Chapter 6

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      Lucy stirred as she turned her head a couple times before she opened her eyes. "Lucy" said Natsu and Happy. She had a blank look on her face as she stared at them. She laid there for a couple minutes before she wordlessly got off the couch and started walking. They both watched as they saw her head toward Nashi's room. 

Happy started to follow but Natsu put his leg in front of him shaking his head no as he looked back at Lucy. She stood in the middle of Nashi's room not saying anything and looking around. Grabbing Nashi's little stuffed red dragon, she thought "My baby" 

Dropping to the floor, she started sobbing clutching the dragon for dear life, she put her head to the floor wetting it down. "Nashi!" she cried out. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here," she let out a cry of agony. 

Silently Natsu walked forward signaling Happy to stay put as he walked into the room. He got down to the floor and hugged Lucy from behind. 

Surprising her, she looked at him, his eyes had the same sad look as hers did as she turned away and went back to floor. Spreading his legs apart, he grabbed and pulled her towards him. 

She didn't even seem to care as he had her lay against him as he wrapped his arms around her. "Natsu!" she said into his arm. "I know baby, I know" he said gently. "Our baby is gone" She screamed out as Natsu hugged her tightly. "We'll get her back Luce, I swear" he promised.

She cried herself right to sleep but Natsu didn't move. He was perfectly fine holding Lucy and staying right there. "Natsu?" Happy whispered. 

"You can come in" he replied. Happy came and walked and sat in front of them. "She wore herself right out" said Happy. "

 Yup but at least this time, she did it and didn't have to be knocked out" he told him. "Are you going to take her to bed?" "Nope" Natsu answered as he kicked his sandals off.

 Just then Lucy snuggled herself into Natsu putting her head right onto Natsu's chest as he leaned his head against hers causing him to have a warm smile across his face. Happy smiled too seeing Lucy even in her sleep wanting Natsu's warmth and comfort.  

"I love you Luce" he whispered to her as he closed his eyes. The next day, Lucy woke up feeling very groggy but surprised to find herself in Natsu's arms but wasn't upset. Everything from the previous night came back to her as she leaned into Natsu but having him right there made her blush as she discovered he hadn't moved and stayed the whole night with her in Nashi's room. 

Happy was curled up in a ball at their feet. Seeing he still had his arms wrapped around her, she laid her head against one of them. " I acted crazy last night" she thought to herself. Just then, she felt movement as she looked over next to her and saw Natsu awake. "Hey" he said in a hushed soft tone. "hi" she answered. " You alright?" he asked tenderly. "I'm better then I was at least...Natsu?. "What?" he said getting his full attention. " Is this partially my fault?. Nashi getting taken?" 

"What? Lucy, no, none of this on you" "Natsu, you can't lie and say I've been normal for the last month" Hearing her speaking so bluntly and honestly caught him off guard as his breath caught in his throat.

"See, even your body can't lie for you" "Lucy, look I can't control what my body does but listen, this isn't on you. I knew things were going to be did I expect you to act like you did, no but if you felt that was your only way to deal with things then Luce that's your way" 

" you still say that..I ignored what you told me and just kept it inside rather then talk to you or anyone else. If I hadn't been acting so damn selfish, maybe I would have seen it and help prevent this" 

Hugging her tighter, in a serious tone Natsu said "Lucy, you went through something most people would have died from ,let alone go through days of it. The trauma by itself is enough to drive anyone mad" "Natsu, I went insane" she said cutting him off. 

"You didn't let me finish" he said eyeing her. She gulped as she stayed quiet. Clearing his throat, he continued " I know what it's like to have your mind ripped apart inside. Incase you forgot, I was a cold-blooded murderer for a while but whether you are the killer or victim, stuff doesn't go away as simple as that. What you and I went through can hardly be put into words...I guess what I'm trying to say is I understand and besides there were days where you were good. On those days, I saw you trying your hardest not to let it put you down" Lucy's face to one of shock. 

He grinned saying " Luce, you forget, I know you. Did you really think I didn't see it. I kept my distance but I've been watching you this whole time just incase I needed to be there. " 

Lucy started squirming when Natsu went "hey, hey,no, where do you think your going" he said as he kept his arms around her. "Natsu. I know what your doing and I appreciate it but you are leaving one thing out" 

He looked at her intensively as she spoke in a soft but low voice " you didn't think about what was gong through my head during those days. ... I didn't care about anyone on those days...... I didn't care about anyone on those days. The only things going through my head were the memories hitting my brain over and over. ..Natsu ."

 He could see her intensity starting to crack as her voice started to tremble. "Natsu," "No this time I'm cutting you off. First of all, get back over here" he told her as he gently grabbed her arms pulling back into him. "Second",. 

"Natsu, stop!, your acting as if the way I've been acting is normal, cutting everyone off, ignoring my child..except on days I felt like it, Ignoring you, and then freaking everyone out at the guild. I froze completely when those two wizards attacked because all I could think was when Lilyanna forced you to attack me..I was useless and now because of this stupid shit, Nashi is gone..are you even listening to me!" she yelled at him as to her he had a blank expression on his face.

Quickly it turned serious as he strongly turned her around with her facing him but his arms still around her. In a level voice he told her " I suck at these kind of talks, so I'm just going to be blunt.. Lucy, I don't care!" Her eyes grew big in surprise but didn't say anything. 

" What I mean is Lucy, I don't care how you've been acting, hell you could ignore everyone and I'd be just as happy if it was just and me off somewhere. I love you." She looked at him mildly puzzled. 

He rolled his eyes and slightly annoyed said " for Mavis's sake, Luce , baby, you could ignore me even try to push me away, but I will still be there. When I married you, it wasn't because I thought we were going to have a perfect life. I wasn't just speaking words when I said you were the one for me. I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but I will say it every time you doubt yourself , you are my world. Nothing in this whole damn world will ever change that, not anything and lastly and I want this to sink into your head, you are not responsible for our daughter's kidnapping, it was those scumbags and that's all there is to it...there I'm finished" 

She couldn't say anything as she was completely stunned at him. Natsu completely sucked at having intelligent conversations that didn't involve anything with food or jobs and he had just straight up blown her away with how serious he had been this whole time. Even Happy who had been watching and listening in silence the whole time was impressed. " I knew he had it in there somewhere" Happy thought to himself proudly. 

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