Chapter 8

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  Days went by and nobody found a thing. "Jeeze, where the hell could they be?" said Natsu frustrated. " I just want our baby back.. wrap my arms around her" Lucy said sadly hugging her arms to her standing over Nashi's bed. 

"Hey" said Natsu comfortingly as he came up and hugged her from behind laying his head on her shoulder. " I just miss her so much Natsu" Kissing her softly on the neck ,he said "I know Luce. We will find her" Getting emotional, she turned and faced Natsu. 

Seeing her face, he said "come here" as he gently put his hand behind her head bringing it to his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. " Is everything okay?" Happy asked innocently as he walked into the room. 

"yeah. Everything's fine Happy, thanks buddy" Natsu answered for them. "Luce, come on, let's go to the guild okay?" he asked eyebrows raised anticipating her answer. Getting herself together, she let got of Natsu and wiped her tears. "Okay" she said as her and happy with Natsu walked down. 

"Hey guys" Mira greeted nicely. Lucy with a small smile waved to her as they walked in. " Where are Gray and Erza?" she asked noticing her two comrades weren't in the guild. " I sent them off on a search" said Makarov as he walked up. 

"Gramps?" said Natsu and Lucy. "I heard about what happened. My deepest apologies for Nashi's kidnapping." Lucy turned her eyes to the side solemnly as Natsu in a straight voice said " I appreciate it gramps but u don't need to apologize. We are going to get our daughter back"

"Confident as always, good" said Macow" "It's not confidence ,it's a hard fact. I am not stopping until we bring Nashi home" said Natsu strongly. Makarov nodded in agreement. "we've had the other guilds on the search for her too" Cana informed them.

"So far nobody has said anything about seeing a pink haired little girl and people in masks, but they are keeping their eyes out" she added. "Thanks Cana" said Lucy. "You bet". "What do you say Lucy, get out there and join the others?" asked Natsu. "let's go Natsu" "Happy!" "Aye sir!" as the three of them picked a spot on the map of Fiore to go search. 

 "Lucy don't be disappointed if she isn't there alright?" urged Natsu. "I hear you" she answered. They got to the area where they were going to search when they spotted people in masks. "Hey!" Natsu yelled at them as they saw Natsu and the other two and started running. "Could they be the ones that took her" thought Natsu as they went after them. "Happy!" "Aye" he picked Natsu up and flew him in front of them as Lucy sprinted after them. 

Dropping in front of them ,Natsu made them stop running. " Where the hell is my kid!" he yelled. One of them stepped forward and shot a wave of black energy at him.

"Woah!" exclaimed Natsu jumping out of the way barely dodging it in time. "Natsu!" yelled Happy and Lucy. "Stay back" he warned. One of the other masked figures turned towards Lucy and Happy. " I'm sick of family has been through more than enough but let me tell you, you masked freaks are nothing compared to everything else I've been through , so go ahead and try whatever your going todo!" she taunted at them. 

 The figure without warning summoned a dagger and threw it right at her. She didn't even have a chance to dodge it as it landed right in her stomach. 

"Lucy!" Happy cried out as Lucy grabbed ahold of the dagger clutching her stomach with her other hand covering it with blood. "Natsu!" yelled Happy. "LUCY!" Natsu screamed as he saw Lucy on the ground. The figure in front of him signaled to the others and had them run off while Natsu ran over to Lucy and put her in his arms. 

 The first one was still in front of them while Natsu was furious. "She isn't ready'll see her soon" the figure said. "Wha..what was that?" said Lucy weakly as the figure ran off. "No!, those bastards, ahhhh!!" she called out frustrated..

"Lucy," Natsu said concerned. "Go after them Natsu, now!, they may be our best chance to get them and find her" she ordered. "No" he said flatly. "But." "Lucy, there's no way in hell I'm leaving you right now..this is going to hurt so brace yourself" he warned before grabbing the dagger handle and took it out as delicately as he could. She yelled in pain as she covered her hands over her wound. Picking her up bridal style, he said " come on Happy!" worried, he flew behind Natsu as he ran with Lucy. 

"WENDY!" Natsu called out. Lucy was bleeding all over him as Wendy rushed out. "Don't stand there!, come on!" she hurried waving Natsu to follow as he went with her quickly. 

Laying her on a bed , Wendy got right to work healing her. "What the hell happened?" she asked. " We were searching one of the locations on the map to look for Nashi. A bunch of masked freaks were there, one of them stabbed Lucy" 

"What was that weird thing they said Natsu?, I didn't really catch it" asked Happy. "Umm, something about she's not ready yet but I'm nervous by what they meant by that" 

 " Well luckily, you got her here quick enough, that she didn't lose too much blood and they got her in a place that wasn't an artery." Wendy said relieved as she finished healing. "Thanks Wendy" Lucy said graciously. " Your welcome" she answered with a smile. 

 Snapping her head quickly to Natsu, she said " guild now!" "Hey , you just got stabbed Luce, easy" he said holding his hands in front of her. Jumping off the bed, she defiantly said "I'm healed, move Natsu" she didn't wait for him to move as she shoved right by him slamming her feet down hard as she walked quickly. "Thanks Wendy" Natsu said in pass as he went to catch up with her. "Hey!" he said behind her as he went to grab her shoulder but she pushed it off as she started running.   

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