Chapter 11

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    Not really wanting to let go, Lucy forced herself to stop as she opened her eyes and looked at Natsu. He took a single arm and hugged her to his chest putting his head on top of hers. " I didn't want to stop either" he said softly she put her arms around his stomach and squeezed. " How did you know?" she said quietly. 

She felt him squeeze for a second then release as he said "do you really need an answer?". She didn't answer as it came to her mind the minute he said it. Nashi started to stir getting both of their attentions as they let go of each other and looked at her anxiously. She shook her head back and forth as she slowly began to open her eyes. 

"Nashi" Lucy said with mild cheer. Her eyes looked and saw Lucy. "Mommy" she said softly. "Yes baby, it's me" She exclaimed happily as she got up to hug her but soon as she saw Natsu, she screamed. "Nashi! Honey what's wrong, it's your daddy" she said hugging Nashi to her immediately. 

Natsu sat there completely stunned. Getting to her knees and looking up at her, Lucy said "baby, why did u do that?" Nashi backed up until she hit the wall staring and shaking at Natsu. "Nashi...". "I'll go" said Natsu. Before she could say anything, he held a hand up. "it's alright Lucy. We weren't on the greatest terms before this happened" he assured as he walked away with a smile. Watching his back, she thought " I know you too Natsu...."

He walked until he was far enough away where she couldn't see him. He slammed his hand into the wall and sank to the floor covering his face with his hands. 

Emotional tears started coming down. "Nashi" he thought as he sat there crying. "I know your not alright" thought Lucy. She wrapped her hands around Nashi's head as she cried. "What the hell is going on?" she thought. "Happy, go check on Natsu.please" The blue feline got to his feet and started walking to find his friend.

He found Natsu a few minutes later with his head down. "Natsu.." Happy called gently. Lifting his head up, he said "hey buddy. She sent you to come check on me didn't she?" "I would have come anyway" he told him. Natsu chuckled lightly as he got to his feet wiping his tears. 

"Are you alright?" Happy asked. "yeah buddy. I'll be fine, let's go wait for Lucy at home, we can't do much here with Nashi in the state that she is in" Happy nodded his head and walked with Natsu to their house. 

 Nashi had finally calmed down enough for Lucy to put up Nashi's chin to look at her. "Why are you afraid baby?" she asked her. "He's a meanie" she said with attitude as she crossed her arms. "Hmph ,haha, well that's not unusual" she thought to herself amused. "Let's go to the guild okay?" 

"Yes mommy" she said happily as she jumped off the bed and onto the floor. Grabbing Lucy's hand , she walked with her to the guild. "Natsu isn't here?, he must have gone home" she thought as Nashi went running through. " Hey ,where's Natsu?" asked Gray once he saw Lucy alone. "I think he went home...after what happened?" "Huh? What do you mean?" Lucy's expression instantly turned sad getting Gray's attention. "Lucy?, tell me what happened?" he insisted.  

Getting her to take a seat so less chance of people hearing, she told him "Nashi screamed when she saw Natsu?" "The fuck??" Gray said feeling very confused. "Yeah..right there with you.. she literally woke up and as soon as she saw him, she backed up completely afraid of him." "That doesn't sound right" "I know.." 

Gray felt bad when he saw Lucy's sullen expression. "Hey, whatever this is, I'm sure it will be fine. You know that damn idiot doesn't stay down long" he told her lightly punching in the shoulder getting her to smile. "Thanks Gray" "Sure Lucy" 

"Everything alright?" asked Erza as she came over to the two of them. " It will be hopefully soon.." answered Lucy. " come again?" she said. "I'll tell you later" said Gray as Lucy thanked him with her eyes as he nodded in return. " Nashi, come on, let's go home" she called as her daughter came running. " Let's go" she said cheerfully. 

Lucy giggled some at Nashi's positive attitude as they walked. Walking through the door , Natsu said "hey Luce" casually as they came in. Nashi saw him and immediately ran to her room slamming her door. " Well alright then" said Natsu and Lucy. "Natsu?" "Hmm?" he said as he turned towards her. "Are you really alright after..well you know". He smirked some and a chuckle escaped his lips. 

"I'm fine Lucy, I promise. It's hard but I'll manage." " Natsu." She started but he held a hand up stopping her talking. "Lucy, don't. I told you I'm fine. Leave it at that..please" his tone said he was done talking about it. "alright, sorry" she surrendered and apologized. 

"It's alright, come here" he said nicely as she put her arms up his back as he hugged her. She gripped the backs of his shoulders hard. "Come on, let's go to the room" he told her lovingly. Not arguing, she followed him as he lead them in. Slowly and gracefully, he took her clothes off piece by piece as she unbuttoned his vest. 

Once she was undressed, he picked her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Walking backwards slowly, she brought her face to his as her tongue inserted itself into Natsu's mouth while he explored hers. 

Gripping the back of her head softly, he pushed her further into him as they fell onto the bed. They enjoyed each other's lips for a while until they pulled apart and held each other. Neither of them felt like going at it but they enjoyed just tasting each other as they laid there.

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