please" she begged him. " alright, alright, let's get you something to eat first then we will go" he told her as he put her down to which she ran out of her room to look for food. 

Natsu smiled a big grin as he looked into his room and saw Lucy. His face turned slightly sad as he looked at her. It had only been a month since everything happened with Lilyanna and it still tortured her. 

She slept in longer and it took some prodding to get her up and moving at times. Trying to distract himself , in a happier tone he said "alright Iggy, you ready?" Shoving the last of her food in her mouth, she jumped from the chair and jumped up and down saying "Yes,Yes!!" "Haha, alright little dragon, let's go" he said amused as he turned her towards the front door. "I'm all fired up!" she said cheerfully.

Natsu had started taking some time to teach her some fire magic. Nothing too major but he was about her age when he first started. Of course, he knew this would be different since he was taught by an actual dragon, but he was going to least teach her the best he could. " alright, get in the teaching stance that I taught you" Natsu told her. 

Happy enjoyed watching them because he got to see a completely different side of Natsu. Natsu took his teachings seriously and was careful what he taught her. Happy never thought he would mature enough to teach anyone but with his own child, he was completely different. "Nashi, come on," he told her a little more sternly. She listened to Natsu and got into the stance he taught her.

A leg behind the other and her arms out in front of her. "Okay, now very carefully, put your hands together and try to make a fireball" She closed her eyes and tried with all her might to make a fireball. 

 One started to come as Natsu grinned proud of her but it grew much bigger as fire blasted out of her hands. "Crap, no Nashi!" he said quickly. He jumped up and inhaled the fire as he landed back on the ground. 

 " Aww, daddy, I did it" she said pouting. Natsu was not having it though as he got a taut expression on his face.. " No Nashi, I've told you before, you are too young to have that much fire" "But daddy" "No, go sit ,now," he pointed to a log for her to sit. She attempted to change his mind by making a face but he pointed again with more force as she stomped her way over and planted herself hard on the log.

"Do you think you were a bit hard on her?" asked Happy. "No I don't , you know as well I do Happy that fire is not a joke, it took me forever to get this control and maybe because she's my kid that her fire is increased but that's no excuse for what she did" he told him. "Yeah but Natsu, you know you are her hero" 

Sighing Natsu in an earnest voice said " I know ..that's why I know I have to do it this way because as mad as she is right now, I know I'm doing the right thing teaching her like this" "Wow, look at you being all insightful, who knew you had a brain in there" teased Happy. "oh ha,ha, your real funny" Natsu said sarcastically. 

Walking over to Nashi, he knelt in front of her putting a hand on her knee. "Nashi" he said kindly as she looked at him. " You need to be careful doing stuff like that, alright, your not ready, I know it's fun to make a big fireball or explosion, believe me I know ha, but it's not the time just yet for you to do that. Can you do something for me and just follow my lead?" He asked her raising his eyebrows as Nashi quietly said " Yes daddy, sorry" 

He took her in his arms as he said " just don't want you to get hurt is all baby girl, hey I got a surprise for you" he said as Nashi took her face from his shoulder immediately with big eyes.

"Yes" she said quickly. Natsu then grabbed for his scarf which shocked Happy completely. "Is he doing what I think he is!" he thought to himself really curious. 

With a warm smile Natsu took the scarf off his neck and held it out in front of her. " I was your age when this was given to me" he said gently as Nashi saw the warmth in his eyes as he was talking. " Grandpa Igneel's scarf" she exclaimed. 

"yes, Nashi, I think it's time for it to be passed what do you say? You ready to be the next Dragneel to wear it" "YES!!!" she screamed in joy as Natsu chuckled as he delicately wrapped the scarf around her neck. Nashi was so happy, her whole body jittered as Natsu had to fix the scarf so it wouldn't cover her whole face. 

"There, you are all set" said Natsu." I LOVE YOU DADDY!" She shouted as she threw her arms over his neck squeezing. Happy smiled seeing Nashi so excited to wear Natsu's scarf and saw that Natsu had small tears coming down. "I'm so glad" they all looked up and saw Lucy standing there beaming.

 "MOMMY, LOOK!!" she pointed jumping up and down. "Yes baby, I see" she said lightly as she rubbed her eyes. "Hey, morning Luce" he greeted kindly as he hugged her giving her a kiss on her forehead. 

They all went inside as Nashi was zooming around the house in excitement. "You make sure to take care of that Nashi, that is not a toy" Lucy told her factually. 

" I will mommy, I promise" she agreed. "did you sleep alright?" Natsu asked. Lucy shrugged her shoulders making Natsu unhappy. "let's go to the guild" she said as she took Nashi to get herself dressed. "Natsu..? said Happy worried. "I know buddy, come on, let's get ready to go to the guild" he told him. In the back of his mind, he was worried about Lucy as well. 

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