Chapter 5

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    "So what!, you guys let her get taken," Natsu said roughly. He walked forward and slammed his fists against a table. " We were completely taken off guard and you guys weren't here" said Macaow. "That's why ..that's why we got the job request, those bastards!" Natsu said angrily kicking a bench sending it across the room. "Natsu" said Gray and Erza. 

 Natsu turned to around to see Lucy standing there. Her face had completely changed. She started backing up slowly as the world around her started to spin "No, no" she mumbled as she took another step backwards. 

"Lucy." Said Natsu very cautiously as he took a single step toward her. Everybody in front of her started to merge together in jumbled mess in her vison. Natsu stopped walking and ran over to her. She started screaming incoherent words as Natsu tried to grab her but she pushed him off. 

Everyone stayed back not knowing what to do. "I need to get her" "Huh?" went Natsu as he saw Lucy get up. " need to go after her" she said in a trance like state as she started running as Natsu said "no you don't" and went running behind her. 

Getting in front of her, he looked her right in the face and saw nothing there, she started screaming like a manic at him as he grabbed her wrists and yanked her to him pinning her arms completely. "Let me go Natsu!, let me go, let me go" she told him as she pushed against him hard. 

Taking the brunt of it, he held her there tightly as she kept going. 'LUCY STOP!" He shouted as he stood her in front of him. 

"She's gone Luce, you cant" Lucy looked like Natsu had just slapped her in the face. "No.nonoonono" she mumbled as tears came to her eyes. "I'm sorry Luce, I'm so sorry" he apologized deeply. 

He brought her close to him putting his hand on the back of her head. She cried into his chest as everyone looked at them. Their hearts breaking for her. Crying Lucy brought her arms up to her and shoved Natsu hard away from her. 

She stood there defiantly glaring at Natsu. Everyone looked at her shocked not knowing what to do as she looked around. "Everyone make a line" said Mira as they all stood behind Lucy making a barrier so she wouldn't' be able to run that way. 

"Lucy" happy said scared as he watched her. Glaring at Natsu who didn't move a muscle. "Lucy" he said quietly and uneasy. She glared at him until she grabbed at her head. "No, no go away, please!" she cried out. Flashes of her being tortured by Lilyanna came to her and then she saw Nashi. "AHHHHHHHH" she screamed. "Lucy!" Natsu cried out. 

Erza came walking out slowly as Gray looked at her and nodded as she returned it. "I need to go after her!" Lucy yelled out. Erza hated what she was about to do but she knew she was the only one who could. She stepped in between Natsu and Lucy. 

"Erza!, what are you doing?" Natsu questioned. "Forgive me" she muttered as she punched Lucy hard in her stomach making her gasp as she started to fall. "Erza!" Natsu yelled as he caught her before her head hit the ground. 

Half holding her, he saw she was out cold. Angrily he snapped his head up and said "What the hell was that!, why did you do that?" Emotionless Erza answered "because Natsu, you saw for yourself, she was loosing her mind..and more to the point, your too emotional right now or you would see I did it for her." 

Shaking his hands in anger, "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KNOCK HER OUT!" he screamed. Gray and Happy had saddened expressions on their faces because they knew Erza was right. She was the only one capable of controlling the situation at hand. 

 "Do you want help? Someone asked. Natsu whipped his head around , a wild look in his eyes . "Don't touch her" he growled as everyone jumped back at how scary Natsu looked. 

Turning his head back around, he put his arm under Lucy's legs and picked up her limp body. He adjusted her so her head laid against his body. Walking away, he aggressively said "Happy!, let's go." Against his own wanting, Happy followed behind him. " It wasn't to hurt her" yelled Gray as Natsu walked away without a single reaction. "psh" Gray insulted. 

Getting to the house, he kicked the door open with his foot as he silently laid Lucy gently down on the couch. Happy was afraid to say anything at that moment as he saw Natsu just standing over Lucy. , Natsu slumped down at the end of the couch at Lucy's feet. 

Closing his eyes he started rubbing his nose between two fingers as he let out a long breath. He then put an arm over his face. Putting a paw on his leg, "Natsu" happy said sympathetic then his eyes widened some when he saw a tear drop down Natsu's face. "Natsu" he said again. 

He silently cried into his arm for a few minutes until he wiped his nose and put his arm down. Sitting there, Happy saw what he thought he wouldn't see in a long time. Natsu looked defeated. It broke his heart seeing his best friend like that. "Natsu, are you alright?"

Wiping the remnants of his tears away, in as straight voice as he could without being choked up he said " yeah I'm fine Happy" "you know I just found another thing you and Lucy have in common." "Yeah, and what's that?" he answered not really in the mood. 

"You both suck! At expressing yourselves to anyone except yourselves" "Happy" he said defensively. "It's true!, both of you take care of everyone instead of yourselves. Natsu, your hurt too, I know you are, you've been putting so much on your shoulders. Everything that happened with you and Lucy and now over the last month, you've let it seem like it hasn't bothered you one bit but I know you" 

"I cant afford to loose it right now" Natsu confessed as he looked at Lucy. "She's a mess, if I loose it, then neither of us will be in any sort of functional shape..and someone needs to be clear headed to rescue Nashi." Happy gasped as Natsu got up from the couch. 

"I'm going to find and save Nashi" "By yourself" Happy questioned hard. "Yes" Natsu answered strongly. "NO" Happy said loudly. 

 "Happy" Natsu said sternly. Waving his hand to the side ,Happy full of emotion said " we're a team Natsu, all of us!. You , me , Erza, Gray and Lucy!" "I know buddy but" "No" he said defiantly " Your crazy to go out there by yourself, specially with that crazy magic...and besides you think this is just about you!, think about Lucy" Natsu looked at him surprised as he stepped a single step back. Happy was serious and really yelling at him. 

He continued " If she wakes up and finds you gone, what do you think that will do to her?. You said you were afraid of something tipping her over the edge right!. If you leave, It will destroy her Natsu, Lucy will be shattered. Nashi is gone, don't let her lose you too." 

 He let out an exhausted breath signaling he was done talking. Absorbing everything Happy had just laid into him, without so much as a breath or hesitation which shocked Natsu enough, he realized Happy was right. He calmed down and sat back on the couch. " your right Happy, thanks buddy" 

"Anytime, I'm not afraid to yell at you" he responded with some cheer making Natsu chuckle. 

He patted Happy on the head as he laid back on the couch. "you know you didn't have to react the way you did" Happy told him. "Huh?" went Natsu. "Back at the guild, when they offered to help carry Lucy, you looked so furious and scary. Erza was just trying to help. She knew you couldn't handle Lucy in the state she was in".

 " hmm I know..just at that moment, everything came up at me and that was my only way to react, I'll apologize later" "Good" said Happy. 

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