Chapter 17

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    "Natsu, please tell me what the hell just happened?" she asked as they kept running. "That was dragon force" he answered immediately "But how did she do that?. "I don't know Luce..,maybe she's stronger then either of us thought" "That scares me" Natsu looked at her " It doesn't matter if we're scared . She is still our daughter and we're her parents so we are going to protect her no matter what and help her through this." He grinned at her as he held a hand out. 

She reached for it as he grabbed ahold of it tightly and said "now come on ,let's get our baby girl back" "Yeah" Lucy agreed as Natsu had them pick up their speed. "Natsu!" He heard and turned his head back to see his teammates behind him.

 "Any idea where she is going!?" Erza yelled to them. "No idea!" Natsu answered back . "Just keep following us!" he told them as he kept tight hold of Lucy's hand "Natsu, I can't see her" Lucy said , he could hear the worry in her voice. 

"Don't' worry Luce, I got her scent, we wont lose her" he assured. They were running for a while until they reached a huge mansion in the middle of the woods. They stopped soon as they saw Nashi go through the doors. Catching their breath, they waited for the other three to catch up. 

"Doesn't..this..look ..familar?" Lucy said through breaths. " it looks like the same woods where those other two sorceresses tricked us" said Natsu. "Are you ready?" asked Erza. Standing straight up, Natsu and Lucy shook their heads up. "Be careful guys, these two were taught under that crazy bitch that tortured Lucy and I" warned Natsu. " You guys just watch yourselves too" cautioned Gray. 

Natsu and Lucy threw open the doors and ran inside with the others in tow.. They ran through two doors where Nashi just stood there looking at them meanly. "Nashi, thank goodness!" said Lucy as she started to run but Natsu held his arm out. "Wait Lucy" he urged eyeing her. She saw his face and took a step back. 

 "That was a lot longer then I thought it would be, I thought you guys would be back here in a few days, not a few weeks" said Eve surprised as she came walking towards them. Natsu and Lucy growled as they looked at her with dark expressions.

 "What the hell did you do to my child" Natsu said low. Eve just laughed as she waved her hands forcing their bodies to move all of sudden on their own. "NO, NO" Lucy screamed in her head as she was forced to grab a couple blades out of a corner and head for Gray. "What the hell is this!" Erza exclaimed. 

"This is the same shit Lilyanna used on me and Lucy!" Natsu explained as he strained against himself as his hands flared up walking towards Erza. "NO" he shouted as Caleb came out and stood with Eve. "hahaha, this was much easier thanks to Nashi"

 "What do you mean!?" Lucy snapped. " well I guess I'll tell you, you won't be a threat much longer" Eve said as she looked straight at Lucy who fell to the ground in agony grabbing her head and screaming. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER!, LUCY!" Natsu screamed at her.

"She's just relieving her memories and to answer her question, we implanted false memories into your child's head. Wasn't all that hard actually. She was already angry at you which we just grew upon. If it wasn't for that, it wouldn't have worked so hahahaha it is your fault" "But how did they do it cause that night when she hugged me , the scarf, wait, the scarf!" he figured out in his head. "You!, , I'm such an idiot, you assholes infected her scarf!, and that was from me, that's how you were able to direct her anger at me wasn't it!"

 "Oh ooooh, look who figured that out quick" said Caleb. " It didn't always work though, you dumbasses, just the other night, she almost got out of it. Hehe" "What do you mean?" asked Eve, her eyes narrowing at Natsu. "You didn't calculate me or Lucy not being near at any point. It was just for a night but without us to influence her for an extended time , Nashi was normal and for a night, she wasn't infected by your spell." " well damn didn't see that coming" said Eve.

"Oh well" she squeezed her hand forcing them to move again as Natsu's hand flamed up again towards Erza and Gray. Eve glared at Lucy as she forced her to stand and walk towards Natsu and the others. 

Happy was even being forced into the middle. The dagger pointing right towards Natsu. He saw the fear in her eyes as she remembered everything making Natsu's mind go dark.

 "You imbeciles weren't told of how your master was killed...were you?" a dark grin appeared on his face as Lucy shuttered for she knew and that made her shake remembering that. "Eve, we weren't told that" said Caleb. A fire went blasting from Natsu's body as he turned towards them. 

"Hey, how are you able to move!" Eve yelled angrily. Natsu with the dark grin on his face said " your looking right at him. Your master, I killed her. She tortured and killed my wife. She brought her back but that wasn't enough. I put my hand through her and crushed her heart..she chose the wrong family to fuck with." The grin disappeared from his face as he turned serious and said "I'm not going to let you do that to us again." 

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