Chapter 4

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    "So there wasn't any word on what the job was or who sent it?" Lucy asked. "Nope, they just specifically asked for the Dragneel team" answered Gray. " well that's unusual, usually if they just want me and Natsu, they would say that, but they asked for all of us" "Makes me wonder how dangerous this job is" Lucy thought to herself. " Whatever it is, we will take it down, nobody has stopped us before." Natsu said full of optimism and positivity 

"Right" Lucy agreed. Happy nodded in agreement. They all thought about Lucy's mental state as they walked. " Please Lucy, don't push yourself" begged Natsu in his head. "I hope she can handle this" thought Gray. " Stay strong" Erza thought encouraging. " we can do this guys" thought Happy. " I gotta keep it together"

"Hey guys, we are almost there" announced Gray. "alright everyone, stay on your guard , watch yourselves" They all got themselves ready mentally. Natsu grabbed ahold of Lucy's hand and squeezed her fingers.

 "I'm alright" she told him quietly. "You sure?" he asked skeptical. "I'm alright as I can be at the moment, let's just do this while I have the courage to do so" she told him bluntly as he let go of her. 

" The strongest couple right?" "ha, you got it Luce". He kissed her on the cheek before going ahead making Lucy blush some and smile. 

"Something doesn't feel right Erza" Natsu said feeling very wary. "I know what you mean, where is everyone, like the people who brought us here" They were brought to an open forest but no houses anywhere in sight. "Everybody spread out, watch yourselves" Erza ordered. 

 They all spread out taking a look around. Erza and Lucy looked on the outsides of the forest while Natsu with Happy and Gray went in to see if there were any trails leading to anywhere.

They met back up after a few minutes. "Anything?" Erza asked. " uh-uh" answered Natsu." "Not a thing, there isn't a house anywhere in there, how about you two? The girls all shook their heads no. 

" Anyone else feel like this is a trap?" said Gray. "oh yeah" agreed Natsu as they sensed magic power out of nowhere. Two figures walked up to them out of nowhere. A guy with pink hair , a girl with green hair. 

"So you've arrived, good" the green haired one said. "What do you want, you don't look like you need any of our help" snapped Natsu before anyone said anything. "Hmm, yes your right about that, we wanted you and knew that was the only way to get here" "Damn it, so it was a trap" 

"Duh" said Gray. "It isn't the time guys, come on" urged Lucy. "Your right, ready Happy?" "Aye!" He grabbed Natsu and took off to the sky. " What are you going to do?" Happy asked. "Kick their butts isn't it obvious? He said to him. "of course, you are" Happy said under his breath dryly. 

"What was that? "snarked Natsu. "Nothing!, now come on" He flew Natsu forward right towards the two. "FIRE DRAGON WING ATTACK" attacked as he grabbed one of them and sent them flying through the forest hitting a tree hard. Erza reequipped into her heaven's wield armor as Gray got ready for an ice attack. 

"Open gate of the scorpion , Scorpio!" He came a few seconds later. The girl just stood there chuckling as she waved her hands sending them backwards onto the ground. 

 "Guys!" Natsu yelled as he saw the girl push them back. In that second he looked away, the guy Natsu sent flying appeared with a staff.

 Clicking it, Happy's wings disappeared shocking them as they fell to the ground. "Natsu!" yelled Lucy as Natsu grabbed onto a branch to keep them from straight falling to the ground. "Heh, we're good Lucy" He said confidently as he got him and Happy down from the tree. 

"How the hell did he do that?" he thought out loud. "It's because of my staff, its filled with nullifying magic" said the boy. "Who the hell are you guys?" snarked Gray getting anxious and annoyed with how calm they seemed to be acting. 

 "Who are we?" the girl said slyly. She waved her hands and suddenly none of them could move. "ahh, what the hell" exclaimed Gray as they all struggled.. "Let us go" demanded Erza. "My name is Eve, and mine is Caleb" Eve suddenly lifted her hand towards Erza making her get her sword out and point it to Gray. "Oh no" Natsu thought filled with dread. "we've seen this magic before.."

He grimly looked at Lucy whose face had gotten completely filled with terror. "Who are you guys!! Demanded Natsu. " Eve and I are wizards..trained under the sorceress Lilyanna" "NO!" said Natsu as he looked back at Lucy. 

 She couldn't move her body, but her eyes were horrified. " Do you think it's been long enough?" Eve said to Caleb. "It's been some time but it should have been long enough" "What are you two talking about?" said Erza eyeing them. "heh, you'll find out soon enough" Caleb tapped his staff making them disappear releasing the others from their grip.

 "Jeeze, what the hell kind of magic was that?" said Gray feeling disgruntled. "Lucy!" Natsu and Happy reacted as they went over to her. She was shaking as she laid on her side. Natsu got down to the ground. "Lucy" Natsu called out. "What's wrong with her?" asked Happy concerned. 

Carefully picking her up, he held her against him as she was shaking. "Lucy, it's not her, she's gone" he assured her. 

"We.we need to the..guild, I have a bad feeling" she said shakily. "Can you even walk right now?" he asked her. He felt her shaking her whole body against him. "yyyess, come on" she answered unsteady, but she got up onto her feet. 

 "Let's move, I agree with Lucy, something isn't right" Erza ordered as they moved as quickly as they could. "I know this got to her, she's burying it" Natsu thought as he looked at Lucy. "Man , I hope we're wrong"  

Once they got to the guild, they busted through the doors. Everyone had sullen expressions on their faces. "Guys what happened?" Gray asked real eager. "We were attacked" answered Mira Jane sadly as she stepped towards them. 

"It was a group of rag tag wizards, we were caught off guard." "They came." "Nashi!" Lucy called out, her hands to her mouth. "Nashi" she called again. Everyone's expressions deepening, Mira full of regret said "she's not here Lucy" 

"huh, what do you mean?, is she hiding somewhere? Mira shook her head no. Lucy looked at everyone else who couldn't even look her in the eye. "Guys, where the hell is my kid?" Lucy yelled panicked. "She's not here...because they came for her, I'm sorry guys" Everyone's face went white with shock except Natsu's. The only thing he felt at that moment was fury. 

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