Chapter 18

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   Lucy was still trembling. She couldn't see his face. "please, please don't go like before" she thought to herself. "" she squeaked. "Don't worry Luce, I'm fine" he told her as he turned towards her. He grinned at her while she let out a breath. "Thank goodness" she said relieved. "hmm" he said chuckling lightly as he turned back towards back Eve and Caleb. "YOU!, you killed her!!" Eve yelled at him angry. 

"She didn't deserve anything else" Natsu said bluntly. " Your going to pay for that" She snapped at him. She moved her hands intensely as Caleb brought his staff up and down. "Ahh" exclaimed Natsu as Eve had everyone moving again. Lucy with the dagger in her hand going right towards Natsu.

"No,no,no!" she muttered as she fought to drop the dagger. "Lucy, it's not your fault" he said as he saw her fighting while Erza and Gray were facing each other. Erza had her sword out and directed right at Gray. "No, damn it, why wont my body listen to me!" said Erza frustrated. "It's cause of this magic" said Gray. 

He knew he couldn't beat Erza in a real fight let alone in this situation as she struggled to keep her sword from stabbing him. Eve and Caleb had malicious grins on their faces . Nashi who had been quiet this whole time finally said something "Mommy!" she cried out. "Nashi, close your eyes baby, I don't want you to see this" she told her. Shaking her head furiously ,she cried "no!"

"Shut up you brat!" yelled Caleb. "She was supposed to have weakened that dragon slayer, damn it but I guess that means we have no use for you anymore" sneered Eve. "WHAT!" went Natsu and Lucy. Eve got a menacing smile on her face as Caleb tapped his staff hard twice as a battle axe came flying off the wall. 

"NASHI!!!" everyone screamed as she was frozen in place. Time moved in slow motion as the axe came flying towards her, she closed her eyes waiting for the impact. When she felt nothing, she opened her eyes and gasped. Natsu was laying on the floor clutching his right shoulder. 

"NATSU!" Lucy screamed. His arm was bleeding profusely with the axe imbedded into it. Grasping the handle , with a scream of pain, he yanked the axe out and immediately put on his wound. "why,why did you do that? Nashi asked confused.

Coughing and grunting in pain, he turned towards Nashi bending on one knee, in a compassionate and gentle voice he said "because Nashi, I am your father. No matter what you think, I will always love and protect you." She looked at him contemplating when he asked "can I see the scarf for just a second, I promise I will give it right back." 

 Everyone had been able to stop being forced to move as they all including Eve and Caleb watched the pair of them. She hesitated for a moment until she looked at Natsu's eyes. They were soft and patient. 

"I promise" he said again as she slowly took her scarf off and handed it to him. He gently took it when something dark shot out of it. An angelic glow surrounded them as the darkness disappeared from it. He looked up and smiled as he put the scarf back around her neck. "How do you feel Iggy?" he asked. Tears instantly started pouring from her eyes as she looked at him and in a heart felt cry cried "Daddy!!!" 

"Hey baby girl" he returned as she threw her arms around him. She buried herself into his chest "I am so so sorry daddy. Pleeeease forgive me, daddy, I didn't mean it. You aren't mean,daddy,Iloveyou,loveyouandmommy" she mumbled. With his free arm, he hugged her to him as she drenched his body in tears. "It's alright Iggy, none of this was your fault, I love you" 

" I love you too!" she yelled. "Damn you" said Eve frustrated and hands balled into fists. "How did you figure that out?" "It wasn't that hard actually. You said so yourself it was directed at me and considering I was the only one the scarf repelled, I realized the only way to help her was too take the scarf." He struggled to get to his feet as he was holding Nashi with one arm and his wound with the other. 

"Daddy, be careful" said Nashi. " I gotta put you down Iggy okay?" he told her as she nodded her head as he gently put her on the floor as she grabbed his pant leg. " I figured If I touched it, then the magic in it would break and it turns out I was right." He said gleeful.

"You may have saved your daughter but can you say the same for you wife!" Eve said boasting. "What!" said Natsu as they watched a sword come off the wall. "LUCY!" Natsu shouted but he couldn't get to her in time.

 Lucy didn't even have time to move before Erza jumped in front of her taking the hit as the sword impacted her as she fell to the ground. "ERZAAAAAA!!!" Lucy shrieked as she picked up Erza and had her lay against her. Erza pulled the sword out of her.

 Gray and Happy ran over while Natsu stayed with Nashi to keep her from running. "I'll" Erza stuttered. "T..tthi..s .isn't enough to kkill me" Tears flowed down Lucy's face. "Erza, I'm ssss,ssorry"she cried. 

Erza took Lucy's hand and said "don't apologize Lucy, I knew what I was doing. I'll be" She closed her eyes as Lucy shook her. "No Erza, please!!, wake up!" she cried as Gray knelt in front of her and placed two fingers on her neck. "She's alive Lucy, don't worry" he said kindly as tears fell and landed on Erza's armor. 

 "She's going to wake up right Gray?" Happy asked. "yeah, there's no way a sword injury is going to take out Erza" he said confidently. " Take Erza Gray" Lucy muttered in a low cold voice. Hearing the tone and seeing her head pointed down. 

" Lucy.." said Gray and Happy uneasy. " I said take her" she said with more force as Gray gently took Erza off her lap. "What..are you going to do?" Happy said nervously. Rising slowly to her feet, hands balled into fists. "I'm going to end this"

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