Chapter 13

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   He opened the door and kicked it shut leading them into their room. Laying her down gracefully, he shut all the curtains and shut their bedroom door so it was completely dark for her. He removed her boots as he covered her up with the blanket as he got in on the opposite side, so he was looking at her. 

 Gently he caressed her cheek as her eyes started to stir. Opening her eyes, coming out as a whisper, she said "Natsu" but she could say nothing else as he put a finger to her lips. "Shh, sleep Luce" he told her. Seeing the questions starting to form in her mind, he said "before you ask, the guild and Happy said they would keep an eye on Nashi" Taking his finger away from her mouth, she said "I'm glad" " Stop talking baby, go to sleep" he urged caringly. 

"Hold me..please" she told him as he pulled her towards him. He laid his head directly on top of hers as she snuggled into him laying her head on his arm. It wasn't but a couple minutes later that she was out like a light. He decided to take advantage and sleep for a couple hours as well. Once he decided to get up after sleeping, he carefully slid his arm out from under Lucy's head placing it on the pillow.

He crept slowly till he heard a creek, quickly turning to see if he woke her, she was still asleep. "Natsu.." she said in her sleep. He blushed and smiled for her thinking about him in her dreams. He quietly walked out and shut the door behind him. "Better go check on the guild, they did me a favor" he though as he headed to Fairy Tail. Once he got there, he was greeted by a yell of "Daddy!!" Nashi was running to him shocking the hell out of him. She ran and hugged his leg. "Wha??" he said highly confused. "N,Nashi?" he stuttered. "I've missed you daddy!, the thoughts..they won't leave my head" she cried. 

Everyone else was as confused and shocked as Natsu as he still hadn't moved. For two weeks, she hated been straight angry at him or scared to death of him. She wasn't anything like she was right now clinging to his pant leg or even saying daddy. Getting down on one knee, he met her eye level. "Baby girl, what are you talking about?, what thoughts?" he asked her. "Bad thoughts daddy, they won't leave" she said as she threw her arms around his neck.

 He wrapped his arms around her to make it easier for her to hug him. He was very confused but wasn't complaining at the same time. He ran his hand through her hair and rubbed her head as his hand touched the scarf, it shocked him. 

"Oww" he said quietly so no one else would notice. "What the hell was that?" he thought suspiciously. "Iggy, aren't you going to Asca's tonight?" "Yes!" she said excited. Smiling a small smile, he said "go on then baby dragon, go have fun" "I love you daddy" she said sweetly. "I love you too, go on" he pushed her towards them some as she ran back over to Asca.

 "What was that all about?" asked Gray as he came over to Natsu. "That's a good question. I have no freaking clue" said Natsu. "How's Lucy?" asked Erza. "She's sleeping thankfully. Damn woman has been running herself ragged last couple weeks." They all made a sound in agreement.

"I should get back, she could be waking up any minute, come on Happy" he said as he turned back around. "Aye" Happy responded normally as he followed behind Natsu. Erza and Gray gave each other a look then went back to sit and watch over Nashi with their guild mates. "Where did daddy go?" she asked.

 "It's alright munchkin, he went back home to check, I mean spend time with your mom" he was glad he caught himself because Nashi had no idea Lucy had collapsed and wanted to keep it that way. "Okay" she said happily and innocently. "Something has definitely  happened though, but what caused it?" he thought. 

 Happy and Natsu were walking when Happy noticed Natsu had a concentrated face. "Natsu? You okay?" "I'm thinking Happy" "Hmm, better not do that too much, your head will explode" he teased. "Ahh, shut up Happy. I do have a brain, ..just don't use it much," 

"Tell me something I don't know," "You want to get smacked cause that's where this is going?, jeeze I sound like I'm talking to Nashi" he told himself. "Just shows you're a dad". "Thanks Happy, let's get inside" he said as he opened the door to see Lucy standing in the middle of the living room. 

 She had a crazy look on her face as Natsu immediately shut the door. "Lucy" he called with a serious tone. She went flying at him surprising him as he caught her arms. "Where is Nashi!, is she alright?' She sounded spastic as Natsu calmly answered. "She's fine, she's having a sleepover remember?..hello?" He stopped once he noticed the blank look on her face. "Hey, Lucy.." he waved a hand in front of her but got nothing. Getting concerned, his voice went up "Lucy, Luce, Baby!" he snapped two of his fingers in front of her face getting her attention. His face turned to one of relief. " she okay?" Happy asked nervously. 

Before she could say anything , Natsu put a hand to Lucy's forehead and sighed putting his head down. " I was afraid this was going to happen" he mumbled. 

"What?" said Lucy and Happy. Lifting his head back up, he said "your burning up Lucy, you've got a fever" Without asking ,he picked her up and put her over his shoulder as he carried her back to bed.

 "Natsu, put me down! Now!" she demanded as he dropped her onto the bed. He laid her down and covered her up to her neck and then went to grab a cloth to put over her head. " You idiot, I told you this was going to happen" he said light heartily as he placed the cloth on her. 

"All jokes aside, I am so sorry you have had to do this alone Luce" he apologized sincerely. "It's alright." She said, her voice croaky " I know your there if I need you" "Always" he answered then kissed her on her forehead. "Get some sleep" he said as he got up. " but I don't wanna" she whined. Stopping at the doorway of their room, he turned to face her and said " Luce, don't make me put you to sleep because you know I know how." He smirked at her raising an eyebrow.

She gulped because she knew he was right. Nobody including Happy knew how right he really was. He knew every inch of her body. Her ticklish spots, her sensitive spots, and what went through her mind at that moment was he knew her pressure points. 

He knew where to push just right to knock her out. He had never done it but she didn't want to give him a reason. She reluctantly agreed but not before making a face and sticking her tongue out at him. Natsu made what sounded like a laugh inside but unable to control it ,he busted out laughing. He went down to the floor ,his face turning red as he clutched his stomach. "I..cccant...breath" he uttered out between laughs. After another minute after finally being able to control himself ,he went "wooooooo, been a while since I've laughed like that" as he slowly rose up from the floor. " alright?" " ha, I'm fine Luce" he said calmly. " Lay down and get some rest" "Natsu." "I promise I'm not going anywhere, just going to make you some soup. I'll be back" he smiled assuring her as she laid down and closed her eyes. 

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