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    A while later he had come back into the room. Happy was curled up into a ball sleeping at the end of the bed. "Hey" he said softly as he set the bowl of soup down to climb in. "Come here" he told her as she snuggled right up against him as he put an arm over her shoulders. 

He reached with his other hand for the soup bringing it over. She grabbed the spoon and slowly brought it to her mouth. "Thank you" she said quietly. "your welcome" He stayed silent as she ate her soup just enjoying the fact that he was near her and holding her without Nashi screaming or running away from him. 

 Finishing her soup, she handed Natsu the bowl who set it down and had them lay down into the bed with her laying her head onto his chest. 

"Hey I've got something to tell you" he said eager. She lifted her head up and said "What is it?" curiously. "Nashi gave me a hug..when I went over earlier while you were sleeping, she ran to me when I got to the guild. Don't know why but she was really happy to see me"

 "You say that like it's a bad thing" "No,no not at all, I love that she missed me but here's the thing Lucy, when she hugged me, she said something about bad thoughts." "What does that mean?" her voice showing concern. 

"I'm not sure yet, but putting that aside, you need your sleep Lucy if you want to get better. I'm not going anywhere tonight, I'm all yours so let's get some shut eye" "Alright" she agreed happily as she wrapped her arm around Natsu's stomach bringing herself closer to his body heat. "I love you Lucy" He looked down and saw that she was already out. He let a soft hmm" as he put his head back down and closed his eyes.

The next morning, Natsu opened his eyes, forgetting for a moment that he shut all his curtains making the room dark, he carefully slid Lucy out from under his arm and opened them letting the sun in. He turned and smiled a big warm smile as he looked at Lucy in the sunlight.

 " I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I love her " he thought as he looked at her. "For all that she does ,I'm glad I was able to take care of her for once" He walked back over and gently shook her arm. She slowly opened her eyes to Natsu smiling at her. "Hey" he said quietly. "Hi" she greeted back kindly. 

He put a hand on her forehead. "Your fever went down, that's a relief." He said as she sat herself up. He sat next to her placing a hand on top of hers. "You want to go to the guild? He asked. "Yes" she answered after a few minutes. "Something holding you back? He asked noticing the hesitation. " no.just.." "What is it Luce?" he asked squeezing her hand. "Not looking forward to separating from you again." She answered sadly. 

 "Baby, Lu..Lucy, we aren't separated , not even close, just while Nashi is going through this, we are just taking turns.,that's all" He put a hand to her cheek and rubbed it. She closed her eyes feeling the warmth in his hand. It put her at ease hearing how calm he spoke. She traced the ring on his finger making them both smile. 

" That right there should tell you, come on go get in the shower" he said to her as she got up from under the covers. Natsu smacked her butt on the way by making Lucy blush and Natsu grinned seeing it. "Wake up Happy!" he announced teasingly yanking the covers out from under him causing him to fall off the bed. "You meanie!" "Heehee" Natsu laughed. After waiting for Lucy to get showered and dressed, Natsu picked her up bridal style. 

"Wait, what are you doing?" she asked. " Wanted to carry you" he said bluntly as she smiled and just leaned into him not complaining. "Come on Happy" "Aye sir!" He carried Lucy down to the guild as they walked in. He set her down once they got there as Lucy yelled "Hey!" happily as everyone greeted hello in return. 

"Hey, nice to see you smiling" said Mira. "Thanks Mira" she replied. They went walking in and saw Gray and Erza and walked over. "Morning Lucy" they said to her. "Hey!" she said cheerfully. " well that's a better answer then what we saw yesterday, I'm glad your feeling better today" said Erza. "Yeah, I'm sorry for worrying everyone" "Nahh, your fine Lucy, we're just glad you were able to get some sleep" said Gray nicely. 

"How did last night go?" she asked. " things were fine. Nashi was excited to go stay with Asca, she seemed normal last night" Gray told her. "Wonder how she is going to be today?" Lucy thought as she looked at Natsu who had on his usual normal light smile. "Did you guys want to go on a job today?" asked Lucy.

 "Feels like its been forever since we went on one" she said. "That's sounds like a great idea Lucy, nothing to cheer our sprits more then getting back to it." Said Erza sounding a little eager. "Go look boys" Lucy told them as she pointed her arm back towards the request board. They grumbled as they both got up to look.  

"Nothing that can give this flame idiot an excuse" he insulted. "What was that freeze breath?, you want to go for it ?" "Bring it on dragon!" Natsu swung a punch at him as Gray caught it but he was unable to dodge Natsu kicking him under bringing him to the ground.

 "Alright, now your getting it you asshole" Gray launched himself at Natsu as they rolled punching each other. Erza, Lucy and Happy just shook their heads with their eyes closed. "Well Natsu is feeling better" said Erza. "Don't bet on it" said Lucy and Happy. After a few minutes , Lucy piped in and yelled "You idiots done yet?!!" The aggressiveness in her voice got them to stop and look at her. 

"You dumbasses , we're finally back together after 2 weeks and the first thing you two do is fight. Natsu, grrrr, I'll deal with you later, Gray!, get your butt up and let's find a job" "Yes ma'am!" they both stood up at attention while Erza raised her eyebrows and chuckled.

 "Guess I'm not the only one now that can get your attention" "You said it Erza" agreed Happy impressed. Lucy sat on the couch glaring at Natsu who made a nervous laugh. "Oh you know I'll get you" she snapped. Macow and Wakaba who had been watching said "daang did you see that?" "yeah, he didn't even say anything" "She shut him right up" " We can hear you" said Natsu and Lucy plainly. 

"Sorry" they apologized. "Did you two morons find something?" asked Erza as Gray and Natsu came walking back .Natsu handed Erza a job request that said 300 jewels. " well 300 jewels isn't much but it's something , so let's go" ordered Erza as they set fourth. 

Everyone waved goodbye to them. " Feels weird without saying anything to Nashi" said Lucy. "Don't worry Luce, we'll see her when we get back" he said reassuring her as he put an arm around her shoulders. " Yeah , I just hope she doesn't hate you again when we get back" she said with a voice of sadness. " We will deal with that when it happens Luce, come on , let's get our heads into the job" he said encouraging making her smile and putting her negative feelings aside. 

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